NR | 13 March 2009 (USA)
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Amidst a heated political climate, the opposition leader is killed in what appears to be a traffic accident. When a magistrate finds evidence of a government cover-up, witnesses start to get targeted. A thinly-fictionalized account of the events surrounding the assassination of Greek politician Grigoris Lambrakis in 1963, Z captures the outrage about the military junta that ruled Greece at the time.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
dougdoepke Leave it to French filmmakers to coddle pinkos. Never mind that the guy most interested in bringing about justice in the movie is a bland bureaucrat. If he has any political leanings, they sure don't affect his mechanical search for truth. Seems a bunch of pinko peaceniks are winning more hearts and minds than the right-wing government can allow. And since these elites stand for everything good, right, and godly—just ask them—they plot the assassination of a chief peacenik (Montand). Fortunately, they've got their street thugs to bust up pinko rallies and carry out their sneaky plot. And since they control the cops, they insist the peacenik's murder is really nothing more than an accident. Trouble is they're still honest doctors and attorneys who haven't yet been replaced. They're the ones who manage to uncover the right- wing shenanigans. So, all in all, the bad guys aren't danged peaceniks or commies. Instead they're right-wing nationalists who'll even seize all of government if they don't get their way. And so much for what's left of the democracy. And, yes, a military coup under such circumstances really did happen in Greece in 1963. So the in's and out's dramatized here are not really just the over-heated figment of some pinko filmmaker.And, oh yes, thank you Mr. Costa-Gravas for your steady-stream spotlight. It's engrossing as heck.
punishmentpark After 'Mad City', which I don't remember being all too great, 'Z' is the second film by Costa-Gravas that I've seen, and it's absolutely worth watching. The viewer is in on the fact that the accident is really an assassination from the get-go, but the investigation by the relentless judge is nonetheless quite riveting, as are scenes that include tense pursuits, personal dramas of those involved and some scenes that have a certain amount of humour in them, such as the military officers that try to leave the courts, each of them fumbling at the same - locked - door.Maybe in the end things are happening all too fast, and maybe the screen time for Montand is too little, but the whole story is told and it is a film about an intricate murder case and the responsible parties, and not necessarily about one political figure - even though his 'name' ís the title of the film.8 out of 10.
Boba_Fett1138 This is a truly exceptional and special movie, in about every way imaginable.The style, the story, the acting, the directing approach by Costa-Gavras and way of storytelling. It's all what makes this movie a great watch and perhaps also atypical for a French production, of its time.The overall style of the movie is what you could describe as a typical '70's style. The same goes for its approach and way of storytelling. The thing that we now consider to be a typical '70's style is a style that already started first out in the late '60's, which this movie is also a part of. It's a political movie, which might sound very boring to some but trust me, this is a far from boring movie. It's far too fast going and captivating for that. The entire movie also feels so extremely realistic, that it made me wonder if it got based on true events, which actually turned out to be the case. It's based on a Greek incident, were a democratic politician got attacked and murdered, by right-wing extremists, after giving an anti-war speech. The same thing happens in this movie and is what the entire movie is centered around.The movie doesn't necessarily have one main character, which was an interesting and unusual choice, that however worked out very well for the movie, as it turned out. Instead of just following one character, it follows a whole bunch of them, each involved with the incident. The one is trying to investigate, the other is trying to cover it up, while another is trying to avoid getting caught and another and simply suffering from the consequences of the incident. It shows the events leading up to the incident and afterward, from many different angles, which gives the movie of course a lot of depth and multiple layers and is also part of the reason why this movie gets such a great and intriguing one to watch.Something that is also really worth mentioning and helps to make the movie, is its musical score by Mikis Theodorakis!An absolute must-see, at the very least for every movie lover!9/10 http://bobafett1138.blogspot.com/
sejanusrules One of my favorite movies ever made . i am no left winger, although I do not agree with what the military junta as depicted in the film, I understand this is a sad reaction to the tragic results of the Greek civil war decades before when the Soviet backed communists committed terrible atrocities. see Eleni 1985 with john Malkovich, in my view the communists are responsible at least in part for the dictatorship or dictatorship like government in Greece at the time.the only problem with the movie I guess is that it is one-sided , but I can forgive this because it's so entertaining! the last time I rented the DVD it was a restored version and it looked great.
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