WWE Survivor Series 1997
WWE Survivor Series 1997
NC-17 | 09 November 1997 (USA)
WWE Survivor Series 1997 Trailers

The storied rivalry between Shawn Michaels and Bret "The Hitman" Hart comes to a shocking and dramatic conclusion in a main event bout for the WWE Championship. Stone Cold Steve Austin returns from a career-threatening injury to challenge Owen Hart for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. Kane makes his in-ring debut against Mankind. All this and much more!

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
SlyGuy21 1st Match: The Godwinns and The New Age Outlaws vs The Headbangers and The New Blackjacks, 4-on4 Elimination match. The problem with this is that there's no standout moment, the match just exists. The only note-worthy thing is that Road Dogg and Billy Gunn are a tag team now. Rating: 2.5/52nd Match: The Truth Commission vs DOA, 4-on-4 Elimination match. The same problem as the match before it, none of the guys are over, and the match just exists. Rating: 2.5/53rd Match: Team Canada vs Team USA, 4-on-4 Elimination match. Finally we get a match with some heat. Team Canada is of course over, and it's nice to see Marc Mero again. Blackman was just starting out, and gets eliminated first, which doesn't do anything for him. Goldust was also going through a heel turn, which would cultivate into "The Artist Formally Known as Goldust" phase. He leaves Vader to get destroyed, but everyone else did an alright job of keeping the match going. Rating: 3/54th Match: Kane vs Mankind, No DQ match. It isn't billed as one, but it makes more sense if I type it this way. This was Kane's first match, so it makes sense that they would have Foley take a beating to show how powerful he is. It's a glorified squash, but the promo that shows before the match goes a long way towards keeping me interested. Foley goes through the SAT, the steps, even thrown out of the ring, and keeps coming. It does a lot of good for both guys. Also, i hope you like red lights, it's one of Kane's "powers". Rating: 4/55th Match: The Nation of Domination vs Ken Shamrock, Ahmed Johnson, and the Road Warriors, 4-on-4 Elimination match. Man, Ahmed has had a really weird year. He started as a face, then got injured by Simmons, then came back as a heel who joined Simmons, then got injured again, and is now against Simmons. This sounds like an episode of "The Twilight Zone". Also the crowd hates Rock's guts. The match is better than the other tag matches before it, but only really serves to establish Rock as a heel. Rating: 3.5/56th Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Owen Hart, WWF Intercontinental Championship. Stop trying to recreate accidents that almost get people paralyzed. The match is just Owen getting squashed, which I find hilarious, but others might not. Good thing I don't care, I liked the match for what it was. Rating: 3.5/57th Match: Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels, WWF Championship. This is it, the most controversial match in wrestling history. I've heard about this match for over a decade, and have never seen it until now. I love the brawl they have before the match, it really feels like these guys hate each other. Shawn also desecrates the Canadian flag in hilarious heel fashion. The only problem the match has is that it didn't really have suspense to me, because I knew what the finish was for 10 years. That's not the match's fault, but still. Now onto whether it was a work or not. If it was a work, it's the best work in wrestling history, but I think it was legit. Everything just lines up too perfect for it to be fake, from Bret's reaction, the Vince and Shawn leaving quickly, the Ross being confused, to the PPV ending immediately. It feels too real to be fake to me. The match itself is good, the crowd's into it, both guys are into it, but the finish overshadows it. I'll give it a few extra points for the ending though. Rating: 4.5/5Final Rating: 7 out of 10. Love the main event, or hate it, it saved this show and company from mediocrity. The first half of the show is borderline trash, but the second half saves it.
