| 24 February 2015 (USA)
Zombieworld Trailers

There is nowhere to hide...nowhere to run...the Zombie Apocalypse has come, and our world now belongs to the dead! From Ireland, Canada, Australia, Europe and all over the U.S., the bone-chilling news reports tell the same gruesome tale - walking corpses terrorize and devour the living. Only a few desperate humans find the courage to stand and fight for their last chance at survival. But the hordes of undead keep coming, and there's only one thing on the menu - us.

Alicia I love this movie so much
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
omendata Seriously you have to see this film, especially the "Fist of Jesus" , there are some effects that I haven't even seen in any modern zombie films like the half head with the eyes moving and the hilarious use of fish to kill zombies with the piranha getting the biggest laugh!It is quite sacrilegious and I can see how some Christians would most definitely be offended by it but just take it in fun and you will enjoy it! Would have been nice if they could have added a mohammed sketch but I guess that will never happen.The segment set on the beach has to be seen to be believed - once again there are some gut wrenching effects that are simply hilarious like the football head and most of the effects are quite simply amazing for such a low budget - i would say that some of them even beat z-nation and many other high end zombie films - simply superb!Contrary to some reviews I found the inter-segment "how to survive a zombie apocalypse" skits quite amusing - I think the stabbing a zombie in the back of the head with a bicycle seat raised the biggest laugh - very unorthodox but effective! lol I have actually learned some very effective zombie survival secrets now for when the impending zombie apocalypse does happen so the movie is practical as well as funny! >;o)Most of the movie is stitched together shorts - some good, some bad. Yeah its low budget, yeah its full of mistakes but yeah it is actually quite funny if you aren't an anal film reviewer with no sense of humour. Just open a beer , lie back and laugh (or not).
Foreverisacastironmess "Zombieworld", by um, many directors, is a movie that mixes the anthology format with zombie blood and guts, and for me it turned out to be a winning combination, or at least a lot better than I was expecting from the cheapie box art. I don't think it's quite as bad as people are saying at all, the only thing that's really annoyingly wrong with it is the small budget, which is most obvious when it comes to the wraparound. This for me at least was a very pleasant surprise, it was the most fun I've had with a tacky independent horror effort like this in ages. While again it was the wraparound news segment that brought it down the most for me, most of the stories were of a surprisingly decent quality. It wasn't so much that it was a good anthology, but it was a good *zombie* anthology! And that seemed to me like a novel and original take on my favourite sub-genre, one that had never even crossed my mind before, and it's kind of a no-brainer I guess! I hope they someday also do ones on werewolves and Frankensteins and so on. Of course it's uneven, all anthologies are, I mainly liked it because it had two of my favourite action comedy horror shorts that I'd seen around before "Fist of Jesus" and "Brutal Relax", two completely insane little splatterfests of positively cartoon carnage which are practically the exact same thing, just with different scenarios. There were also a couple that were new to me that I found very good, I enjoyed "Home" it was a little more dramatic than the other tales, with the farmer woman alone trying to get through to her infected husband and in the end deciding to become like him by giving him a kiss... It was a little macabre and grim and I liked it. I also dug "Certified", it was cleverly put together and surprising - hint hint: It's all about a wicked little liar! And "Dead Stop" was okay, I found it eerie and interesting in its blandness. And the rest of it was fine I suppose, a little sloppy but overall there was enough good material in it to make it fun and well worth the time and effort that was made putting it all together. I don't especially find zombies all that fun anymore, I thought for a while that what really killed the zombie was over-saturation by a 1001 bargain bin undead movies like, well..this! But I did like this one a lot, it was a ray of 'sunshine' in a barren landscape. I also enjoyed to other zombie-type flicks around the same time, "13 Eerie" and "Savaged", so it wasn't a fluke.. The ending was cute and just what you might've been expecting with the sweaty anchor man becoming more and more zombie between each segment before finally going feral and devouring the camera man and gathering his wits enough to bid adieu to the audience! So I'm afraid it stands at a solid 8-out-of-10 happy shambling corpses fresh out of their coffins for me - a winner! Two thumbs up and a whole foot!
in1984 5.1 of 10. What amounts to a collection of zombie short stories pulled together into something like a zombie theme park of a film where you go from one zombie ride to the next.Most of the stories, other than the very beginning, involve over-the-top mocking of either zombie or general horror films/games and a lot of other normally untouched zombie territory. The emergency newscaster broadcasting the "apocalypse" reports blames it on Jesus, and we get to see the first Jesus-based zombie story I'm aware of outside of obscure comics.No one is safe from mocking in this, which makes this irritating at times for people who enjoy zombie stories. Fortunately, there's enough of the core zombie ethic and no shortage of skull crushing and sneaky zombie groups to help it avoid being a zombie-hater film. What's missing out of all this, although brain eating is mentioned, is actual brain eating. None of the shorts deal with how a zombie gets to the brain outside of some super zombies that can crack the skull open and pull it out. They still don't eat it and all the other zombies are content with, literally, blood and guts, with an occasional exception that prefers an arm or a leg.
arfdawg-1 The PlotThere is nowhere to hide...nowhere to run...the Zombie Apocalypse has come, and our world now belongs to the dead! From Ireland, Canada, Australia, Europe and all over the U.S., the bone-chilling news reports tell the same gruesome tale - walking corpses terrorize and devour the living. Only a few desperate humans find the courage to stand and fight for their last chance at survival. But the hordes of undead keep coming, and there's only one thing on the menu - us.Starts off very promising. In fact the beginning appears to be a film with substantial budget. There's plenty of action and really good special effects.It's a weird movie. Sort like Monty Python on speed. It's sort of allover the place like a sketch comedy. Some of the CGI special effects are good and the pace is fast.The Spanish Jesus is very strange. More blood than you've ever seen.These sorts of films wear thin after a while and running at over 100 minutes is really too long. Watch it if you have the time. But don't expect much.