WWE Survivor Series 2002
WWE Survivor Series 2002
NR | 17 November 2002 (USA)
WWE Survivor Series 2002 Trailers

Survivor Series (2002) was the sixteenth annual Survivor Series PPV. It took place on November 17, 2002 from Madison Square Garden in New York, New York and featured talent from both the Raw and SmackDown! brands. The main event was from the Raw brand the first ever Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Championship involving reigning champion Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Booker T, Rob Van Dam and Kane. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was Brock Lesnar versus The Big Show for the WWE Championship. The featured matches on the undercard were a Triple Threat Elimination match for the WWE Tag Team Championship involving Edge and Rey Mysterio, Los Guerreros, and Kurt Angle with Chris Benoit.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
gridoon2018 "Survivor Series 2002" will always be remembered chiefly for introducing the "Elimination Chamber" match; we take it for granted today, but back then it was, as Jim Ross says, uncharted territory. Yet I found the most entertaining match of the show to be the opener, a 6-man tag team elimination table match, which features a lot of high-impact, high-risk moves and a crowd-pleasing ending. The cruiserweight match that follows gets a little overshadowed by what preceded it. The "hardcore rules" match between Trish and Victoria gives a shot in the arm of the women's division; Victoria plays crazy very well, her body is awesome and her outfit is killer, and Trish is at her most flexible, but the ending is unfortunately abrupt. The WWE title match is more of a storyline setup, but seeing Brock Lesnar deliver an F-5 to the mighty Big Show is impressive indeed. The tag team match is no match for the classic in "No Mercy 2002" - considering the names involved, it is strangely subdued. There is too much talk on the whole (there is actually a 30-minute stretch with no wrestling at all!), and the primary camera position is distracting - it faces straight into the entrance of the wrestlers instead of on the crowd like it usually happens. Sounds like a petty thing to complain about, but the green of the Survivor Series logo really is distracting.
kliko400 The Elimination Chamber match debuts here at Survivor Series, where 6 men go at it in the first ever brutal structure for the World Heavyweight Championship.FIRST MATCH- 3 MINUTE WARNING {RICO, JAMAL & ROSEY} VS. JEFF HARDY, BUBBA RAY DUDLEY & SPIKE DUDLEY IN A 6-MAN TABLES MATCH Good way to start off the show, a tables match is an okay match with nothing bad about it. Bubba Ray & Rico are the last men, shockingly D-Von Dudley comes & does a 3-D with Bubba on Rico through a table to win the match. It looks like the Dudley Boys are back. 5/10SECOND MATCH- JAMIE NOBLE W/ NIDIA VS. BILLY KIDMAN FOR THE WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP A very fast paced & excellent Cruiserweight match-up. This is what Cruiserweight is all about. Billy Kidman nails the Shooting Star Press on Jamie Noble for the win & to become the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion. 5/10THIRD MATCH- VICTORIA VS. TRISH STRATUS IN A FIRST EVER HARDCORE WOMEN'S MATCH FOR THE WWE WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP Well what do you know, a Hardcore Women's match, man wrestling rules for sure. It would of been a pretty sloppy match, but including weapons in it makes it more interesting. Victoria wins but I forgot how to become the new WWE Women's Champion. 4/10FOURTH MATCH- EDGE & REY MYSTERIO VS. LOS GUERREROS VS. KURT ANGLE & CHRIS BENOIT IN A 3 WAY ELIMINATION TAG TEAM MATCH FOR THE WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP Easily & surprisingly the best match of the night, no kidding. This match was so fast paced that you can hardly even keep up with the action that is happening. Los Guerreros overcome the teams & win but I forgot how to become the new WWE Tag Team Champions. 6/10FIFTH MATCH- BROCK LESNAR W/ PAUL HEYMAN VS. BIG SHOW FOR THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP It was a boring match which didn't really take long, but I've got to be honest, the match was becoming more interesting when Brock Lesnar unbelievably picked up the Big Show & nailed an F-5 that not only shocked the fans in attendance, but also shocked me. Paul Heyman pulls the referee out of the ring before he makes the 3 count, Lesnar chases Heyman in the ring which leads to Big Show nailing Brock Lesnar with a chair followed by a Chokeslam on the chair for the win & to become the new WWE Champion. But the shock in this match is that Paul Heyman has betrayed & screwed Brock Lesnar. 4/10SIXTH MATCH- TRIPLE H VS. BOOKER T VS. ROB VAN DAM VS. CHRIS JERICHO VS. KANE VS. SHAWN MICHAELS IN A FIRST EVER 6 MAN ELIMINATION CHAMBER MATCH FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP The main event is here & the Elimination Chamber debuts here at Survivor Series, this will definitely be in the history books. A great match & a bit brutal which off course you would expect from a match like this. HHH & Michaels are the last ones in the brutal structure. Michaels nails the Sweet Chin Music on HHH for the win, as Michaels is not only the sole survivor in this brutal match, but is the World Heavyweight Champion as well. 5/10This Survivor Series will definitely go down in the history books as all Championships have changed hands here tonight. Great Survivor Series as it is definitely watchable & recommendable to anyone.Overall I'll give it 8/10 & a B+