Terryfan Of course when wrestling fans think about the 1997 Survivor Series it's best known for the biggest Screw job in the history of Pro Wrestling everything this event is talked about we are reminded of the Screw Job where Vince McMahon cause Bret 'Hit Man' Hart the WWF Championship during the match with Shawn Michaels due to the fact that Vince didn't want Bret to leave the WWF with his Championship and Bret didn't want to lose in Canada to Shawn Michaels.You can watch "Hitman Hart: Wrestling With Shadows" to know more about the events leading up to this Survivor Series. This event is overlooked just for one match but when you actually watch the event you see some good wrestling matchesMatch 1: The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Road Dogg) and The Godwinns (Henry O and Phineas I) Vs The Headbangers (Mosh and Thrasher) and The New Blackjacks (Bradshaw and Windham) now while I did say this show had some good matches this one wasn't one of them it just feature some slow pace and pretty much a one sided match at best.Rating: 4 out of 10Match 2: The Truth Commission (The Jackly, The Interrogator, Sniper and Recon) vs DOA: The Disciples Of Apocalypse (Crush, Chainz,8-Ball and Skull) Again this match wasn't much to talk about while DOA did get a huge roar from the fans this match just felt stall Rating: 5 out of 10Match 3: Team U.S.A (Vader, Goldust,Marc Mero, and Steve Blackman) with Sable vs Team Canada (The British Bulldog, Jim The Anvil Neidhart, Doug Furnas, and Phil Lafon) now this when the show starts to get better and this was a pretty good match from the start with drama and good spots as Vader show case his skills and Team Canada shows they came to fight. Could be match of the nightRating: 8 out of 10Match 4: Kane with Paul Bearer vs Mankind, when Kane debut in 1997 he was a monster and this was his first match on PPV, Mankind and Kane work a good match together and the whole match was light in red which made it a different feel for the match and they put off a strong one.Rating: 8 out of 10Match 5: The Legion Of Doom (Hawk and Animal) Ahmed Johnson and Ken Shamrock vs The Nation Of Domination (The Rock, Faarooq, Kama Mustafa, and D'Lo Brown) The fans show a lot of respect for L.O.D. during the match, clearly the fans were on the side of L.O.D. Johnson and Shamrock. The match itself could have been more but still a entertainment matchRating: 7 out of 10Match 6: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Owen Hart for the WWF Intercontinental Championship. This match had a lot going into it since Owen injury Steve's neck and since has taunted him for it the match they pretty much brawl and it could have been a hardcore match but it was short which is a shame but still interesting match with Stone Cold getting his revenge Rating: 7 out of 10Match 7: Shawn Michaels vs Bret 'Hit Man' Hart for the World Wrestling Federation ChampionshipThe match that is best know about this Survivor Series as it is without doubt one of the most controversial WWF matches in history both men started to brawl outside the ring before the match started and they couldn't be control when the match started finally it was mix as both men have been known for their classic matches but clearly this match was going to be talk about and in the match's climax when the finish about to take place Shawn had Bret in the Sharpshooter where Vince order the match and the Ref to ring the bell where Bret was robbed of his championship and you can see Shawn was very upset about the move.Now you know why this Survivor Series only gets talk about one moment that is still talk about 18 years after the factI give the 1997 WWF Survivor Series an 8 out of 10
bh_tafe3 I'm not going to blow things out of proportion here. Bret Hart's infamous screwjob loss is not the first time a person has gone into a match expecting one result and had the owner, referees, wrestlers conspire to produce another. It's not even the first time it had happened in the WWE. It's certainly not the first time a wrestler had shown sour grapes toward their former promotion. Ric Flair bringing the WCW Championship belt onto the WWE television and Austin's angry rant at WCW politics on his arrival in ECW are about on the same level. But this was the night that I sat there as a 16 year old and was given, for the first time, an inkling that there was a bit more going on here than choreographed fighting between friends, It was for me the night wrestling lost its previous innocence.The night kicked off with a traditional four on four Survivor Series match, with the New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg and Billy Gunn) teaming with the Godwinns (Henry and