Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations
| 25 July 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    ebiros2 I'm sorry to see this series go away, but I'm eternally grateful to Anthony Bourdain, and the Travel Channel for creating this series. This is one of the (if not the) best cultural food program ever created. It's fun and educational at the same time, and certainly as good of a guide for travel destination as any.Anthony Bourdain brings humor to the story at the expense of his own pride, but is a gracious host to others who appear on his show. He's a good role model on how to be a good host, and a guest at the same time.The program also showed that there are some food that're worth traveling to eat. If I'm traveling to those countries, I'd definitely would make plans to experience the gastronomic delight featured on some of the episodes.There aren't any bad episodes in this series, but some episodes had more significant impact from a personal point of view. Needless to say that this series is highly recommended for would be travelers to the featured destinations, but is also highly recommended just for its pure entertainment values.
    PartialMovieViewer A very enjoyable host (even though half of the show is spent throwing Americans under the international bus) and his program is always worth a look (regardless whether he paints himself as the only GOOD American or not). The charm of 'No Reservations' leans heavily on Anthony's hubris - his haughtiness makes for fantastic entertainment. We get it, Americans don't know squat! I will say that this is definitely not a show I would use as a reference while traveling overseas. Could you imagine going into one of these places he visited and saying something like, 'I saw this on Tony's Show.' The reply may end up being something like, 'There is only ONE good American and you are not him – you ignorant pond-scum – I spit on you.' This is a show targeting an audience who wishes NOT to travel overseas. OK OK - Maybe I am going bit over-board and probably acting too mean (I guess 'No Reservations' is rubbing off a little). As an international traveler myself and one who has lived overseas, 'The Ugly American' is something witnessed very often and reflects disgustingly on the rest of us (yes Tony – there are actually other Americans who travel and are not making fools of ourselves). Oh and here is a bit of a cautionary note, 'The Ugly _______ (fill in the blank)' – shockingly - has worldwide applications AND is not limited to fellow Americans. Anyways - all-in-all the show is enjoyable and Mr. Bourdains' edgy presentation makes it very watchable. I know that I would miss this show very much if they ever pulled the plug on it and would miss Anthony's flippant demeanor even more. On a weekly basis I do tend to cringe at some of his thankless views of Americans but maybe that is part of his attraction. He is more than welcome in my home via TV – although - I do not think I could handle a face-to-face meeting.
    Der_Schnibbler This guy is a real piece of work. An angry, immature boy in a grown man's body, packing all the charisma of a rock, he goes around to places most people would only wish to visit and does his best to be as miserable as possible.Give this job to someone else who actually appreciates it.I could go down an endless list of all the stupid things this guy does in his "episodes," though I'll just highlight the worst: Crete. While the locals are putting up seaside picnics in his "honour," this clown has the gall to act like a petulant, spoiled child. He complains about everything, including the fashion sense of the people who live there. What an imbecile.When he went to Sweden, he spent at least five minutes feigning incredulity at a bunch of chefs (who probably had better things to do than talk with some dimwit American, like work) because they didn't think Abba was horrible. Everywhere he went, he brought up Abba. This is the kind of talk you'd hear from 13-year-olds who watch too much MTV.When he was in New Orleans, he got upset that a certain restaurant had better-tasting fries than his, so he "accidentally" spilled some wine on them in order to ruin them. What a strange, emotionally unstable person.The worst of it all are his clumsy voice-overs, where he attempts in vain to add some kind of perspective on a situation he was too thick and ignorant to appreciate. He tries to use all these "big" words in order to sound like an author, but he's really just a pretentious hack whose lack of awareness has convinced him he has something to say. That, by the way, is probably the one good thing about this joker's TV show. It goes to show you, no matter how inept you are, as long as you take yourself seriously enough, the world will as well.Then there's the way he speaks with local guides whose English is obviously only rudimentary. He'll use vocabulary any writer--as he believes himself to be--would instinctively know will most likely not be understood by these people. Does he care? No. Self-important schmucks like this Bourdain clown do not use language to communicate; they use it to make themselves look important.Mcg13jthm's review on this same page is a perfect example of the kind of mind Bourdain attracts--that of a low IQ social misfit. Observe how the reviewer attempts to justify Bourdain's sociopath nature with simple-minded, childish excuses that hardly make sense. "Bourdain may complain but he goes through 'a lot' and, not only that, he was 'forced' to do this show but is trying to redeem himself." A dolt attracts dolts, and reading Mcg13jthm's review should let you know perfectly well whether or not you are the kind of person who'd enjoy this utterly useless, pointless show.Finally, to add a bit of "fairness" to my diatribe, I admit Bourdain would have been momentarily amusing had I met him in a bar. But as a TV host of a travel show whose purpose is to show the viewer the beauty of other places and cultures, Bourdain is a miserable, abject, hopeless, grim and depressing failure.A failure.
    hevilift Don't get me wrong- I love this series. I loved cooks tour too. The raw talent of Bourdain, the way he reacts, his absolute mantra to be a traveler not a tourist is not just some press B.S.. If you never read another book in your life, read Kitchen confidential-there is no way you'll be disappointed. The language is tough-but- better yet buy the book and get it on CD as well-Bourdain on CD is almost as good as watching "no Reservations" only with out the censors. He does have a potty mouth- but then so does the entire restaurant business.I have the first season of No Reservations on DVD and as usual, Bourdain does not let you down.. Can't wait for the season 2 DVD's to get done.. Enjoy!