WWE Over the Edge
WWE Over the Edge
NR | 23 May 1999 (USA)
WWE Over the Edge Trailers

Stone Cold Steve Austin defends the WWE Championship against The Undertaker with Shane & Vince McMahon serving as guest referees. The Rock takes on Triple H. The Union takes on The Corporate Ministry in an Eight-Man Tag Team Elimination Match. Kane & X-Pac defend the WWE World Tag Team Championship against D-Lo Brown & Mark Henry and more!

VividSimon Simply Perfect
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
benoit5 not to long after Jeff Jarrett left the WWF for good he spoke of that night . Owen Hart and him where good friends and both 2nd generation wrestlers. Jeff first remarks "I was literally pushed thru the curtain as my lifeless friends body was wheeled past me " . Debra McMichael( Steve Austin's Ex wife as well as Steve Mondo McMichael Ex wife".) As Owen Hart Fell, a video promo the ring was darkened, as a Blue Blazer (owen Hart Promo was played. The fall and video of owen in the ring was never showed on TV. There are a few news photos that got posted. When they came back from the video promo Jim ross was talking over a all we had was a crowd shot \., He stated that Owen Hart as The blue blazer has fallen and doesn't look good. Lawler then came back from the ring his face was ashen he told Jim that the situation was very critical paramedics where working hard to revive him. Rock And HHH where going there match in a private room when another Referee came in and told them Owen fell at first,knowing Owen Harts constantly being a prankster they thought it wasn't real. But both later stated that the look of the referee face said it all. In fact as he fell ,as mentioned in other post , he yelled for the referee and ring announcer to move. Brother Bret hart was a plane heading to LA to do a angle on the Tonight Show , he couldn't get any of the plane phones to work, One of the captains got a message to call home something had happened. When he landed in La Eric bishoff was there told him what had happened, and put him on a charter flight to Kansas City to the morgue, Bret even later with Owens widow Martha went up to the top of the arena where Owen was standing. Police found no foul play formerly closed as a accident .Most of the Information in Bret Harts book as well as the book by Martha Hart ,
Steve Donnachie Ever since I was eight years old I have been a big wrestling fan. It didn't matter what federation I watched. WWE,WCW,USWA. To me the action is all I watched it for.May 23rd 1999. That was my 19 birthday. I ordered Over the Edge and I was just expecting another pay per view. But this time. I was wrong. Instead that was the night one of the best wrestlers to come out of Canada a true human being fell to his death due to a stunt gone wrong. Not much you can do to change the situation. But what happened affter Owens death made me very mad.Rather then ending the pay per view and doing the right thing as human beings the WWE decided to protect what comes first and that was the money by keeping the pay per view going as if Owens death never happened.I gotta tell you. Vince Mchmaon has made some stupid decisions in his life but this was by far the stupidest decision he ever made.And this crap with saying Owen would have wanted the pay pew view to keep going. Give me a break. When someone dies on a pay pew view its comon sense to stop it. Thats like a police officer shooting a robber or a mugger with a run and then just leaving the man to die so he can go home and call it a day as if the mans life never mattered.But no matter what happens. Owen will be missed and thanks for the memories for all the times you gave us.
dlkell79 I remember it all like it was yesterday. Watching the PPV live at my friends' house. I saw Owen fall and thought to myself "Eh, it's just a publicity stunt." The next day, though, I saw it posted all over the news. Pretty sad I think. It is sad that Vince had to keep the show going knowing he lost one of his BEST wrestlers alive at that point in time. I believe that Owen would have been "The Game" instead of HHH today if he was still alive. He was and still is my favorite wrestlers of all times. Even though he stood in the shadows of older brother Bret, Owen was right up there as the best in the business. I think they should have postponed the rest of the PPV that night till either the next Sunday or even carded the rest of those matches until the next PPV. You will always be remembered in the hearts of all true wrestling fans around the world Owen. This ones for you! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
sickthings81 The fact the entire card of that PPV took place that night makes me really feel bad about being a wrestling fan. The WWE stated in a press conference following the event that the reason they went on after Owen's fall is that this is what Owen would have wanted. Sure Owen would have wanted wrestling to go on but not right away. Excuse me but that is by far the WORST decision Vince Mcmahon ever tooked. Im so disgusted with the fact that they were only able to give 15mins, they annouced his death live and spend the following night at Raw all crying out loud on network television paying him a so-called Steve Austin drinking beer celebration. No matter what kind of entertainment you are offering even though you are live in front of the entire country, sometimes the show must be stopped.