Yakuza-Busting Girls: Duel in Hell
Yakuza-Busting Girls: Duel in Hell
| 27 February 2010 (USA)
Yakuza-Busting Girls: Duel in Hell Trailers

Asami returns exhausted after three years of intense training to become a yakuza hunter. She decides to visit her old master, Inokuma, who runs a bar. However, she finds his place in ruins and nothing is as it was when she left. As it turns out, the local yakuza had turned it into a gambling house and laid claim to the entire area with the help of a cold-blooded killer named Akira. Akira is relentless, and utilizes cruel tactics when anyone dares get in her way.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Myron Clemons A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
Michael Ledo The town of Sagawa is being taken over by the Shoryu Yakuza to make room for a Casino as the laws of imminent domain don't seem to apply here for casinos which may or may not be called Trump Towers. Asami, who is a Yakuza killer returns to town and opts to take on the Yakuza and their hired killer Akira.The film is done as an old western grindhouse in regard to plot, music, and effects which included a ridiculous deleted scene. The film had all the bells and whistles of a grindhouse, but lacked cohesiveness. Plenty of blood, killing, and torture. Oh yes Asami can also catch bullets.No swearing, sex, or nudity.
suite92 Asami has fought gangsters before and does some more in this film. She gets taken in by a family, and a good third of the film seems to be the group just waiting around, going to the arcade, chatting while getting drunk, and other mundane activities.Every so often, some evil doer shows up, and Asami fights them. She dispatches a couple one night, then has to fight Akira. That ends badly for Asami.More people get hurt after Asami recovers. Asami gets more galvanized.Will Asami prevail against the gang violence? If she gets that far, will she get revenge versus Akira? ------Scores-------Cinematography: 6/10 Lots of bad lighting. The spaghetti western camera work (shooting through heat mirages, long shots with narrow focus, filtered shots of the sun, and so on) were so-so and did not add that much.Sound: 6/10 Incidental music reminiscent of Spaghetti westerns. Spoken word seemed clear enough. Foley was a little exaggerated, but that's common enough in such films.Acting: 2/10 Bad.Screenplay: 0/10 Bizarre mix of low level silliness (documenting playing kids' arcade games; women giggling while getting drunk), comedy, cult nonsense, gore fest, and spaghetti western traditions. None of it was very good, and the disparate pieces did not fit together well at all. Incredible cruelty for the sake of amusement was much too common. Catching bullets in the bare hands? Done three times, but should not have been done once.
BA_Harrison Beautiful yet deadly female warrior Asami (Asami) wages war against the Shoryu yakuza, who have been using extreme measures to force the townsfolk of Sagawa from their homes in order to make way for a casino.I've yet to see the first Yakuza-Busting Girls movie, so I cannot comment on how this sequel fares in comparison, but I do think that the other reviewers here on IMDb (all two of them) have been a little harsh in their assessment: fans of AV star Asami will no doubt be disappointed by her lack of nudity, and the film does admittedly feel rather uneventful at times, writer/director Shin'ichi Okuda devoting a little too much of the running time introducing and developing his characters, but I reckon that the gnarly splatter and fun fight action still qualify this as an entertaining watch.A gruesome pre-credits sequence, in which the yakuza chainsaw a man's arm off and shove the whirring blade between a woman's legs, sets the mean-spirited tone for the violence, with subsequent nasty scenes including some messy shotgun damage to a mother's hand and foot, her baby being skewered on a samurai sword, and a juicy head explosion. There's also some reasonably well choreographed martial arts (with a nifty training montage for good measure), neat references to both classic Western and Japanese cinema (Asami mimicking Meiko Kaji's Female Prisoner #701 and Okuda employing a Spaghetti Western atmosphere throughout), and a really cool villain in the form of ruthless hired killer Akira (Hitomi Miwa).Duel in Hell might not be the finest example of Japanese excess available, but it is enjoyable enough, and if anything, it's REALLY made me want to check out the first film.
trashgang This picks up 3 years after the original Battle Girls vs Yakuza. Only Asami (played by Asami) is the only survivor. many people won't dig this but there's a tradition in Japan about those kind of flicks. In the seventies Japan released a lot of flicks about girl gangs. But they added some kind of spaghetti western over the story, Asami do dress up like some kind of cowgirl.Were part 1 had a lot of sexy looking warriors this doesn't. In fact it doesn't offer anything to part 1. But there is gore at the beginning that is rather okay but the new style is that HKIII flicks moved from splatter to CGI gore. And there's a bit of CGI here and there especially in the part with shotguns. Asami is something strange to follow. Starting with hardcore porn she moved further as some kind of cult figure already playing in a lot of horror flicks. But even there she's a bit strange, sometimes she goes full nude other times she just stays in her clothes as in this one. Still, most flicks clock in around 70 minutes were most Japanese flicks did take more than 2 hours to watch.The front cover is what you will get, a revenge between Asami and Akira. The back cover is taken from part 1 and non of these girls are seen in part 2. Only for fans of Asami or samurai geeks. Don't be fooled by the sleeve!Gore 3/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5