| 27 June 2008 (USA)
Zift Trailers

Moth is freed on parole after spending time in prison on wrongful conviction of murder. Jailed shortly before the Bulgarian communist coup of 1944, he now finds himself in a new and alien world - the totalitarian Sofia of the 60s. His first night of freedom draws the map of a diabolical city full of decaying neighborhoods, gloomy streets and a bizarre parade of characters.

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
fenoveifenki " Zift" is not a film just a horrible cliché . This a deadly born and terrible cliché. What if they have emptied the genre of no ire to pour the cliché's of communism? So miserably and disgusting and in the same time simple and dumb dedicated for idiots. It questions both sentiments and the feeling of endurance to this horrible mixture one can only zap if it was on TV. If it could surprise anyone it would be for it's appalling lack of measurement. The authors use the socialist era as a background of their demonstration of bad taste and gay games based on excrement's and bathroom images. To quote a wonderful Bulgarian film critic Kulezich in a famous newspaper "the authors have grabbed the WC plate in order to serve us disgusting a fraud deprived of everything but their extreme and infinity ambitions. The clichés cover all fields and it is simply a useless feature I can only advise and comment stay away otherwise you'll get stinky and covered with dirt almost fiscally.
video1212 As a SWF I was literally taken into watching this movie by a friend and I truly regret every minute of it. Later, browsing through Bulgarian blogs I stumbled upon something I think I should translate to every non-Bulgarian native viewer to see. Since I hate plagiarism, I'll post it:HOW TO STEAL ZIFTFirst: We steal the plot from the movie "Crank" with Jason Statham (2006)!Second: We steal style from the soundtrack of Kill BillThird: We steal a dozen of a military jokes !Fourth: We steal Felini's characters!Fifth: We steal Kusturitsa's background!Sixth: We steal the Phillip Marlowe's monologues, created decades earlier from the great writer Raymond Chandler!Seventh: We steal episodes from about at least 10-12 worldwide known movies, I don't have spare time enough to count the details!..... we mix all the things on black and white and voilà! We get worldwide applause and we amaze the already berserk Hollywood:((( At least this is the info taken from our "objective" press (excuse me)!What the heck are we left with? We can "steal" the same movie at some torrent site and to at least know that we're not in for it financially from all this SH*T! We steal, we watch, we swear and we delete the movie afterward. At least if we have the opinion of our own.The movie "Zift" is super pitiful... at my personal estimation! I don't give a sh*t about the competent jury, about mass advertisement and box office records in Bulgaria's standards! The mere tries for the movie to look like Metallica's video clip doesn't save the production at all. It is just that every minute of this movie you're guessing what exactly movie you were watching the same thing in and you try to guess the title :((( We have good level of actor's play, that's only positive thing, WITH THE EXCEPTION of Tanya Ilieva, who pushes lines with the power of expression of the green euglene in the non-fertile age. At least her tits are nice :))) Aaaa! And this "Nosferatu" from the Bulgarian Big Brother 4... Tzvetan! He shows as a mockery with mustache, obviously made out of plastic tape.What we have at the end of the long run: that the "Modern Bulgarian Cinema" is not Modern, is not Bulgarian and is not cinema at all :((( Not to mention that chewing asphalt in the years when chewing gum Ideal was becoming cult, is true perversion!I don't like this movie!
tsanev Black and white picture and trash talking do NOT make an Neo-Noir movie… We can guess the director's ideas or the story morals. We can guess, but what's delivered as an final product is unsuccessful attempt for modern cinematography. The story is full of flows – from the neat looking fascist time prison with snow white sweat shirts on all of the prisoners, trough kidnapping of the main character with an Russian limousine (impossible situation) garnished with bath full of women (let it be flesh…). A young girl that does not age with 20 years, a jeweler that likes to keep a black diamond… well you know where, while he exercise…. And please, radioactive poison detected in no time by lab in the beginning of the 60's….. I know, those inconsistent facts are only the side dish of the BIG idea, the big wisdom that we must get and embrace. I did not get neither the idea, neither the wisdom. All I got is foul language, trash picture and one more convincing example that the new Bulgarian Cinema is in the same "zift" as the movie title
dangershark7 It was a damn month where everybody in Bulgaria were saying "hey, did you watch Zift?! It's an awesome movie and it's great and it's the best BG movie ever!". Well, at last I decided to go and see it, although I had my hope in the BG cinematography long lost. I entered the ugly theater and took my good place in the middle. And damn it, the trailer says it all - "Pineapple peels and sh*ts". That's the best thing in this movie. A banal screenplay, incredibly bad acting, phrases that make you wanna kick someone's head and again this damn post-communist element. You know, all the Bulgarian movies have it.So better go and watch some stupid low-budget Hollywood movie instead of this crap. At least you could see some better acting and more than 2 colors. Yeah, black & white is banal, especially when it's used without a specific reason. It might be a really nice effect (see "Pi") and it might annoy you so much that you just decide to leave the damn theater half an hour before the predictable end.Again, about the acting. Yes, it's bad. Yes, most of the actors had never played before. And yes, I can see that clearly.And hell yes, I paid $2 for that crap but I wouldn't even give 2 stotinki (around 1 cent) to watch this wannabe-a-good-Bulgarian-movie. Although some Bulgarian pseudo-patriots (this means almost all Bulgarians) might like it.In the end, the good thing. Congratulations to the director - very good and professional job! Unfortunately the good directing is not equal to a good movie.