WWE Survivor Series 1993
WWE Survivor Series 1993
NR | 24 November 1993 (USA)
WWE Survivor Series 1993 Trailers

The 1993 WWF Survivor Series took place on Thanksgiving Eve, November 24, 1993 at the Boston Garden in Boston, Massachusetts. The event featured four tag-team elimination matches and a bout for the Smoky Mountain Wrestling Tag Team Championship. The main event match saw the All-Americans, a team of face wrestlers from the United States, competing against the Foreign Fanatics, a team of heels that represented other countries. In an undercard match, four members of the Hart family competed against Shawn Michaels and a group of masked men. The original plan was for the Harts to face Jerry Lawler, with whom they were feuding, but Lawler was not able to appear at the event.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
callanvass Live from Boston, MAAttendance, 15, 509Your hosts are Vince McMahon & Bobby HeenanI.R.S, Diesel, Adam Bomb, and Rick Martel Vs Razor Ramon, Randy Savage, The 123 Kid, and Marty JanettyHere are the eliminationsDiesel by Randy Savage (Flying elbow drop)Randy Savage by I.R.S (roll-up after a distraction by Crush)I.R.S by Razor Ramon (Razor's Edge)Razor Ramon by countout (I.R.S drilled him with his briefcase to knock him out of the ring)Rick Martel by The 123 Kid (victory roll)Adam Bomb by Marty Janetty (slingshot sunset flip)Sole Survivors: The 123 Kid & Marty JanettyMr. Perfect was originally supposed to be on Razor's team, but his back flared up and Savage became his replacement. This match was a really fun opener that was consistently exciting. I don't think anybody expected the big names like Razor and Savage to be eliminated. The big story here is The 123 Kid and Marty Janetty's upset. The 123 Kid and Janetty being the sole survivors told a nice underdog story.***1/2Shawn Michaels, The Black Knight, The Blue Knight, and The Red Knight Vs The Hart Family (Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Bruce Hart, and Keith Hart)The Black Knight by Owen Hart (Missile dropkick from the top)The Red Knight by Bret Hart (Sharpshooter)The Blue Knight by Owen Hart (Sharpshooter)Owen Hart by Shawn Michaels (roll-up)Shawn Michaels by countoutSole Survivors: Bret Hart, Keith Hart, and Bruce Hart.Jerry Lawler was originally supposed to be the captain of the Knights, but he was replaced by Shawn Michaels. Jeff Gaylord is the Black Knight, Greg Valentine is the Blue Knight, and Barry Horrowitz is the Red Knight. After the match, Owen is irate over his elimination and dissension commences between Owen and Bret. For some reason, Bruce and Keith Hart did a lot of the heavy lifting in the match. As a result, this was a tad boring at times. Bret and Owen's presence automatically mitigates things a bit, but they didn't wrestle enough. This match is memorable because it was the start of Owen's heel turn. **Gorilla Monsoon almost hits Bobby Heenan until Heenan starts cowering and pleading with Gorilla. Nothing really comes of it. Gorilla would eventually kick Heenan out of the WWE on an episode of Raw a few weeks later.Smoky Mountain Tag Team ChampionshipRock 'N' Roll Express (C) Vs The Heavenly Bodies (W/Jim Cornette)This is associated with Smoky Mountain Wrestling. The Heavenly Bodies win the titles after some cheating by using a tennis racket. This was thrown together without much fan fare, but it was still a a really good match! Both teams are pros, who know exactly what they are doing.***1/2Bam Bam Bigelow, Bastion Booger & The Headshrinkers Vs The Bushwhackers & Men on a Mission. Oh, god! The Bushwhackers and Men on a Mission are dressed up like Doink. The fans are into this, yet they are silent during a great tag match between The Heavenly Bodies and The Rock 'N' Roll Express? Okay then. This is one of the stupidest matches I've ever seen. It's nothing but an unfunny comedy match that made me roll my eyes. I checked my brain at the door and I still found it stupid. Poor, Bam Bam. Afterwards, Doink shows up on the titantron and makes fun of Bigelow. 1/2* Eliminations.Samu by a Bushwhacker (roll-up)Bastion Booger by Mabel (legdrop)Fatu by Butch (Fatu slips on a banana peel, then Butch rolls him up)Bam Bam Bigelow by Mabel (big splash)Sole Survivors: Men on a Mission & The Bushwhackers.The Foreign Fanatics (Yokozuna, Ludvig Borga, Crush, and Jacques) vs The All-Americans (Lex Luger, The Undertaker & The Steiner Brothers)*1/2Eliminations. Rick Steiner by Ludvig Borga (A botched powerslam in mid-air off the top. Borga tried to catch him and he couldn't hold on. Borga pins him anyway)Crush by countout (Randy Savage runs down and brawls with Crush)Jacques by Lex Luger (pointed elbow drop from the second turnbuckle)Scott Stiner by Yokozuna (legdrop)The Undertaker & Yokozuna (Both of them brawl on the floor to a double countout)Ludvig Borga by Lex Luger (running forearm)Sole Survivor: Lex LugerThis wasn't exactly terrible or anything, but it was a relatively mundane main event. The main problem with this match is the lack of talent. The Steiner's were eliminated early and The Undertaker was still in his zombie phase. I felt no-selling a Banzai drop from Yokozuna was a bit much. *1/2Final Thoughts: This is a pretty average event for the most part. It started the beginning of Owen Hart's heel turn, the opener was fun, and we got a really good tag team match from Smoky Mountain Wrestling. Aside from that, there is nothing special about this show at all. After Hogan left, Vince tried the Luger experiment. It failed miserably.
