WWE No Way Out 2006
WWE No Way Out 2006
| 19 February 2006 (USA)
WWE No Way Out 2006 Trailers

No Way Out (2006) was the eighth annual No Way Out professional PPV and was presented by Subway. It took place on February 19, 2006 at 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore, Maryland and was a SmackDown! brand-exclusive event. The main event saw Kurt Angle defend his World Heavyweight Championship against The Undertaker. One of the predominant matches on the card was Randy Orton versus Rey Mysterio for Mysterio's world championship match at WrestleMania 22. Another primary match on the undercard was Booker T versus Chris Benoit for the WWE United States Championship.

TinsHeadline Touches You
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Stampsfightclub No Way Out 2006.Cruiserweight championship.Gregory Helms vs Kid Kash vs Psicosis vs Super Crazy vs Paul London vs Nunzio vs Brian Kendrick vs Scotty 2 Hotty vs Funaki.A good opening that had a reasonable build up. Its always great to see the worm but shame about the winner 6/10.Matt Hardy and Tatanka vs MNM.MNM were not pushed as much as they should have been during their time and here they were quite good against Hardy and Tatanka. An even contest but quite forgettable 5/10.Lashley vs JBL.Two brutal athletes going head to head was a strong powerful encounter that had a controversial ending 7/10.United States championship.Chris Benoit vs Booker T.After their best of 7 match series finalised this was a chance to wrap it all in anticipation again as the two great performers did battle evenly with twists and turns in story and match 8/10.WrestleMania title opportunity.Rey Mysterio vs Randy Orton.After the late passing of legendry Eddie Guerrero Mysterio's talk was revolving around doing it for him and there are many good moments in this match and story plus sad ones to 7/10.World Heavyweight championship.Kurt Angle vs Undertaker.Fantastic match that for some reason claimed neither had ever tapped out before when they have. However great blows, great twists and turns and vintage moves from two of the best wrestlers in the business. Bit of a disappointing ending for such an even classic match 9/10.
kliko400 This No Way Out PPV was really good, but last year's was better, but overall still this No Way Out was also good as the mainevent between Angle-Taker definitely stole the show.FIRST MATCH- GREGORY HELMS VS. FUNAKI VS. SCOTTY 2 HOTTY VS. PSICOSIS VS. SUPER CRAZY VS. PAUL London VS. BRIAN KENDRICK VS. KID KASH VS. NUNZIO IN A 9-MAN CRUISERWEIGHT BATTLE ROYAL MATCH FOR THE WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP What a way to start No Way Out. With 9 cruiser weights all fighting in the ring at the same time, now this is why Smackdown is seriously the better brand. Kid Kash nails the Dead Level on Psicosis, only to be taken out of the ring, which leads Gregory Helms to cover Psicosis for the win to retain his WWE Cruiserweight Championship. After the match, Gregory Helms starts acting cocky again which leads all the Cruiserweights to run after him backstage. 5/10SECOND MATCH- JBL W/ JILLIAN HALL VS. BOBBY LASHLEY {Before the match started, backstage Finlay took Kristal in the ring & it looked like he was about to fight her when Bobby Lashley came to the ring for the save & brawled with Finlay. Which led JBL to come as well & that is how the match started}. Not a bad match but could of been better. Finlay interferes & behind the referee he nails Lashley with the shelliagh followed by a Clothesline From Hell by JBL for the win as he has ended Lashley's undefeated streak. 4/10THIRD MATCH- MNM W/ MERLINA VS. MATT HARDY & TATANKA {Tatanka is Matt Hardy's mystery partner}. I liked this tag team match, it was really good, & both teams put on a very good, physical non title tag team match. Hardy & Tatanka win after Tatanka did a Twirt-A-Whirl slam to get the win over MNM in this non title match. 5/10FOURTH MATCH- BOOKER T W/ SHARMELL VS. CHRIS BENOIT FOR THE WWE UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP {Before the match, Booker T acted like he was going to forfeit the US Title, but lied & attacked Benoit from behind, which is how the match started. The match itself could of been a bit better, plus this match like took about 15 minutes. Benoit makes Booker T tap out to the Crossface to get the win & to become the new WWE United States Champion. 4/10FIFTH MATCH- REY MYSTERIO VS. RANDY ORTON IN A NO. 1 CONTENDERS MATCH WINNER GOES ON TO MAINEVENT WRESTLEMANIA 22 The match started slow but picked on pretty good later. Orton injures Mysterio's hand, which he focuses on in most part of the match. Mysterio starts fighting back & almost nails the 619, but misses which leads Orton to get a roll-up on Mysterio using the ropes to get the win, as Orton will be main eventing Wrestlemania 22. 