WWE Survivor Series 1991
WWE Survivor Series 1991
NR | 27 November 1991 (USA)
WWE Survivor Series 1991 Trailers

WWF Survivor Series 1991 is an American wrestling event within part of the World Wrestling Federation or (WWF). It took place on Thanksgiving Eve, November 27, 1991 at the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
zkonedog In terms of the overall event, the 1991 Survivor Series is middling at best. The tag matches the event features are hit-or-miss, and the WWF is still figuring out what the future may hold. Plus, this event seems like more of a push towards the "This Tuesday In Texas" event coming up soon after this one. Time after time, that event was referenced and promoted, making this one seem like a place-holder.What makes this a rather iconic event, though, was the momentous decision to (spoiler alert!) have Hulk Hogan drop the WWF title to Undertaker. Besides the obvious "odd feel" of this move (happening so suddenly), it was actually a big step forward for the WWF to take. In finally pushing a new, popular character (which Undertaker indeed was at the time), they finally showed the capability to react to change.Overall, Survivor Series '91 was about as up-and-down of an event as you can find. A lot of average performances surrounding the huge Hogan/Taker match.
callanvass Live from Detroit, MIAttendance 17,500Your commentators are Gorilla Monsoon & Bobby HeenanIn one of the greatest angles in history, Randy Savage gets bitten by Jake 'The Snake' Roberts cobra. It was devenomized of course, but it was still a harrowing angle, It even made kids cry. Jack Tunney announces that all reptiles are barred from ringside and that Randy Savage has been taken out of the Survivor Series match. He says Randy Savage is reinstated and a match between him and Jake Roberts will be sanctioned at the earliest possible date.Ric Flair, Ted Dibiase, The Mountie, & The Warlord Vs 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper, Bret Hart, The British Bulldog & VirgilOrder of eliminationThe British Bulldog by Ric FlairThe Warlord by Roddy PiperRoddy Piper, Virgil, Ted Dibiase, Bret Hart, The Mountie by disqualificationSole Survivor: Ric FlairThis was a good match. I'm not sure if I care for the finish or not, but it was a good match overall. This one had a lot of talent in there. Bret Hart and Ted Dibiase had a really nice wrestling sequence in this one. I also enjoyed the intensity from Ric Flair and Roddy Piper when they went at it. ***1/4 out of 5Randy Savage says he was delirious after the snake bite. He calls it a living hell. He says he couldn't see or hear except Elizabeth crying. He says that hurt him worse than anything Jake Roberts could do to him. Randy Savage says the real snake is Jake Roberts. He says at Tuesday in Texas, the madness will be all over Jake like melting butter. Miss Elizabeth thanks everyone for the reinstatement of Randy Savage. Okerlund asks Elizabeth if she thinks Randy Savage will beat Jake Roberts at Tuesday in Texas. She responds with "OHHHHH YEAHHH"Col. Mustafa, The Berzerker, Hercules & Skinner Vs Sgt. Slaughter, Jim Duggan, The Texas Tornado & Tito SantanaOrder of eliminationCol. Mustafa by Sgt. Slaughter (Clothesline)Hercules (By Tito Santana) Skinner by Sgt. Slaughter (roll-up)The Berzerker by Jim Duggan (running clothesline)Sole Survivors: Jim Duggan, Sgt. Slaughter, Tito Santana & The Texas Tornado.This was a pretty mediocre match, but what did you expect? The only decent wrestlers in this match are Tito Santana & The Texas Tornado. This was really made tolerable by the exceptional commentary by Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan. Maybe I'm being generous about it.*1/2 out of 5Gene Okerlund accuses Jake Roberts of lying about his cobra being devenomized. He says "Cross my heart, hope to die, that's what he was told" Jake says everyone is trying to cast him as the original sinner. He says he spoke to god this morning and he said he doesn't like Gene Okerlund. Haha! He says the WWF, Jack Tunney, and the fans are to blame. He says for 6 years, the fans haven't realized that Jake was the real snake. The snake was just a toy to amuse himself with. He says at This Tuesday in Texas, it's not the end, the beginning of the end, or the end. It's the end of the beginning. Great heel promo from Jake.WWF ChampionshipHulk Hogan (C) Vs The UndertakerThe Undertaker wins the title with help from Ric Flair and Paul Bearer. This might just be the worst title match I've ever seen in my life. Even worse than Diesel vs Mabel at Summerslam in 95. As much as I love The Undertaker, his matches were often unbearable to watch when he was first starting. The match consisted of hardly anything but choking, punching, and kicking. If you count all the chokes in this match, you'd be astonished. As usual, Hogan needs to be almost invincible to be beaten. ½* out of 5'Rowdy' Roddy Piper cuts a great promo backstage and calls The Undertaker an "Adams Family reject" A bunch of other interviews take place as well.Jack Tunney announces a rematch for the WWF title at This Tuesday in Texas between Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker.The Nasty Boys & The Beverly Brothers Vs The Rockers & The BuswhackersOrder of eliminationLuke by Brian KnobbsButch by a Beverly BrotherBeau Beverly by Shawn MichaelsShawn Michaels by a Nasty BoyMarty Janetty by Jerry SaggsSole Survivors: The Nasty Boys & Blake BeverlyThe match was mostly average aside from The Rockers being fun to watch. This match was mainly noteworthy because it was the first sign of dissension between The Rockers. Shawn would go onto be a big star, of course. The crowd was dead for this.**1/4 out of 5The Big Bossman & Legion of Doom Vs I.R.S & The Natural DisastersOrder of elimination.The Big Bossman by I.R.S (He used his briefcase to nail him in the head)Typhoon by Hawk (I.R.S accidentally nailed Typhoon with the briefcase)Earthquake by countoutI.R.S by AnimalSole Survivors: The Legion of DoomThis was somewhat of a boring main event. It would have been enhanced greatly with Jake Roberts and Randy Savage being in it. I'm not really a fan of anyone in this match. I've always thought LOD was overrated.The Undertaker says Hulkamania died tonight. After Tuesday in Texas, the burial comes next.5/10This is an average show. The WWF title match is horrible and there is only one good match on the show. We did get dissension between The Rockers, though. Take it or leave it.
