Young Warriors
Young Warriors
| 28 August 1983 (USA)
Young Warriors Trailers

After a young woman is gang raped and murdered in a California college town, her brother takes up arms by night with a gang of like-minded vigilantes from his fraternity, brutally punishing any miscreants they catch in a criminal act.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Kodie Bird True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
anubisswift The film Starts out like Animal House and is quite enjoyable as a messy if not campy 80s college romp. But as the Film progresses we see that it is a study of Power and what it leads to. The journey is far more important than the destination in this one. The film is quite existential and bleak at times, almost a defeatist noir as we see the main character trying to avenge his sister (whom he had last treated poorly), only to cause far more harm in the process. This is all mixed with trademark over the top explosions, convenient crime encounters, a slow sex scene, bad dialogue, a slew of undeveloped characters that die off and some animated sequences. A Cheesy Ride but worth checking out for the novelty alone. A True genre Bender.
beneteau Young Warriors (1983) While this is a deeply flawed (and in some ways idiotic) movie, the way it continually defies expectations makes it decent viewing for the adventurous sleaze fan.Meet yuppie college student Kevin and his gang of lovable frat boy buddies. In what starts out as a particularly egregious teen sex comedy, we follow this bunch of jerk-offs and their antics, which involve, among other things, making pledges tie bricks to their genitals. The movie abruptly shifts gears when Kevin's high school freshman sister is brutally raped and beaten into a coma by a gang of bikers who apparently have nothing better to do. When she dies in the hospital, Kevin vows revenge, much to the chagrin of his detective father.So far, we've gone from Porky's-lite, through Last House On The Left territory, into what is apparently shaping up to be your typical urban vigilante revenge flick. However, Kevin and his gang's portrayal goes from vaguely sympathetic until they become kill-crazed lunatics. It's to the film's credit that it doesn't glamorize the fascist anti-crime rhetoric that Kevin continually spouts, while still making it understandable that he would feel the way he does.The mood goes from lighthearted to grimy and downbeat very quickly, and by the end it's so over the top and exploitative that it'll leave you incredulous. And that's the strength of this film. You never know what to expect next.At over 100 minutes, it's a little lengthy for this kind of fare, but you won't get bored. Poorly acted for the most part, with cardboard cutouts for characters and some particularly ludicrous situations and rather stupid dialogue, this won't be topping anyone's list of forgotten classics anytime soon. I got a kick out of it though, and I'm sure anyone reading this knows if they're up for it.
dgordon-1 This movie starts off as a college T'n'A flick, but turns pretty ugly after the main character's sister is gang raped by a biker gang driving a van. It has a pretty good pace, and James Van Patten does a pretty good job in this Cannon tax write-off movie. This was the first movie I ever saw at the Parkway Drive-in, here in Toronto. The main feature was "Alphabet City", and "Young Warriors was the added feature. Out of the 2 movies, "Young Warriors" was by far more entertaining and memorable. If you are a fan of blow 'em up, excessively violent movies, this one would make a great addition to any collection.
Danno-20 This is just plain bad, but not necessarily boring or un-entertaining. This movie has that genuine third class 80's action picture quality (dark, blurry, soft), and that genuine third class 80's music, and dito sound, and dito haircuts and dito shots and angels and so on. Everything about it is third class 80's. But I guess you could enjoy it anyway, just because of all it's genuine... bad nostalgia 80's. And supercast including Borgnine and "Shaft" Roundtree.