Xtinction: Predator X
Xtinction: Predator X
| 18 August 2010 (USA)
Xtinction: Predator X Trailers

When her father seemingly goes missing, divorcee Laura LeCrois is forced to return home after a 20-year hiatus. However, home is not the way Laura remembers it. Her father is in major debt with the bank, her ex-boyfriend is the town sheriff, and her ex-husband has quit his job as a world-renowned professor who is now suspiciously buying up swampland in the area. In an effort to save the swamp and to pass the time, Laura decides to work the dying family business giving boat tours of the Louisiana swamp. But on her first sunset tour, deep in the swamp, Laura and her passengers witness two Bayou swamp rats toss a squirming body into a gator pit, only the gators aren't the ones that feast on the flesh. Instead it's the most terrifying creature Laura has ever seen...(IMDB,com)

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
keith_xyz Currently I'm watching "Mystery Science Theater 3000" on DVD to inform u that I can tolerate my fare Cher of crappy cinema. "Xtinction: Predator X" apparently is so bad there wasn't even any actor from a moderately rated TV show for me to recognize. The dialogue was so horrendous that I actually recognized words in Spanish after studying it for almost 5 years. Oh yes, I saw it on UniMás. "Xtinction" displayed typical tropes in bad movies I've seen on that channel such as the mad scientist w/ a sociopathic M.O., two damsels in distress getting pushed around by the arch-villain & his goons & many cleavage & brassiere shots to complement the misogyny. The sheriff is the hero perhaps based on the fact he's better looking then the hideous hick enemies. & oh yeah, the monster. If a monster movie is cheaply made, expect scarce shots of the ferocious alligator (which could be a mosasaurus, that I remember as a boy fascinated w/ dinosaurs), shots of the beast separate from the people; acting scared at off-screen monsters has gone on since bad black-and-white films, & minimal make-up, hence minimal gore & the crocodile w/ flippers swallowing it's victims whole. Of course one notable scene is when the (yep, I checked the box) beast explodes & a crewman hurls the red stuff from a bucket at an actress, followed by a deus ex machina. Is that 10 lines? Well, I'm glad to get it off my chest. 2 any fans of MST3K & RiffTrax, please view "Xtinction: Predator X" & record some good riffs in audio!
GL84 Returning to her hometown to deal with her father's disappearance, a woman and her friends find he's part of a rampage of terror conducted by a monstrous prehistoric crocodile and try to find a way to end it's blood-soaked rampage.This wasn't all that great of a creature but did have a few good points drowned in it's flaws. There's no use complaining about the lack of quality CGI here since that's to be expected with this, but the fact that it never really featured the title creature at all in this who tends to be so rarely shown in the film that there's almost a sense of it not being a real creature feature at all. By choosing to focus instead on the family drama and the different background characters first, the crocodile doesn't seem to be a big important factor in the plot and rarely seems to be a concern for them once it does show up, dramatically reducing it's effectiveness even before the lame effects used for it are brought into play. There's some good stuff in the rather frenetic finale that finally lets the creature loose and get a decent rampage on the populace resulting in some fine deaths and a bit of action, the ultimate manner of killing the beast is pretty creative and overall the second half has a nice vibe to it, but overall it's quite lacking.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language
DemonaStormShadow Someone said to themselves lets clone a prehistoric marine reptile and make it look like a gator, because cloning Deinosuchus or Sarcosuchus would be too much work and/or complicated.Pacing could have been better, same for the dialogue. The science is faulty, but isn't it always? Mad Scientist de jur creates the titular beastie and has two drug making swamp bums as his lackeys(you know I wouldn't trust something like this to two guys who diet consists of moonshine and meth), someone has to do the heavy lifting after all.Overall your average very bad B monster movie that really is better as background noise or a way to kill time. If you're a fan of SyFy brand movies this is for you.
Michael_Elliott Alligator X (2010) ** (out of 4) Creature feature has a couple rednecks in a deep swamp creating a large gator that has been extinct for as far back as anyone can remember. Somehow this creature is now stalking the swamp eating anyone that gets in its path but thankfully there's some nice people willing to try and destroy it. ALLIGATOR X, which is also known as XTINCTION: PREDATOR X, is a pretty average movie from start to finish and I guess I would say that it's fairly well made but if you're advertising a creature feature it might be a good idea to actually spend some time with that creature. The biggest issue I had with this movie is that there simply wasn't enough time with the creature. The attacks rarely happened and when they did they were often filmed in a way where we don't see too much action. Again, I'm really not sure why they selected to try and tell more "story" than actually deliver on the goods that fans coming to these type of movies will expect. While on a technical level this film is much better than your typical film you'd see on SyFy, on the level of entertainment I'd say this isn't nearly as good simply because there's not enough action going on. The majority of the running time has our leading lady searching for her father and then constantly running around the swamp trying to get away from the two rednecks and her ex-husband who just happens to be the scientist trying to take this creature and make more of them. This silly melodrama about her father's property and the various other issues that come up really add nothing to the movie. The performances range from average to above average but none of them are going to knock you off your seats. In regards to violence and gore, the levels are pretty low as there simply aren't enough attacks to get excited about and when they do happen we don't get to see much. ALLIGATOR X is a real wasted opportunity and there's really no point in watching it unless you've got to see every film of its type.