amanwhorocks 1. I.R.S./Diesel/Rick Martel/Adam Bomb Vs. 1-2-3 Kid/Marty Jannetty/Razor Ramon/Macho Man - Nice one. 7/102. Shawn Michaels & The Knights Vs. Hart Family - Watchable match though I don't regret with that Hart-family thing 6.5/103. Smoky Mountain Tag Title Championship: Heavenly Bodies Vs. Champs: Rock 'N Roll Express - I didn't expect nothing and received a solid match with new champs. 6.5/104. Bam Bam Bigelow/Headshrinkers/Bastion Booger w. some dead chicken in their mouths Vs. 4 Doinks (No!! Two of them are that mentally Ill Bushwackers) - OMG, this was UGLY!! Not even the meat around the ring, but the match strictly sucks. Poor BBB to be part of this s*it. 3/105. The Undertaker/Lex Luger/Steiner Brothers Vs. "The Greatest Mullet in the game" Crush/Yokozuna/Ludvig Borga/Jacques - Hey, that Jacques's manager is Raven! At the end - Taker's Charisma is unbelievable. Luger's moves are so predictable, bad... 6.5/10
technoviper72 This Survivor Series is a LOT better than the PRECEDING year's, especially as it went back to the formula of the elimination/tag format; even though this one, like the Survivor Series from three years prior, could have been better than it ALREADY was.I wish I could go back in time and (THIS is how this one could have been a lot better) help Bam Bam Bigelow's team win, since the Bushwhackers and Men on a Mission dressed as CLOWNS which, not only I have a fear about, are said to be frightening to young children. Bigelow was even outnumbered four to one.Though I imagine a new WWF video game featuring all forty of the wrestlers from the Survivor Series from three years prior including Mustafa and Adnan, as well as the following wrestlers from THIS Survior Series: Razor Ramon, The 1-2-3 Kid, Macho Man Randy Savage, I.R.S., Diesel, Adam Bomb, Bam Bam Bigelow, Bastion Booger, The Headshrinkers - Fatu and Samu, Men on a Mission - Mabel and Mo, Lex Luger, The Steiner Brothers - Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner, Yokozuna and Ludvig BorgaRazor Ramon's team VS I.R.S.'s team Savage pinned Diesel, Razor pinned Schyster, The Kid pinned Martel, Janetty pinned Adam Bomb and he and the Kid were the survivorsBret and his brothers VS Shawn and his Knights The Blue Knight (who was Greg Valentine, former half of Rhythm and Blues) was eliminated via sharpshooter courtesy of Bret's youngest brother and Michaels left the ring when he was outnumbered three to one when Bret attempted the sharpshooter on his arch enemy and was counted out; Bret was one of the three survivors of his teamAll-Americans VS Foreign Fanatics Crush was counted out when he left the ring to fight with his former friend Savage, Yokozuna was counted out, Luger pinned Borga and was the survivorI omitted the REST of the results since they were the wrestlers I didn't WANT to see get eliminated (even though in my PERSONAL view, what matters is a wrestler's TEAM survives even if an actual WRESTLER becomes eliminated).This match, unlike the 1990 Survivor Series which most people prefer to THIS one, despite it being not as sophisticated as THIS one, even featured some not-so-good wrestlers (I mean they weren't good in MY view; I know OTHERS disagree] - Owen, Bruce and Keith Hart, the OTHER two Knights in black and red (the BLUE Knight wasn't good EITHER, stupid gimmick for Valentine in my personal view), that CRETIN Doink and Jacques Rougeau of the tag team I personally didn't rate much - the Quebecers.It's actually GOOD that IDIOT Jerry the King Lawler, Tatanka and Quebecer Pierre were all unable to participate, as well as it was better that the Bushwhackers and Men on a Mission wrestled instead of Doink and three Doink duplicates.Savage was even actually a better teammate (in MY view, others can disagree) on Razor's team than Perfect.
Spawn Devil 1-2-3 Kid, Marty Jannetty, Razor Ramon and Randy Savage vs. Irwin R. Schyster, The Model, Diesel and Adam Bomb Survivors: 1-2-3 Kid and Marty JannettyBret Hart, Owen Hart, Keith Hart and Bruce Hart vs. Shawn Michaels, the Black Knight, the Red Knight and the Blue Knight Survivors: Bruce, Keith and Bret HartThe Heavenly Bodies defeated the Rock 'n' Roll Express for the Smoky Mountain Tag Team ChampionshipLuke Doink, Butch Doink, Mo Doink and Mabel Doink vs. Bam Bam Bigelow, the Headshrinkers and Bastion Booger Survivors: Luke Doink, Butch Doink, Mo Doink and Mabel DoinkThe Undertaker, Lex Luger and the Steiner Brothers vs. Yokozuna, Jacques Rougeau, Crush and Ludvig Borga Survivor: Lex LugerOverall Mark: C+