WWE SummerSlam 2006
WWE SummerSlam 2006
| 20 August 2006 (USA)
WWE SummerSlam 2006 Trailers

SummerSlam (2006) was the nineteenth annual SummerSlam PPV. It took place on August 20, 2006 at the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston, Massachusetts, and featured performers from the Raw, SmackDown!, and ECW brands. This marked the first inter-brand pay-per-view to feature the ECW brand. The main match on the Raw brand was Edge versus John Cena for the WWE Championship. The featured match on the SmackDown! brand was King Booker versus Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship. The primary match on the ECW brand was The Big Show versus Sabu in an Extreme rules match for the ECW World Championship. The featured matches on the undercard included D-Generation X (Triple H and Shawn Michaels) versus Vince and Shane McMahon) and Hulk Hogan versus Randy Orton.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
jts0405 Match 1: Chavo Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio - The rivalry began for these two at The Great American Bash when Chavo hit Rey with a chair and cost him his World Title. Anyway this match was actually pretty hybrid and entertaining. A pretty nice choice for an opener at the Biggest Party of the Summer. In the end Vickie Guerrero comes out and "accidentally" knocks Mysterio off the top rope. Chavo scores the win, it was a pretty big surprise.Match 2: Big Show (c) vs Sabu in an Extreme Rules match for the ECW Championship - Everyone was probably expecting the recently returned Rob Van Dam to win the Ladder match and get a return shot at the Big Show. Surprisingly Sabu scraped up the win and earned this title shot. It was a pretty decent way to display the ECW brand. Sabu and Big Show both botched a few times, but it still was a fairly acceptable extreme rules match. Big Show chokeslams Sabu through the table to retain.Match 3: Randy Orton vs Hulk Hogan - A definite shocker, Hogan was booked as the third match when normally he headlines. Orton pretty much started the feud with his interest in Brooke Hogan, Orton then RKO'd Hogan onto the trunk of his car at Saturday Night's Main Event. The challenge then was officially made for Summerslam. Hogan really is starting to lose some of his ability, a passable match. Orton plays a good heel rookie character in this one, as Hogan plays the veteran with the experience edge. In the end Hogan drops his leg drop for the win.Match 4: Mick Foley vs Ric Flair in an "I Quit" Match - A lot better than Hogan's match with Randy Orton. These two ring legends beat each other down pretty well with a lot of different weapons. Foley wanted revenge for his loss at Vengeance and Flair wanted to make an example out of Foley. It was pretty bloody towards the end and really better than expected. Melina throws in the towel, but Flair requests the Foley say I Quit and eventually Foley quits. Flair wins this one.Match 5: King Booker (c) vs Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship - Could have been better for this quality of event. We all knew that Booker would find some way to retain being that he just won the title a month earlier. Batista's performance was not memorable, but acceptable for pay per view. It all culminated with Booker getting himself disqualified to retain.Match 6: D-Generation X vs The McMahons - This rivalry was really entertaining for the time that it went on. Michaels and Triple H returned in a hilarious way with this feud against both Vince and Shane McMahon. The match was pretty entertaining most of the time, the wrestling was that up to par with the other matches. In the end D-Generation X is able to defeated the McMahons after interference from both Umaga and The Spirit Squad.Match 7: Edge (c) vs John Cena for the WWE Championship - A main event that did not live up to it's expectations. Cena and Edge can normally do better than this. It wasn't really that memorable of a title match. Edge uses Lita's assistance in the end to capture the win over John Cena and retain.
kliko400 This was an okay Summerslam, well what would you expect from the biggest part of the year & summer.FIRST MATCH- REY MYSTERIO VS. CHAVO GUERRERO Good, okay match to start the show with, it's always a treat when you have Mysterio & Chavo Guerrero in the ring together. But I think the match could of been just a little bit longer, but still good. Vickie Guerrero comes, interferes & slaps Chavo, then knocks Mysterio off the top, which results a brain buster suplex, followed by a Frog Splash by Chavo Guerrero for the win. 5/10SECOND MATCH- BIG SHOW VS. SABU IN AN EXTREME RULES MATCH FOR THE ECW CHAMPIONSHIP Not a bad extreme match, with a lot of cool weapons. There were some botched spots, but it was an okay match, but I wish it went just a bit longer. Big Show wins after Chokeslamming Sabu through a table for the win to retain his ECW Championship. 5/10THIRD MATCH- RANDY ORTON VS. HULK HOGAN I wish Randy Orton won this match, but it was not to be as Hulk Hogan remains undefeated at Summerslam. I was surprised to see what a bad match this was as it was supposed to be good. A bit off a disappointing match as Randy Orton almost won but Hulk Hogan had his feet on the rope. Hulk Hogan wins after a Big Boot then a Leg Drop for the win. 3/10FOURTH MATCH- RIC FLAIR VS. MICK FOLEY IN A 'I QUIT' MATCH Very brutal, gruesome, exciting match you name it. This is what Hardcore is all about. Hats off to Ric Flair & Mick Foley for pulling on a good old classic slobberknocker. Both men are heavily busted open & bleeding in this match. Melina comes to try & help out Mick Foley. Ric Flair gets a barb-wired bat & gouges it at Foley's eyes to make him say 'I Quit' for the win. 7/10FIFTH MATCH- KING BOOKER W/ SHARMELL VS. BATISTA FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Pretty slow, & a bit of a boring match. Batista uses his own moves while King Booker tries some dirty moves in this match to turn up the pace a bit. Batista is about to nail a Powerbomb when Sharmell interferes which draws a disqualification for King Booker. Batista wins by DQ but King Booker is still the World Heavyweight Champion much to Batista's dismay. 4/10SIXTH MATCH- DX VS. VINCE & SHANE MCMAHON Before the match started, Vince McMahon called these superstars Mr. Kennedy, William Regal, Finally, Spirit Squad, Big Show {who chokeslammed HHH through the announce table} & Umaga {who started brawling with Kane backstage} to take out DX before the match officially started. This was a pretty mediocre match, as Michaels got beaten up by the McMahon's by a large majority of the match. But HHH recovers & Michaels nails Sweet Chin Music mid air on Shane. While Michaels nails Vince with Sweet Chin Music, then HHH nails Vince with a Pedigree for the win in this epic match. 