amanwhorocks 1. The Million Dollar Man/The Mountie/Warlord/Ric Flair Vs. Bret Hart/Virgil/The British Bulldog/Pajpa - I never understand what Piper did in WWF Ring, he's a yelling supernoob of wrestling. Strange referee's decision to disqualified wrestlers, that were in the ring. 5/10 2. Col. Mustafa/Hercules/Berzerker/Skinner Vs. Texas Tornado/El Matador(Tito Santana)/ Hacksaw Jim Duggan/Sgt. Slaughter - No, not that ridiculous non-wrestler Duggan. Why every match have to be ruined with some idiot? 5/10 3. WWF Heavyweight Championship: The UnderTaker Vs. Champ-Hulk Hogan - I'm sorry, I have not seen this PPV never before (I always watched WCW), I did not know how the game ends and one could expect that the immortal Hulk wins again. but that feeling when Undertaker won, it was priceless, I have to go with the assessment of the maximum. That old Taker is fuc*ing great, I like how children cried when he goes to the ring and when hero HULK lost... 10/10 Piper get angry when Hulk lost? Haven't got problem with it. But they shouldn't let him talk again.4. Beverly Brothers/The Nasty Boys Vs. NOO! The 2 mentally Ill forest people WoodCrackers/The Rockers - Marty Jannetty owns this match. For him: 7/10 5. I.R.S./Typhoon/Eartquake Vs. Legian of Doom/Big Stiff Man 5/10
bh_tafe3 Well, thank goodness we're finished with that Iraq nonsense that'd been going on all year long. The big story coming int this was that NWA legend Ric Flair had just come to the WWE, and he'd bought the WCW Title with him, claiming to be the real World Champion. In the meantime, The Ultimate Warrior had left and Sgt Slaughter had rediscovered his patriotic streak, shedding himself of Iraqi sympathizer Col Mustafa. Hogan, in the meantime, had moved on to a huge WWE Title match with the undefeated Undertaker.This was not a great PPV, but had some moments, including the Undertaker's World Title victory and Ric Flair's PPV debut for the WWE.The night started with Ric Flair teaming up with Ted DiBiase, The Mountie and The Warlord to defeat Bret Hart, Roddy Piper, Virgil and The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith. This one took forever before the first elimination, Smith, who was pinned by Flair after an axe handle. Things were squared up a while later as Hart interfered, costing the Warlord a pin at the hands of Roddy Piper. Things would end rather suddenly though with everyone except Ric Flair being counted out after a brawl erupted. Your winner and sole survivor Ric Flair.Next up saw Team Slaughter: Sgt Slaughter, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, The Texas Tornado and Tito Santana pick up a shut out victory over Col Mustafa, The Bezerker, Skinner and Hercules. Consider yourself emancipated from your unpatriotic friends Slaughter.Next up came the big match of the night as The undefeated Undertaker, capitalising on interference from his manager Paul Bearer, Ric Flair and Bobby Heenan pinned Hulk Hogan to win the title. This was not a great spectacle as a match, but it did the job. Taker winning to stunned silence. This match set up a rematch 9 days later at the Tuesday in Texas PPV.This was followed by The Nasty Boys: BRian Knobbs and Jerry Sags and the Beverley Brothers Blake and Beau defeating The Rockers: Shawn Micheals and Marty Janetty and THe Bushwakers Butch and Luke. Bea Beverly was the only casualty in a decisive victory.Last match of the night saw The Legion of Doom: Hawk and Animal and the Big Bossman defeat The Natural Disasters: Earthquake and Typhoon and Irwin R Shyster. This was the first three on three match in Survivor Series history. Bossman was eliminated earlier, but the Legion took care of all three on their own, pinning IRS after a flying clothesline.Well, not much to really say here. The Undertaker title win was meaningless as he lost it back to Hogan at Tuesday in Texas. Hogan and Flair never happened (in the WWE) on PPV so there was no build there either. So all we really did was close out the Slaughter/ Mustafa rivalry and kickstart a later rivalry, based around the Intercontinental Championship with Piper, The Mountie and Hart.