Yaroslav. A Thousand Years Ago
Yaroslav. A Thousand Years Ago
| 14 October 2010 (USA)
Yaroslav. A Thousand Years Ago Trailers

Young Russian Prince Yaroslav fights the robbers, tribes and the invaders. He is the first to unite Russian lands and to create the original Russian state.

Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Kirpianuscus one of the films who seduce. for the mixture of different elements who creates a new form of fairy tale. for the delicate frame of scenes. for the spirit of legend. for the beauty of image. for the heroic values. it is not a blockbuster. only an exercise for self definition. like many historical films from the East. the real story of Yaroslav is closed in the history books. the film is only lesson about his values, about his courage and honesty, about the characters around him, about the victories, errors and the virtues who preserves the force of faith. so, it is far to be a surprise. or a bad movie. it is a remember. and seductive meeting with the Russian past.
Armand classic recipes of Russian historical movies. heroism, the great leader, bad guys and their dark plans, nationalism and a love story. and, sure, few drops of propaganda. like many other movies from same genre, not the performances, the story or the events are the pillars of interest but the beauty of few images. like many other films, the message is the glory of nation and the victory of great leader. the cover - the legendary/old myths crumbs. the acting - decent. the atmosphere - inspired. a film for the lovers of Russian civilization. not a great/good/memorable movie but interesting for remember the rules of an genre. is it enough ? for many of its viewers the answer could not be positive. but a decent work is not so bad. this case is an example.
Rich Wright This is a very difficult film to follow. So many characters, so many allegiances, so much betrayal... Game Of Thrones it ain't, though. What it is, is what us in the motoring sector call 'serviceable', in that it gives us the requisite number of battles, some mediocre drama and not a razor in sight. What it fails to do is inject much life into these reliable old stand-bys, and consequently you sort of feel entertained (if rather confused), but you get the feeling you could be doing something better.If it's a quiet day, you've taken the dog for a walk, the kids are at school and the wife is having an affair with your best mate... than this certainly beats painting the fence. If, on the other hand you have access to other, more well known epics, like I dunno... Braveheart or Last Of The Mohicans, either through the medium of DVD of the miracle of Film On Demand, than you may want to take a rain check on this. But the choice, as they say, is yours. 5/10
GUENOT PHILIPPE I am highly surprised to be the first to comment this Russian film shot two years ago. I guess that in eastern Europe, the people over there have access to the web...Or to theatres. It was released in France in DVD. Well, during the first minutes, I expected, I did not know exactly why, to watch something in the line of THE THIRTEENTH WARRIOR...What a deception. Not a bad movie, but so...How could I explain?So predictable, so much "déjà vu". Yes: "déja vu". Full of clichés you have seen a million times before. Nothing to do with John Mac Tiernan's powerful, fantastic film. But it remains a pretty acceptable time waster. It deserves to be watched. I preferred CENTURION, made in 2010 too. It was far better than this.