NR | 12 July 2003 (USA)
Zombiegeddon Trailers

These zombies are a human-like race created by Satan. When the "zombie-looking freaks" begin taking over the world, dirty cops Jeff and Cage find themselves in the unenviable position of having to stop them before it's too late. Jeff soon learns that he alone has the power to defeat them if he's up to the task. As the body count piles up and internal affairs officers investigate Jeff and Cage for their prior wrongdoings, time is running out..

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
ultra_tippergore Zombiegeddon starts with German director Uwe Boll telling the audience that this movie is "crap" "unwatchable" and its "not worth a dollar". Funny introduction for a movie? No, just the truth. Zombiegeddon is pure chloroform. If you suffer from insomnia this will put you to sleep in minutes. All those b-movie "stars" cameos are just pathetic and the blood and gore here is bottom of the barrel. I love gore movies, zombie movies and no budget movies. I even love bad gore fx, but funny bad effects. There is a scene were a priest talks for straight ten minutes, thats a good method to sleep the audience. Not worth, Zombiegeddon is unwatchable. Watch Redneck Zombies if you want a no budget zombie movie distributed by Troma, not this one.
ConservativeCat IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO READ SPOILERS, DO NOT READ ON. THANK YOU.I'll be honest with you. I went into the video store looking for something mildly bad, but funny enough to keep myself entertained. The DVD starts off hilariously, with a rapidly-moving movie about zombie chickens, making me laugh in hilarity. This went on for so long, I was happily munching on my hot pocket... until it said it was a preview. This was followed by another long one, which, thanks to the genius programmers, I couldn't skip passed, so I had to FastForward. Then I finally got to the menu, which surprised me, to be frank. For the price I got it at, I wasn't expecting that much. The movie started with Lloyd Kaufman, an eccentric Jewish man who is the father of a few cult films, which made me excited. Generally, anything with Troma on it will elicit a "what?" response, which is what keeps me going. After Kaufman speaks with a few cute girls at some horror expo, the movie begins. Well, not quite. After play, some guys talk about how big a, I quote exactly, a "POS" this movie was. This goes on for awhile until I skip ahead.First thing I can't help but notice is that the camera and lighting work is about as good as your typical soap opera, and sometimes won't even sit still.The movie starts off jarringly, but no one cares. Two cops kill a guy, and put in some framing guns, though later they just shoot people for fun. Not even five minutes in, a woman disrobes, meaning someone is about to die. Naked chicks are always a signal something big is about to go down. They're in the gym of a community college, and one of them, I'll say, isn't particularly bad to look at. any arousal is quickly doused by the biker-chick esquire woman who supposedly gets hit on a lot. All of this is just filler, until the cuter woman goes in the shower, disappears when a hand grabs her, and some juice is tossed at the shower wall. I should mention, the sound is appalling in this scene. It's not award winning in any others, but the gym is inexcusable. Kaufman also plays an overacting janitor, supposedly has the biggest case of homophobia on earth because he thinks, I'm not kidding, that a man being eaten by another man is totally normal, homosexual behavior.These zombies are not really zombies at all. They can choose to reveal themselves, they are sentient, intelligent, and well skilled in combat. Hell, they're demons, I have no idea where they got zombies from. We learn this when a guy who hates late fees kills the clerk by cheaply ripping his heart out, and eating it when charged.We return to the cops, who may as well be named Good Cop and Bad Cop, since it doesn't matter. I actually had to take notes throughout this whole thing, and to run through them all would fill up the amount of characters I have available. so, I'll lay out a few of the more glaring memories: There's a pointless scene where the bad cop humps to orgasm a car driven by a group of four college kids after belittling them. There's also a lengthy conversation about testicles and the eating of said organs. There's also a running comment that no one should be in the college "at these hours," often through a truly pointless subplot about some jerk-turned-good guy who saves a girl he likes, who works inventory at a book store. despite the implication that it is pretty late at night, it's always broad daylight outside. Most of the killing early on is done by the Bad cop, who is in fact a good guy. The zombies are also major wusses, who can be defeated by a few