5/10SEVENTH MATCH- JOHN CENA VS. EDGE W/ LITA FOR THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP THE TITLE CAN CHANGE HANDS ON A DISQUALIFICATION OR A COUNTOUT Very good mainevent match which could off took longer, but Edge-Cena seriously pull great matches any time they wrestle. Great match, but could off took longer. Behind the referee, Edge nails Cena on the back with brass knuckles for the win to retain his WWE Championship in a controversial way. 5/10Good Summerslam, which had a few flaws in the matches, & a couple of slow paced matches, but most excellent & good matches. Great Summerslam as every Summerslam is full of great wrestling action & surprises. Thumbs up.Overall I'll give it 7/10 & a C+
jameslj-cannon I always look forward to this event. Summerslam usually delivers memorable matches and moments. However, the nineteenth annual Summerslam was a bit of a disappointment. Even though there were plenty of star names on the card, this event did not live up to the expectations. Well here are the results from "The Biggest Party of the Summer":Match 1:Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero. This match could have been a lot better than it was. It was still pretty decent though. Mysterio wasn't that popular to the Boston crowd, which was quite a surprise to me. The match ended when Vickie Guerrero tried to stop the match, only to inadvertently knock Rey off the top turnbuckle. Chavo capitalised and hit the frog splash for the win. Good match, could have been better. Winner: Chavo GuerreroMatch 2:ECW Title Match: Big Show vs. Sabu. I was looking forward to this match as it was Extreme Rules. However, what we got was Big Show dominating Sabu from the first bell. Not only that, but there were too many blown spots for me, mainly by Sabu. The worst being when Sabu accidentally threw a chair out the ring when he was going to use it on the champ, which the crowd didn't like. The match concluded when Big Show chokeslammed Sabu through a table. Another match that could have been better. Winner and still champ: Big ShowMatch 3:Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Orton. Hogan is back again. Last year it was Shawn Michaels, this year Randy Orton. This match was poor as it was very slow, and Hogan somehow made Orton look average. After milking his entrance, Hogan was ready for this. However, the match just dragged on for what felt like an eternity. It should have ended when Orton hit the injured legend with the RKO. The referee counted the 1 2 3, and raised Orton's arm. Then the ref decided to reverse his decision when he saw Hogan's foot was on the bottom rope. This then led to the usual Hulking Up by Hogan, which then ended with the leg drop on Orton for the win. Hogan then milked his celebration just like his entrance. One word for you Terry after this horrible match, RETIRE. Winner: HoganMatch 4:I Quit Match: Mick Foley vs. Ric Flair. Wow. This has to be the most violent, gory match the WWE has ever put on. Although it was relatively short, Foley and Flair produced a match that will forever stay with me. Within a couple of minutes of the bell sounding, Flair had been split open by a barbed wire board that Foley threw at his head. Foley then introduced all his trademark weapons, including Barbie and thousands of thumb tacks. Flair was a bloody and battered mess, but soon fought back against the hardcore legend, hitting him with a couple of low blows, and then knocking him off the ring apron. Foley smashed his head on a garbage can when he fell from the apron. The hardcore legend was done, referees, trainers and Melina tried to quit on Foley's behalf, but Flair was having none of it. He dragged Foley's broken body back into the ring, and tore away at his face with barbie, busting Foley wide open. Melina literally threw the towel in for her friend, only for Flair to threaten to hit her with barbie. This caused Foley to utter those two fatal words I Quit. Unbelievable, an instant classic by the two future hall of famers. Winner: FlairMatch 5:World Heavyweight Championship Match: King Booker vs. Batista. In my opinion, this has to be the worst championship match I have ever seen. Dave was having one of those nights were nothing went for him. The match ended with Dave hoisting the King up for the Batista Bomb, only for Queen Sharmell to jump on his back and get the King disqualified. Dave threw a hissy fit, and botched the Batista Bomb on the King, which rounded off a terrible night for him. Winner by disqualification: BatistaMatch 6:DX vs. The McMahons. Very good match, although there were way too many interferences to make it a classic encounter. Before the match started, William Regal, Finlay and Mr. Kennedy were sent to the ring. Then before you knew it, out came Big Show, who made serious impact, as he took out the Game by chokeslamming him through the ECW announce table. Michaels broken body was thrown back in the ring, and the match officially started. It was basically a handicap match from there, as Vince and Shane imitated The Hart Foundation and LOD, while kicking HBK's arse. The tide turned when the Game finally got back into the ring, which brought the crowd right back up. Great finish to this one,as Shane was about to hit a coast to coast on the Game, only for Michaels to hit him with Sweet Chin Music halfway. Vince was then pinned when he was hit with the pedigree. DX then had a dig at Hogan in their celebrations, which was quite funny. Winners: DXMatch 7:WWE Title Match: Edge vs. John Cena. Brilliant match. If Edge was disqualified he would lose the title. Considering this was Cena's home town, he wasn't getting too much love from the crowd. Anyway Cena and Edge put on a very good main event. Lita tried to interfere on numerous occasions, and when the STF-U was locked in on the champ, Lita slipped some brass knucks on Edge's hand. When the ref's back was turned, Edge smashed the knucks into the back of Cena's head for the win. Winner and still champ: EdgeWell overall it was a great night for the champs, as they all retained their titles. However, this Summerslam is very average overall, with only three really good matches. It's still watchable, but don't go into it with high expectations, as at the end you will be left very disappointed.
