Zapata: The dream of a hero
Zapata: The dream of a hero
| 20 March 2004 (USA)
Zapata: The dream of a hero Trailers

This fictionalized portrayal of Emiliano Zapata as an Indigenous Mexican shaman, directed by Alfonso Arau, was reportedly the most expensive Mexican movie ever produced, with a massive ad campaign, and the largest ever opening in the nation's history. Unusual in the Mexican film industry, Zapata was financed independently.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
juguetemalo Were to start? first of all you cant justify Arau's attempt to make a movie saying that it was about a myth and a legend, since wen the words "myth and legend" means "STUPID and RIDICULOUS"? The worst part about this is that its the first (and only movie) that makes me feel so bad, so ashamed, so... bored, disgraceful, and offended, that i walked out the theater before it makes a permanent damage on my brain.(contains spoilers)To the point i resisted seeing this "film" there was a lot of stupid historical mistakes on it, the biggest of them i can remember is the scene were the "hero", Zapata, gets hes feet burned like the emperor Moctezuma, a thing that never happened in real history.Another thing that was annoying was the old "shaman" woman, that appeared in front of Zapata from time to time, wit an special effect worthy of an old kids show called "odisea burbujas" it just made me feel like... I CANT FIND WORDS FOR IT!!!Bad acting, bad script, shameful directing, and a really sad example of what an idiot can do if they give him money to waste.
alexcor-1 The movie is about the myth of Zapata, not a biography or a history tale. The myth was created after his death and seems to be growing in the passing of the years. I will cited only two movement that idealize him. Cesar Chavez choose it as one of his heroes and the EZLN movement also, despite they fought isn't in the original zapatista territory. But the beauty of this allegory created by Arrau isn't of easy understanding of the great public. The film made of Zapata a predesignated with a mision in his life, a mision that obliged him to fight against injustice. His objective is against the power man (always represented by Huerta, Gonzalez and Gallardo representing a not his real life papers), his objective is to give some to the people that doesn't have any, people identified plenty with the mother land. So he rise as symbol of agrarian fights in all epoques and he is considered as descendant of a aztec divinity, Quetzalcoatl and also from the aztec emperors, Cuauhtemoc in special. Visually, the film is a beauty, the instrumental music splendid and the scenography always in the ruins of a Hacienda (Coahuixtla) fantastic. A truly masterpiece.
locopiper As other users commented, I knew it was bad before watching it but I entered hoping to find something all right and with the idea of supporting Mexica Cinema, but oh surprise, I was dissapointed because of the terrible story, the director, the characters, Too bad ´cause Arau has done some OK work, but this was terribly out of the line.What the hell with the images of the magic indians?, the old lady who is her guide?, I know the director wanted to use "magic realism", used by novelists like Garcia Marquez, but it is not appropiate for this movie. Besides that, half of the movie is based on invention and away from real history, too bad because the real story of Zapata has great things to write about and to make a great film.The character Victoriano Huerta (Jesus Ochoa), is kind of the only worth watching, he´s always been a great actor.The script is terrible, the acting is bad, the images ..well, really you better read a biography of this great revolutionary and get some good history instead of paying $40 pesos to get nothing.
martedoc This film is the worst movie I have ever seen, It doesn't follow the real story about Zapata, I don't know what the hell the director smoked or ate, he tried to show us a Magic Hero, or something like that, with derisive "special" effects and with a very bad development in the events.The director have done good movies like "Como agua para chocolate" and "Un paseo por las nubes", but this film is worse than a movie of Britney Spears or Scooby Doo, or the disgusting movies about Singers and Musical Groups from Mexico. It is REALLY a BAD movie.The worst thing, is that the Director Alfonzo Arau will try to show the movie out of Mexico, what a shame!!!.If you hate someone, you could make him feel bad taking him to see this disgusting movie, Even I think that could be very draconian. Really!!!. If Zapata were alive, he surely would kill himself......
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