WWE Badd Blood: In Your House
WWE Badd Blood: In Your House
NR | 05 October 1997 (USA)
WWE Badd Blood: In Your House Trailers

The Road Warriors battles The Nation of Domination. The Headbangers defend the WWE World Tag Team Championship against The Godwinns. The first ever Hell In a Cell match as Shawn Michaels squares off with The Undertaker. Plus, Bret Hart competes in a Tag Team Flag Match and more!

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
SlyGuy21 So as it turns out, I found out that Leon White AKA Vader died right before I watched this, kind of eerie considering that the WWF found out that Pillman died just before the PPV aired. With that in mind, let's get to the card.1st Match: The Road Warriors vs The Nation of Domination, 3-on-2 Handicap match. The match is an OK opener, if anything it did a good job of developing Rock's heel persona, and The Road Warriors helped keep the crowd engaged. Simmons comes out and costs LOD the match, which hurts the Nation, because they had the numbers advantage, and still needed to cheat to win. Rating: 3/52nd Match: Max Mini and Nova vs Tarantula and Mosaic. As stated before , I'm not a fan of these matches, but this was thrown on the card to compensate for Pillman's death. The match exists, but given the circumstances, I won't count it against the show. Rating: None3rd Match: The Headbangers vs The Godwinns, WWF Tag Team Championships. The match is OK, but nothing special. The Headbangers are slightly over, but there are a few noticeable botches that hurt the match. I thought the heel Godwinns winning was a nice touch. Rating: 3/54th Match: Owen Hart vs Faarooq, WWF Intercontinental Championship. Owen looks distressed, which makes sense, his friend just died, and Austin comes out to do commentary. The problem with this match is that Austin on commentary is better the the two guys in the ring. The match revolves around Austin, more than the belt. Speaking of which, Austin nails Simmons with the belt, having Owen win. Kind of a pointless victory. Rating: 2/55th Match: Los Boricuas vs DOA. This is an 8-man Tag match, so there's a better flow than their last few brawls. Pretty basic, but OK for the time they're given. Rating: 3/56th Match: Bret Hart and The British Bulldog vs The Patriot and Vader. This is a Flag match, with the added stipulation that the match can end with pinfall or submission. So what's the point of the flags? I'm guessing they added that to help out Vader, but it brings the match to a crawl. The same way a cage match can grind to a halt, so does this. 3 out of the 4 guys involved are talented, the gimmick just kills the pace of the match, and it winds up boring. Rating: 1.5/57th Match: Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker, Hell in a Cell. This is the first Hell in a Cell match, so it's pace is more deliberate, as they wanted to show what it was capable of. Shawn gets destroyed here, with Taker picking him apart for almost the whole match. I liked the spot of Shawn falling from the top, and it also has the debut of Kane, with Vince uttering the famous, "That's gotta be Kane!" line. It helped Kane as a debut, it helped Taker as a face, and it helped Shawn as a heel. There would be better Cell matches to come, but this is a good start. Rating: 4/5Final Rating: 6 out of 10. The main event is good, the rest of the card not so much. I feel like Pillman's death also hurt the show, because some matches feel scrambled together to compensate.R.I.P. Brian Pillman&R.I.P. Vader
callanvass Live from St Louis, MIAttendance 21,151Your commentators are Vince McMahon, Jim Ross & Jerry LawlerHandicapped MatchRocky Maivia, Kama Mustafa & D'Lo Brown Vs The Legion of DoomRocky Maivia gets the pin for his team after a Rock Bottom on Hawk. This was a decent way to start the show. It had solid energy, the crowd was red hot, and it had enough excitement to keep you pleased. Rocky getting the win was huge.**1/2 out of 5There is a midget match as well. It's a mess from start to finish. That's all I'm gonna sayTag Team TitlesThe Headbangers (C) Vs The GodwinnsThe Godwinns win the title. This was a pretty boring affair with a sloppy finish. The Headbangers were just gaining some steam as champions. The Godwinns would have a very short reign (Thank god!) *1/2 out of 5Intercontinental TitleFarooq Vs Owen HartSteve Austin comes out and hilariously bugs the announcers while taking shots at Owen Hart. Owen wins after Austin costs Farooq the match. Austin's antics dominated this match. Nobody really had a vested interest in this one. Everyone was wanting to see what Austin would do. *1/4 out of 5Los Boricuas Vs The Disciples of Apocalypse. The DOA wins. This was one boring match. The crowd was completely dead for this one and rightfully so. It was nothing but clotheslines, punching, kicking, and all the boring stuff you could think of. * out of 5Flag MatchBret Hart & The British Bulldog Vs Vader & The PatriotBret and the Bulldog win. This was a very inconsistent match that was boring at times and exciting at others. The Patriot had lost all of his heat at this point and Vader was just kind of floundering. It was hard to take them seriously as threats.** out of 5Hell in a Cell Shawn Michaels Vs The UndertakerKane makes his legendary WWF debut and tombstones The Undertaker. Shawn crawls over and pins The Undertaker to win the match. This is the one of (If not the greatest) greatest Hell in a Cell matches in history. It was the first one ever and boy did it deliver. This match had everything. Those paying to see Shawn get his ass kicked in extreme fashion got more than their money's worth. Shawn's beatdown is only beaten by Mick Foley's. Shawn dangling from the cage, only to fall off through the table is unforgettable I can't forget Kane's debut either. It remains one of the finest debuts ever. It would kickstart a classic feud between The Undertaker and Kane. This is simply, classic stuff.***** out of 5This would be a forgettable show, if not for the main event and Kane's debut. It really is a one match show. Because of the main event and Kane's debut, this PPV is required viewing. As a whole, the PPV is forgettable.6/10
amanwhorocks 1. Kama/Rocky Maivia/D Lo Brown Vs. Legion of Doom - Handicap match and even Faarooq have to help his team. 6.5/10 2. Tarantula/Mosaic Vs. Max Mini/Nova - I'm sorry but I really don't like this masked Dwarfs's wrestling. It reminds me kids that hurts each other. 2nd team won. 5/103. WWF World Tag Team Title Match: The Godwinns Vs. Champs-The Headbangers - That was again, like on One night only one no-special tag action. New Champs 6/10 4. WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Faarooq Vs. Owen Hart - Owen became new champ, Stone Cold hit Faarooq with the belt. 6.5/10 5. Los Boricuas Vs. Disciples of Apocalypse - Average tag team action with nice finishing Crush's backbreaker. 6/10 6. Flag Match: Vader/The Patriot Vs. Bret Hart/The British Bulldog 7/10 7. Hell in the Cell: The Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels - First appearance of Kane, who helped Michaels to won! Hell match was fine. Taker totally destroy Shawn. 9/10
SephJunior Aww, I don't even know where to begin here! The entire event is based around the Hell In A Cell match with Michaels and the 'Taker... and rightly so. The whole match was a hunter/hunted-affair with UT at his most dominant since 1991. Shawn got his kicks in though, but when he took out his frustrations on a cameraman, all hell broke loose as the pair went outside, up & over the menacing cell. On a related note, I hope to god those Spanish Announcers are insured, Aye Caramba!!! Not even the appearance of a MYSTERY GUEST was enough to put a damper on this excellent piece of storytelling and brutality. Buy this tape just for that ONE match, it's worth the money!!