5/10SIXTH MATCH- KURT ANGLE VS. UNDERTAKER FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Wow, you think that both Angle & Taker have no chemistry in the ring, you are wrong. These two men put on probably the best mainevent on a Smackdown PPV in like years. The match itself took like 30 minutes & both Angle & Taker done a lot of counters & submission moves in the match. In the end, Undertaker gets a Triangle Choke on Angle, only for Angle to reverse it into a roll-up to get the 3 count to retain his World Heavyweight Championship in this exhausting match. After the match Taker thinks that he won, only for Tony Chimel {the ring announcer} to announce that Angle has won, Taker goes mad, takes Angle in the corner & says that he has Angle's number which means that these two might have a rematch again at another time. 6/10No Way Out PPV's seriously are good & enjoyable. This year's No Way Out was also good, but last year's in my opinion was just a bit more better. But it was still good.Overall: I'll give it 7/10 & a C+
Stuart Wilson January 2006 was a terrible month for WWE Pay-Per-Views. Both New Years Revolution and the Royal Rumble just plain stunk. WWE needed a strong showing on the road to WrestleMania 22. No Way Out 2006 was just that. The main event of the evening pitting reigning World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle against the WWE's resident phenomenon The Undertaker was a spectacular match and early candidate for match of the year honours. These two men proved that even six years after they first hooked it up on a live event they still have what it takes to tear the house down.The second half of the main event's of the night was Rey Mysterio defending Eddie Guerrero's honour and his WrestleMania Championship opportunity against the cocky and arrogant Randy Orton. This match was good too. It was probably no surprise to a great deal of people that Orton picked up the win but only after using the ropes to his advantage.The rest of the undercard was entertaining too. Chris Benoit finally took the United States Championship from Booker T in a fine wrestling match. John Bradshaw Layfield rebounded from his defeat at the Royal Rumble from the useless Boogeyman by bringing an end to Bobby Lashleys undefeated streak. All be it with a little help from that nasty Irishman Finlay.Anyone hoping for a Hardy Boys reunion in the tag team match were disappointed to find Matt Hardy's mystery opponent was only Tatanka. Geeze, send this guy back to the early 90's where he belongs. MNM once again showed why they are the best team in WWE even at the hands of defeat.And finally in the opening match of the evening Gregory Helms had to defend his Cruiserweight Championship against not one, not two, not even three but nine other men in a sudden death type battle royal. The match was good but with so many men it was hard to keep track of and should have been booked better. Helms retained the Championship.No Way Out 2006 was one of the better offerings by WWE in recent years. A excellent main event and a strong undercard proved Smackdown! may be the show to watch once again in 2006.
zanganarano This was the best No Way Out I've seen.It was kicked of with a awful match. The cruiserweight title match was not as good as i expected. It get 3 out of 10. Gregory Helms stole the god tham match.The thing that saved the ppv was Lashley vs JBL. It ended the way I didn't expect. Finlay interrupts the match but still god. Lashley did his best but... Well it deserves a 7 out of 10 Third match was MNM vs Matt Hardy and Tatanka, I like seeing Matt Hardy in the ring, but Tatanka is pretty boring. If it were a title match it would been better. I'l give it 6 out of 10 because Melina never seems to shut up.Finally... Benoit got he's shot that he deserves. The United States Championchip match was got me dizzy. I thought Booker T would surrender the championship, it seemed that way. Well Booker T taps out and Benoit. 8 out of 10 is a god grade.Heres the match that followed up in a big way. Rey Mysterio vs Randy Orton for Reys main event spot at Wrestlemania 22. Always great moves when you see Rey Mysterio. I's a surprising little S.O.B. Whell it ended in a bad way. Randy found a rope and a schoolboy got him the win. It gets 9 out of 10 The Main Event. Kurt Angle vs The Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championchip. It Was Wered, they said that Angle had never tapped out. But he did it at Wrestlemania 17, twice. The thing that shocked me was the way angle countered the triangle choke. He won 1,2,3 and it gets 10 out of 10.I highly recommend that you see this ppv. There were some crappy matches and some classics. But Vince is only one rich man.