WWE Survivor Series 2010
WWE Survivor Series 2010
PG | 21 November 2010 (USA)
WWE Survivor Series 2010 Trailers

Survivor Series (2010) was a PPV that took place on November 21, 2010 at the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida. It was the 24th annual Survivor Series event. The main event was a Pinfall and submissions only match for the WWE Championship between defending champion Randy Orton and Wade Barrett with John Cena as the special guest referee. A second main event was a singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship between Kane and Edge. An annual 5-on-5 Survivor Series elimination match between Team Mysterio (Mysterio, Kofi, Chris Masters, Big Show, and MVP) and Team Del Rio (Alberto Del Rio, Tyler Reks, Drew McIntyre, Swagger, and Cody Rhodes).

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Cortechba Overrated
Executscan Expected more
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Owen Ogletree This show wasn't really anything special. There are a few good matches on here, but it definitely wasn't "Big-Four PPV" quality as a whole.United States Championship Match: Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Ted Dibiase - This was a really good opening match. It was actually pretty exciting and fast-paced with some nice spots and near-falls. Daniel Bryan was building himself up really well at this time, and Dibiase proved to be a great opponent for him. Daniel Bryan retains by submission with the LeBell Lock. RATING: ***3/4John Morrison vs. Sheamus - The Morrison/Sheamus feud from 2010 was underrated, in my opinion, and they had a pretty good match here. They have better chemistry than one would think, and the finish was extremely well-done. John Morrison gets the surprise win with a Flying Chuck followed by a Running Knee. RATING: ***1/4Intercontinental Championship Match: Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Kaval - Another solid undercard match. This was Kaval's only PPV match in the WWE, and it was nothing amazing, but still a well-wrestled bout. It could have used maybe a few more minutes. Dolph Ziggler retains by pulling Kaval's tights for a roll-up. RATING: ***Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match: Rey Mysterio, The Big Show, MVP, Kofi Kingston, and Chris Masters vs. Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger, Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, and Tyler Reks - This match was pretty good, but nothing special compared to other SS Elimination matches. It was just a nice match that put the baby-faces over. Team Mysterio wins with Rey Mysterio and Big Show being the survivors. RATING: ***World Heavyweight Championship Match: Kane (c) vs. Edge - This was pretty bad, especially for a World Title match. It was slow and boring with not much going on. The whole feud was boring, and this match didn't do it any favors. The match ended in a draw just for the purpose of continuing this storyline. RATING: *1/2WWE Tag Team Championship Match: Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater (c) vs. Santino Marella and Vladimir Koslov - Just a throwaway filler match to precede the main event, nothing more. The Nexus retain. RATING: *1/2WWE Championship Match: Randy Orton (c) vs. Wade Barrett with John Cena as the Special Guest Referee - This is another match with a lackluster storyline going in, and the match itself was okay but nothing special. It was just kind of there until the finish. Randy Orton gets the win and John Cena is therefore fired from the WWE. Well, not really. Everyone knew this would end up being a load of hooey. RATING: **1/2This show has a very solid undercard, but due to the lackluster main events made even worse from terrible booking, this show overall is nothing more than just okay.RATING: C+
gridoon2018 This PPV does not live up to its title, as there is only ONE traditional elimination match! Instead, it is centered almost exclusively around John Cena, who is the special guest referee in the main event, a WWE title match between Wade Barrett and Randy Orton; if Barrett wins, Cena will be free from the Nexus, if Orton wins, Cena will be fired. Will Cena play fair, or will he try to ensure Barrett's victory? It's an interesting stipulation, and the ending is fairly unconventional, though with no long-standing consequences, of course. The other matches, all of which are treated as secondary, are: Ted Di Biase vs. Daniel Bryan for the USA title, Sheamus vs. John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler vs. Kaval (who is pretty impressive) for the Intercontinental title, Team Rey Mysterio vs. Team Alberto Del Rio (who makes a good heel) in the only traditional survivor series elimination match, Michelle McCool & Layla vs. Natalya in a non-match for the Divas title that's only notable for Natalya's sharpshooter submission victory and the return of Beth Phoenix, Kane vs. Edge in a rather boring match for the World Heavyweight title, and the Nexus vs. Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov for the Tag Team titles. None of these are terrible, but none are outstanding, either.