90 Day Fiancé
90 Day Fiancé
TV-14 | 12 January 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
    Freaktana A Major Disappointment
    TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
    ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
    fabphil-40978 I wonder what's wrong with people that travel far or buy women from other countries, are they that bad that they can't find a women or man from where they're from, would make life so much easier and for someone to leave their country, their home and their loved ones, REALLY... why would you do that, are things really that bad where you are from?
    Irishchatter Seriously, can't these people just keep their businesses to themselves?! All there is they complain about family members don't agree on their personal choices especially getting married to someone from a different country or money. Yeah everyone has problems but obviously, you don't have to show it in order to expect good publicly. It doesn't work that way.. I wouldn't show my personal life on television, its totally wrong unless if its happy but not depressing.....It just seem so stupid that TLC once again, makes crappy shows like this! The best thing they should do like Honey Boo Boo and 19 kids & Counting, cancel the goddamn show!
    mrscdurham-931-510333 I hate that most of the personal reviews I've read thus far have been mostly nit-picky and negative. Who is anyone to judge who we fall in love with whether an American citizen or not. There are sooo many other aspects to consider way beyond someone's citizenship status and if these couples met, got to know each other and fell in love then kudos to them. No different than any other relationship really. 90 Day Fiancé is just a show that points out the geographical and cultural differences tied to some time constraints with these four particular couples. Can't we just all agree to not judge their love? We all will either fall deeper in love or fall out of love - no matter the pairing. Time will tell. These lovely people have to figure this out for themselves and I personally admire the fact they're willing to try and have a lot of hope. This show is sweet and the couples seem sincere and very hopeful therefore, I remain hopeful for their success.
    Gary Mcconnell This is so dumb why would a guy want to marry a girl like this there is one girl in this show that is driving me crazy the one from Philippines it seems all she cares about is money send her back home please, the other girl from Colombia no way ship her back no way would I ever trust her a waist of time, now for the other two the one that wants to be a model ship her back she is only here to get green card and for the last one she could be a keeper if her parents make it does not matter if they come or not she is the one 100% true in this show.over all I would never ever get married like this again they use you and leave you after the green card is in there hands