punches. There's a half decent fight scene between Sensei Zombie (a kung fu master undead) and the good cop after they rescue three useless girls. After this, they go into a safe house occupied by God. Despite being a safe house, every one inside it eventually dies. There's a few other things, I could mention, but I'd like to skip to the ultimate fight of good v. evil: Good cop is supposedly a warrior of God, because of his blood line. He fights the head zombie, which consists of him getting his punch caught, and then ripping the head zombie's heart out. Think they could've made this scene, the climax, a bit more interesting? I don't know. The movie ends with the guy getting gunned down, and zombies swarming the world.Wow. This is one of the first movies they ever made me stare at the screen speechless, before bursting out into laughter. "What the hell is this?"What is this? This is a major piece of crap. If you're a fan of that, well, perhaps you should look into it. But, the main stream movie-goer will probably want to commit suicide after watching this, so by all means avoid.Main stream: 1/10 Masochistic Movie-Geek: 10/10
Bubba Zombieboy I have to say when a name like Zombiegeddon and an atom bomb on the front cover I was expecting a flat out chop-socky fung-ku, but what I got instead was a comedy. So, it wasn't quite was I was expecting, but I really liked it anyway! The best scene ever was the main cop dude pulling those kids over and pulling a Bad Lieutenant on them!! I was laughing my ass off. I mean, the cops were just so bad! And when I say bad, I mean The Shield Vic Macky bad. But unlike that show I was laughing when they shot people and smoked dope.Felissa Rose...man, oh man. What can you say about that hottie. She was great and put those other actresses to shame. She should work more often!!!!! I also really liked the fight scene outside of the building. That was done really well. Lots of fighting and people getting their heads banged up. FUN! Last, but not least Joe Estevez and William Smith were great as the...well, I wasn't sure what they were, but they seemed to be having fun and throwing out lines. I mean, some of it didn't make sense with the rest of the flick, but who cares when you're laughing so hard! All in all the film wasn't the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I wasn't expecting that. It was a Troma flick so I figured it would totally suck. It's nice when something surprises you but not totally sucking.Rent it if you want to get stoned on a Friday night and laugh with your buddies. Don't rent it if you are an uptight weenie or want a zombie movie with lots of flesh eating.P.S. Uwe Boil was a nice touch.
hatlooksp Okay, I feel I must praise those who have given this film the bad rap it deserves! For starters, I remember getting invited to a special screening for, lets say, six bucks or so. I was expecting to see a wretched pile of bull, but I got something worse than that! I was so sure that having a few union actors such as Savini would give a little depth, or something enjoyable. NOPE! This film was the most pathetic concoction ever put onto film. Loust script, horrid acting, lame effects, and a whole lot of unreal violence that was just stupid to begin with. John Waters' "Pink Flamingos" looks like an early Spielberg classic in comparison, and thats a bad thing. I never had a problem with the Waters exercise in 'poor taste', because there was a message about it, this film, was just stupid. I cannot be more specific than that. Just stupid.Now, it began out with an extremely unbelievable sex scene with Tom Savini and Brinke Stevens. Stevens then retreats to her radio office to conduct a question and answering about zombies. We then see the worst acting of a man and his son hunting zombies, and a tiger is involved...er something. Anyway, a community is under attack with a bunch of idiots running around getting killed one by one. The lead cops are sick and sleazy, and achieve sexual kicks by forcing young males to make love. It is just stupid I tell you! They don't give a crap about civilians. I can understand a filmmakers need to be self-expressive, but there are limits to which art become ridiculous and repetitive. The rest of the story has a lot of bad acting, cheap vomit effects, dreadful dialog, and the STUPIDEST climax to be seen by anyone, be it whoever. My finale plea, is that the filmmakers of this movie need to be banned from writing, directing, or any other type of process in the industry. I thought I was going to see some film that would at least be on its way to a real film-festival...alas, this film was NOTHING! My advice would be to make sure NO ONE ever see's this film again. Then the world would be a better place.I just have to ask...why do these films get made? They're just so dumb, and offer nothing. If someone actually likes them, then they need help!