TV-14 | 02 September 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    Cortechba Overrated
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
    david-john-36517 I miss this show so much!! I loved Gossip Girl too but this was just the best!! I think they should reboot the show and have the cast back when they are older!! There ain't been another show on tv since this!!
    jessicarsnl Everything that happens in this show makes me angry. It is completely unrealistic the way characters decide they are "falling in love" or "Love" one another within the same week of discovering that person. Also, people get married so suddenly. I don't care if raj is dying, no one needs to get married. Another unrealistic part of this show is how annie and dixons parents seemed to fall off the face of the Earth. Not once was their dad mentioned after he got in a divorce with the mom. Ivy also fell off the face of the earth. They can't just get rid of characters the way they do.
    sarahbbbyyy The thing about teen dramas is they are all terribly written. Shows like this usually have few fascinating characters with mostly boring characters who serve no purpose. Continuity is not a priority. Little details are not explained and there are always boring subplots have nothing to do with the bigger picture. The majority of the romances are boring with the exception of one epic one. 90210 is no different.However, I can talk about how to make this a better show period but it still needs an improvement to be on the level of other teen drama shows in it's caliber. Lots of young people have never heard of the original version of this show and yet this remake was less successful than most during it's time, such as Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars. There are a few things that this show is missing that those shows have. The premise of this show is unoriginal. It is set in Beverly Hills, a location that is used in almost every movie and TV show ever made. Every show seems to stand out from another when it comes to it's cinematography but this show does not. What I mean by that is every show has a unique yet predictable(in the show's context) way it is filmed, whether that would be camera angles, the use of a soundtrack or musical score, etc. If you take the characters out of the screen and just go by film techniques, you would not know what show you were watching. The other teen drama shows stick out because they have a unique filming style and theme throughout the show. We basically know what we are getting (most) of the time. Again, teen dramas are scattered and not always well written but they still stay consistent in their delivery. This show seems to film their characters in a very basic way with an okay but uninspired soundtrack. This show does not really bring anything new to the table or attract kids of this generation that are all about the superficial. The growing adolescent population with it's ongoing progressive technology that seems to impact it, drives shows like Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars, which 90210 has not picked up much on. These shows played with teenager's obsession with technology to keep them interested and to make the show relate to modern adolescence. The writers of 90210 seem to forget that this is not the early 2000s. It is such a simple, straightforward high school premise that it does not really stand out. These other shows are popular because of their unique premise that are presented: a female narrator and a gossip column that follows a bunch of young, rich elitists in NYC and a stalker of four females who have lost their Queen B by murder. Teen Wolf and Vampire Diaries highlight young girls of this generation's favorite themes, sexy vampires and werewolf's. All of these shows are also set in different locations that are not familiar to the California area, which again has been overused in the entire eternity of the film industry. Let's not forget the basics of what makes any show great, the relationships between the characters. No show has as much of a shambled group of friends(if you can call them that) than 90210. Everyone is always switching best friends all the time and most of the male and female characters rarely interact with one another, yet they are all in the same group and sometimes hang out in public together. This show is very inconsistent when it comes to their friendships, especially with the females. The male friendships are more consistent but a tad bit confusing. Navid and Dixon are best friends, Dixon is also best friends with Liam but the other guys just sometimes treat each other like they all have the same friendship. However, you can associate that with them just being guys. One of the biggest problems with this show that is the most obvious is the production values. Now, first this show was starring the Wilson family where Annie is the main girl and her brother Dixon is supposed to be the lead male. Suddenly, the next season comes on and they are pushed to the background and all of the other characters steal the spotlight. The first season has a balance of the adults and the young kids, yet completely switches around to 98% the kids and 2% of only ONE parental group. The other parents just disappear because the writers suddenly decide they have no purpose. There is also barely any background information on the character's family dynamics. The fans basically never figure out who Adrianna's father is or if she even has one, even though she is one of the main characters. No show hides the backstories of the teenage characters that much. Naomi does not have her parents around, has such a large trust fund that she was able to buy two mansions in two years for herself, and just lives freely without any adult supervision. Yeah, okay. We can not believe any young girl has that big of a trust fund or is just allowed to do whatever she wants as a minor who is not even emancipated.The show was also very dated and cheesy in it's first season. It was a snooze-fest while it finally had interesting story lines by the last few episodes. Then, a new show runner remodeled it in Season 2 and it became a completely different show, for the better. The dialogue still cheesy, yet less noticeable; the fashion was high end, the production was glossy, and the California setting became elevated like it was not in Season 1(It was barely noticeable that it was set in California in Season 1), with lots of scenes outside and on the beach.In conclusion, it is an okay show by teen drama standards and entertaining if you are bored.
    cora j Okay so there's a lot of mixed reviews on this show, criticising it for it's premise and mainly season 1 which tried too much to be the success that the original was.However, in the past seasons it has became a show in it's own right. It has a range of different characters, a few are annoying but others quite inspirational through their story lines. Yes this is a 'teen' drama but it has focused on story lines shocking story lines such as disability, mental illness and rape. The rape storyline was handled really well and realistically. Some of the other plots however are bit foreseeable such as people constantly ending up in car crashes. But that overall doesn't take away too much from an enjoyable watching experience.If you take away the extreme wealth and limitless opportunities, it is a very good show and I'm hoping it carries on to season 6.
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