And Never Let Her Go
And Never Let Her Go
| 01 April 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    joe5472 Too bad a couple of comments before me don't know the facts of this case. It is based on actual events, a highly publicized disappearance and murder case taking place in the Wilmington, DE/Philadelphia PA region from '96 through 2000. I have to admit I was highly skeptical of how Hollywood would dramatize the actual history and events and was actually quite impressed on how close they stayed to what was constantly reported on local newscasts and Philadelphia Inquirer news stories throughout the time period. Of course I immediately pointed out that the actress (who I really like in Cold Case) who played Fahey looked nothing like her (Anne Marie was actually prettier). I have to admit though that Mark Harmon really nailed the type of personality that was revealed as Capano's and the behavior that Capano exhibited throughout this period. Details of the case were right deviations of dramatic effect...even down to the carpet, gun, furniture, and cooler. In conclusion, I also wanted to add that I have met Tom Carper many times at various functions (a good man, despite being a politician) and I am so glad that he pulled the strings in the Federal realm necessary to solve this heinous crime. Guys like Capano are real and it was great to see him finally put behind bars.
    MarieGabrielle he is the quintessential narcissist and manipulator; in this case, portraying attorney (and murderer) Tom Capano.Kathryn Morris is sympathetic as victim, Anne Marie Fahey, but in the beginning is a bit too much the victim. We are sorry for the situation, but become simultaneously disgusted after seeing his victimization of several other women (including Rachel Ward) as well.The sad part is where she is actually getting help with her self-esteem issues, and Capano actually had her psychologist killed. Pretty hard to believe, but this was based on a true story.There is a cameo with Olympia Dukakis (excellent) as Capano's mother. All in all, an interesting story because it is based on a true murder, and you will want to read Ann Rule's book to get the accurate details. 8/10.
    arlenedayj I saw the movie "And Never Let Her Go" ..I think that the comments about had she avoided an affair with a married man she would not have been murdered. Yeah real garbage comment. The movie just showed the very worst of something that should not have happened. It is not the victim's fault because her boss was psychotic and could not take rejection. Let's also not forget that oh yes He Was Guilty and His Own Brother Turned Him in!The only reason the feds investigated her boss was because she was a federal employee. May her family find peace now that they have convicted her murderer and sentenced him to death. This is the farthest thing from male bashing and I suggest that the commentator needs to understand that this is not about his personal views. That this was a horrible thing that happened and to trivialize the movie about it as male bashing, is absurd and ignorant!
    blueiris2u I thought this movie did a good job of telling a very sad story that was told in Ann Rule's book of the same title. The movie as well as the book, and more importantly Anne Marie Fahey's life, conveys the ever important lesson, of self acceptance and love. I was very sad when the story of Annn Marie Fahey first became public. There was something so very sad and beautiful about her. It was disturbing that all her secrets were made public in the book and movie, something I think none of us would want for ourselves. I think that it is so important then, that those of us who look at this story, take away a gratitute to the life that was lost, and learn the lesson, to let no one make us feel we deserve to be manipulated and berated as Tom Capano did to Ann Marie Fahey.We simply can not just watch this as "entertainment" but rather as a labor of love from all who knew and loved Anne Marie. For any of us to make any kind of judgements such as "bux" did, is indeed an indication that we miss the true point of why this movie was made.