Stuart Wilson The nineteenth annual SummerSlam was dubbed The Biggest Party of the Summer. Held before a crowd of over 15,000 at the TD Bankworth Garden in Boston Mass this had the big four feel about it from the bet go. For the first time ever we were treated to three World Championship matches on the same card. Add to that veterans such as Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Mick Foley, The McMahons and DX this was one of the most star studded SummerSlams in recent memory.The first World Championship to be defended was ECW's. The Big Show defended against a man who represents what the old ECW stood for, Sabu. This was a decent match. Big Show added a couple of new moves to his repotior and Sabu was his usual high flying self. By this I mean he botched a good few moves. I like the Big Show's new gimmick of being an extreme giant. The Big Show retained the title after choke slamming Sabu through a table.Second championship match of the night was the blue brands current champion, King Booker T battling Batista. The crowd was very vocal against Batista which I found quite surprising. This match was good as well. Batista won the match but only by disqualification when Sharmell got involved on behalf of the King. The feud between these two is just getting started.If the same rules had been applied for the World Heavyweight Championship as were applied for the WWE Championship then we would have a new World Champion. The championship could change hands on disqualification when Edge defended against John Cena. This was an excellent match, especially by Cena's standards. Back and fourth all the way with Lita threatening to get involved. She eventually did get in the mix. After handing some brass knuckles to Edge she was on the receiving end of what looked to be a double FU. Instead Edge got out of it and nailed Cena on the back of his head picking up the 1 2 3. The R Rated summer continues for Edge and Lita.It was between the main event and the "I Quit" match for match of the night. Mick Foley taking on Ric Flair in this environment was brutal and entertaining as hell. Barbed wire bats, Barbed wire boards, thumb tacks. It had it all. Flair and Foley both bled heavily through out, Foley needed 25 stitches once the match ended. Both a trainer and Melina tried to stop the match on behalf of Foley but Flair was having none of it. Foley finally quit but only after Flair was about to knock Melina's head off with the barbed wire baseball bat. Brilliant performance by both these future Hall of Fames.It was Legend vs Legend Killer in Boston too. With the crowd behind Hulk Hogan as he stood up to the arrogant Randy Orton. This was good match too but you could tell Hogan was struggling on his injured knees. In a unique twist Orton seemed to have the match won but the crafty veteran has his foot on the rope. The match was restarted and Hogan made short work of the Legend Killer. Hogan goes 6-0 undefeated at SummerSlam.One of the biggest feuds of the year continued as DX took on the McMahon boys in tag team action. Before the match even got underway Michaels and The Game had to battler The Spirit Squad, William Regal, Mr Kennedy, Finlay and Umaga as McMahon sent some "assetts to the ring". Once the match got underway it was the usual entertainment we get served up McMahons battles. Move of the night goes to Shawn Michaels. Shane O Mac was going coast to coast on HHH when HBK hit sweet chin music as Shane was half way. Almost a decapitation. Another chin music followed by a pedigree to Vince and he was staring at the lights in SummerSlam debut.And finally Rey Mysterio did battle with Chavo Guerrero. This was a good opening contest. I hate the way that Eddie Guerreros name get mentioned in their feud. Vikki Guerrero got involved in this one, all be it by accident. She knocked Rey Rey off the top rope allowing Chavo to capitalise and eventually pick up the win after the frog splash.So that was SumemrSlam 2006. A good affair and an event that will be remembered for a while to come. Hat's of the Cena, Flair, Foley and Edge. They all worked their socks of to put on a great show. SummerSlam will go down as one of the better events of 2006 and indeed one of the better SummerSlam events in history.