wrestlingsitewebmaster An excellent PPV.ALL of the matches were brilliant.Match 1 saw Jeff Hardy and Bubba and Spike Dudley taking on 3 Minute Warning and Rico in a tables match. This was a very good contest. At the end D-Von Dudley runs to the ring and reunites with Bubba. The crowd go wild for his return. (He was saddled with a worthless Reverend gimmick on Smackdown!previously)Then Jamie Noble puts his Cruiserweight Championship on the line, as he defends the title against Billy Kimdan in a cracking contest. If only McMahon could get his 'WWE is a big mans promotion idea' out of his head!Then Trish Stratus puts her Women's title on the line against Victoria in a very good hardcore match. Victoria wins. Next up Brock Lesnar defends his WWE Championship against Big Show in a hard hitting battle. The Big Show wins when Paul Heyman screws Brock out of the title.Then Edge and Rey Mysterio put their WWE tag team gold on the line as they take on Los Guerrero's and Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit in a fantastic battle. Los Guerrero's win. Next up Chris Nowinski and Matt Hardy talk about New Yorkers being losers and being stupid. Then the emergency sirens echo throughout the arena. Scott Steiner makes his debut! The Madison Square Garden fans go NUTS for Steiner. Steiner then destroys these two.Then 6 superstars put their careers on the line in a first Elimination Chamber match. Kane, RVD, Booker T, HBK, Y2J and Triple H all make history. HBK wins when he Seet Chin Music's HHH. The fans go NUTS for HBK's win.The only real disappointment is that no traditional 8 man tags were on the card, but what this show lacked, it made up in the matches.Tables Match - 9/10 Kidman vs Noble - 9/10 Women's match - 9/10 Lesnar vs Show - 9/10 Triple Threat Tag match - 10/10 Elimination Chamber match - 10/10
Wesley Dekkers With the third elimination chamber match coming up in 6 days, i'd like to look back at the event that featured the first EC match. At the time my thoughts on this event were that it was very good. The Main Event was awesome and the undercard featured some good matches. Fast-Forward 2 years later and the question pops up: Has it aged very well?Match #1: Bubba Ray/Spike/Jeff Hardy vs. 3-minute warning/RicoThis is a tables match. Forget about actual wrestling, this is a spotfest, and a decent one. Guys are flying through tables left and right. In the End, D-Von comes to the rescue to eliminate Rico and reunite the Dudleyz. Not Bad. 7/10Match #2: Jamie Noble vs. Billy KidmanCruiser Title is on the line here. This is a fine little match that shows the talent these guys have. Good wrestling and a clean finish that sees Kidman pick up the win with the SSP. 7/10Match #3: Trish vs. VictoriaHardcore rules and offcourse the women's championship is on the line. This is as good as the Women's Division will ever be, as the spots are well worked out and the Match has a decent flow. 6.5/10 however its 9.5/10 by female standards.Match #4: Brock Lesnar vs. Big ShowWWE Title Match. Paul Heyman turns on Brock and Show wins the Title in a bad match that never got started. When you have a Title match on PPV that people pay to see, at least you could make your title matches last longer than 4 minutes. 2/10Match #5: Edge/Mysterio vs. Angle/Benoit vs. Los GuerrerosThis match disappointed me back then, and it still does. The Match is good, but after all the GREAT matches these combinations had about 2 months prior, the expectations were so high, that you could wonder if they could ever live up to them. Still a solid performance by everybody, but that magical level is never reached. 8/10Match #6: Elimation Chamber Okey, my opinion on the matches hasn't really changed much, if nothing at all. Save this match. I gave it 10/10 upon first viewing, now i give it 6/10. Yes, the first time it was unique, never seen before and original. It still is original in some degree, only the match feels so slow. (Especially after RVD is eliminated) I think Triple H's injury really hurt this match. The last 12 minutes the match just fell apart. Its a shame, cause it started off great. 6/10SS 02 still is a good event. Nothing crazy-good but really decent and with stellar performances overall. 7/10