Phineas) to defeat The Headbangers (mosh and Thrasher) and the New Blackjacks (Barry Windham and Bradshaw). This was quite an average match with Bradshaw getting the ball rolling, pinning Henry Godwinn. Phineas Godwinn struck back for his team, taking out Windham following a clothesline. Next it was Mosh taken out by the Bad Ass Billy Gunn following. Thrasher then hit a stagedive on Phineas to square the match again. The New Age Outlaws then combined to take care of Bradshaw and then beat down on Mosh a few times to settle the match with the New Age Outlaws surviving.The next match, which I can't really tell you much about the lead up to saw The Truth Commission (The Jackyl, The Interrogator, Sniper and Recon) defeat the WWE's #4 stable the Disciples of the Apocalypse (Chainz, Skull, 8-Ball and Crush) with the INterrogator the sole survivor. This was a short, not very good, match and the less said about it the better.Next match saw the Survivor Series match done properly with Team Canada (THe British Bulldog, Doug Furnas, Phil Lafon and Jim Neidhart) defeating Team USA (Vader, Marc Mero, Goldust and Steve Blackman)> THe match eventually came down to Furnas and Bulldog vs Vader. Vader was bale to hit the Vader bomb on Furnas for the pin, but was then jumped from behind and hit with the ring bell by the Bulldog who got the pin to be the sole survivor.It was then time for Kane, who had debuted at the Badd Blood PPV where he cost the Undertaker the No.1 contendership in his Hell in a Cell match with Shawn Michaels, to have his first singles match on PPV taking on Mankind. This is not a great match, and Kane wins with the Tombstone. The Kane character still moved a little awkwardly at this stage. Guess it's not easy getting around in a rubber mask.Next match, another four on four Survivor Series match was easily the best SS match of the night. It saw Ahmed Johnson enlist the help of the Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal) and Ken Shamrock to take on the evil Nation of Doimination (Farooq, The Rock, Kama Mustafa and D Lo Brown) The match comes down to an exhausted Shamrock taking on D Lo Brown and the Rock, but Shamrock survives, forcing first Brown, and then the Rock to tap out to his devastating ankle lock as JR screamed "Shamrock has survived!" in the background.It was then time for rising star Steve Austin to win the Intercontinental Championship from Owen Hart. Austin had defeated Hart at the Summerslam PPV, but had broken his neck in the fight. Owen then won back the title in a tournament so he could lose it to Austin here. This was a bad short match.This finally brings us to the infamous main event which saw Shawn Michaels put Bret Hart in the sharpshooter to win the WWE Title in an average match. The problem was that Bret Hart was not aware that he would be losing the title. He then blew up, spitting in Vince McMahon's face, breaking TV monitors and writing "WCW" with his finger as the show went off air. The incident has sparked various conspiracy theories and opinions that I'm not going to bother getting into here. The main immediate consequence was the establishment of Vince McMahon as a boss who likes to screw his employees, something that Vince would milk for all it was worth over the next decade.Just imagine the shock for me, a 16 year old watching what was going on at home. Something off had just happened and wrestling would never be quite same again.
Legend Killer Before I get to the obvious match, let me just say that this was a time when the WWE's or F's (whatever) mid-card was terrible. I'm not going to go over the under card as they were only there to fill up time.Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Owen Hart - This match wasn't a good match, but is wasn't really supposed to be. It was just supposed to be Stone Cold re-establishing himself as the main mid-carder on his way to the top. All you had to do was see his beer belly to know that the pre-Summer Slam Steve Austin that Bret Hart said was the best wrestler in the world, was gone.Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels - This match lets us see how Americans can't see past their own existence and how Canadians hate them for it. For all those who say get over it. What would you do if you carried a company for the majority of the 90's & was responsible for elevating Stone Cold Steve Austin to mainevent status? Bret Hart gave his life and sacrificed his marriage for the WWF only to be screwed like that in his own country. Not only would I not have let it go, but I wouldn't have left Montreal without making good use of my knuckle dusters.Leave Bret Hart alone, he has every right to moan as long as he feels like it!