| 06 February 2009 (USA)
Yatterman Trailers

Gan and his girlfriend Ai are mild-mannered toy shop owners by day but, when evil lurks, they transform into superheroes Yatterman 1 & 2. With the help of a dog-shaped robot, Yatterwoof, they take on the Doronbow gang, lead by the sexy Lady Doronjo. Together, they must stop the evil gang from finding the four magical skull pieces that will allow them to control the world!

Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
trashgang Was I fooled by seeing the name of Takashi Miike on the sleeve of this DVD. i thought, well, we are going to have a hell of a time seeing bodies explode and other gory shots but was I wrong. This was just an animae made into a feature. And it is done in a typical Japanese style with all the flying things and close ups. Did I like it, yes, because I don't have problems with their culture and because it was so full of effects that it even remind me of Lazy Town, yes, that child thing. It's a weird flick full of CGI effects and no gore at all but you can see the love through it in the way it was made for this flick. If you think it's going to be a typical Miike than just leave it. If you have no problem with things said above, watch it.
hellalluj A must see for any fan of Yatterman and Takashi Miike. If you like Miike's work but haven't seen the Yatterman anime or don't really care what's it all about?, avoid this movie by all means, you won't like it.The reason why the not-fans won't like it: It's too close to the source, the movie is as weird as the anime and it has that childish humor that some love. But, this childish humor is not for children, in Japan some gropping is seen as kiddie, but for us westerns the movie should be PG-13 for a couple of scenes that I won't spoil.The whole atmosphere and dialogue feels exactly as the anime should feel when taken to live action, this is a perfect example as how a cartoon should be translated, no matter how silly it could look. Too bad we westerns won't see a proper anime to movie translation, the Wachowskis tried it and most people bash their good effort.Anyway, the movie is just a fun ride and it's worth a fair 6 outta 10, but it grows to a 7 because of the faithfulness to Yattâman.
dbborroughs I finally get to see this film which premiered earlier this year at the New York Comicon. I was upset at not being able to secure a seat, however in retrospect that may have been a good thing.This is a great looking musical comedy action children's film based upon the anime series of the same name. I'm at a loss to say more than that. Its pretty much an over extended children's program pumped up (with adult references) to almost two hours where Yatterman (Number one Number two and a couple of robots) taking on a bad guy team all over the world. I'm guessing you need to know something about the series since it starts in mid action and just goes. Its a frenetic mess. Its great eye candy but anything having to do with the plot kind of was lost to me. I'm a huge fan of Miike's films and of the directors ability to confound expectations, the latter of which the director does here in spades, but out side of the motion and the visuals there isn't much here. I'm guessing that Miike enjoyed his work on one of the recent Ultraman series and wanted to continue on something similar. While this is better than Ultraman series (which was a mess) its still all form over content to the point that you really don't care about the plot. On the other hand the visuals and the sense of anything can happen is so strong the film is worth seeing at least as a rental.
le1163 This movie is based on the Japanese comic whose name is same the movie. It includes many genres which are action, comedy, and romance a little. The basic story is a conflict between the hero of this story, Yatterman, and the notorious group of thieves, Doronbo. In this film, they fight over mysterious treasure Scull Stone. The treasure is said that it grant any one's wish if he or she get all tips of the stone which there are all over the world. Doronbo aims at getting the treasure, so that Yatterman chase them to save it. Through chasing, Doronjo as the leader of Doronbo carelessly falls in love to Yatterman.I'm sure that this original comic has been famous and popular. It is also true the casts are famous and magnificent. for example, Sho Sakurai as Yatterman, Kyoko Fukada as Doronjo, and so on. you could enjoy seeing this movie if you like the casts in this film or this kind of comedy. But I'd not like to give more than 6 stars for this movie. This movie includes some bad expressions. Moreover, casts' acts are childish and nonsense a little. I don't recommend having small children watch it.