Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights
PG | 18 January 2009 (USA)
Wuthering Heights Trailers

Foundling Heathcliff is raised by the wealthy Earnshaws in Yorkshire but in later life launches a vendetta against the family.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
fabienne I wanted to give it a rating of 8 or 9 but that wouldn't be fair as it would come just from me left with a feeling of sadness for this unhappy love story which is exactly what the movie wanted to reach. I read in other reviews that people were not happy of how Heathcliff was portrayed - too less cruel and letting the viewer feel sympathy for him. That exactly is what made me love this movie! It made me suffer with both sides Catherine and Heathcliff for their passionate love for each other which they could never express fully. Both actors playing the lead roles must be amazingly talented, everything was so real, I didn't want to miss even one second of their acting. The movie shows the destructive side of passion and love mixed with a society that does not allow anyone living a life outside of what was set for him/her at birth. It's been a long time ago I've last enjoyed a movie so much! When the movie finished I was left with a feeling of an unfinished and not lived love. The last scene of them at the window, both dead now, didn't in the slightest satisfy the need to see them enjoying themselves more. Great movie for romance and period drama junkies like me!
CoolRoel First of all, I want to submit this review only because of another review I read about this movie, where the person who wrote it grades the movie with a two out of ten. Mostly because the original story (it's based on a novel) in his/her opinion was much better and furthermore the acting (again, his/her opinion) wasn't up to standard. Luckily I was bored and curious and started the movie anyway. Not expecting great acting, good directing and well built storytelling. Not even expecting to see it all the way to the end, as I'm not really a fan of the 'love story' genre.After a few minutes it was clear though. The review I read was not meant for me, or anyone else who hasn't read the book!! And let's be honest, even though it's admirable to read your classics and I would recommend everyone to pick up a book every now and then...how many of the IMDb members would there be, who have read the 1847 (!!!) novel?? I think.......not many!Having said that, I'll now write my review and I'll keep it short to avoid spoiling your fun. Acting, directing, production, screen writing, plot...well, the movie altogether: it was compelling, surprising, fascinating and never a bore... IT WAS GREAT!!!So if you like love stories, love love stories, or even hate love stories...go and see this great mini-series!!!Have fun!!!
Diana t I'm hardly ever thankful with book adaptations, because they hardly ever match the beauty of reading this book, and after having my dreams smashed with "Eragon"'s adaptation I had almost lost hope in movies of this type. At first, I felt reluctant to watch "Wuthering Heights", because I didn't want to see one of my favorite books mocked in a Hollywood making. It had kind of a sloppy start, and I was almost ready to stop watching, when I saw Heathcliff. He was as close as he could get to what I thought he looked like, and this kept me watching. The story was different, of course, but these differences aren't bothering, on the contrary, many of them add some flavor.Emily Bronte wrote a book that can hardly be translated into moving picture, since the complexity of the characters, and the bond between Cathy and Heathcliff goes so deep beyond love, up to a point that it isn't a love story anymore. But they managed to surpass that. At least Heathcliff's actor is beyond great, since he honored what I believe to be one of the most complex characters in literature. He shows accurate enough his character, his sufferings, his emotions; at times, he's ugly, other times, he looks perfect, he's awkward, he's diabolical, he's ironic, strong, weak, in pain, loving and ignorant. The storyline keeps to the book, as much as possible, but I wish they could make a better Cathy, and emphasize on their bond, not as a love story, but as a longing story. The only flaws I've seen is that they made a bit too physical contact, and that they skipped some scenes, like Heathcliff's departure, or their moment together before she dies. But all in all, it's a really good adaptation, best I've seen since The Lord of the Rings. Despite its flaws, it gets a whole-hearted 10. It even ended as I imagined! (SPOILER!) With their ghosts seen at the windows of Wuthering Heights, finally together. You don't get this comfort in the book!
calinn_g ... because it remembered some ideas in the book that touched me (ideas like .. humanity sometimes gives birth to inhumane, a selfish, fanatic love can produce misery etc.). i'm having a feeling of compassion for those who will watch this without having read the book first, because the poor souls won't understand what the story is really about. i absolutely dislike the way heathcliff was portrayed (and not only in this version, i never saw a wuthering heights movie in which heathcliff is heathcliff, as i imagine him in the book) and don't entirely agree with the actor chosen.. don't know why, it's something about his face, he's too beautiful and soft, the heathcliff i always imagined is much rougher and less macho. even if the guy does his best (and i must say he has a great voice, especially at the end of the movie or whenever he is playing the old heathcliff), it's just not enough. cathy is, like someone in another comment perfectly described the cathy in this movie, like a teenage girl swept of her feet by a handsome boy, she doesn't fight him enough, she doesn't seem to be able to match him. the cathy in the book was able to make heathcliff stop whatever he was doing and knee in front of her, here the roles seem to have changed, she's like an obeying wife who does whatever her husband tells her to do. she doesn't seem to have a will of her own, she just follows him. and that's wrong, in the book they were both equally stubborn and strong-willed. overall, i'll give this movie a 6, but just because, like i said before, it reminded me about the book, which i'll start to read in about... 1 minute or so..