Wushu Warrior
Wushu Warrior
| 01 January 2010 (USA)
Wushu Warrior Trailers

China, 1862: Lord Lindsey rules the opium trade and enslaves the innocent. The only hope for the oppressed nation, is a covert group of trained Wushu Warriors - The Red Lotus Society – who will fight to restore justice to its people.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
dafrosts I am fast becoming a big fan of WUSHU and saw this on Amazon Prime and thought, why not? The reason why not is it's numbingly boring. Matt Frewer always seems to require a Mt. Dew AMP to get any inkling of energy in his performances. This is no exception. I was hoping someone would come along to shake him and wake him up, The plot is basic WUSHU - Son looking to avenge the death of his father learns the true meaning of Kung Fun. They go off on far too many tangents to make this make sense. Just because you have a script doesn't mean you should make the movie. If you have nothing better to do on a Sunday morning and you've seen every Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest film available, still don't watch this.
Destroyer Wod OK, for the starter, let me say an entertaining movie from me always get a 7, a good enjoyable movie a 8 and so on. If i go from 6 and down, its because the movie really suck or that i want to turn it off cause I'm bored.Personally i was thinking trough the whole movie what was its real identity and thats where it probably fail for a lot of people when personally i still can enjoy it. Thing is, you start looking at this movie like an epic story, then it become way more of a vengeance "train me master please so i can kick the bad guy ass" to try to go back to the epic trail.Problem is, its neither of them. The fighting is not enough present, not carrying the movie if i can say, its more like there is a couple scene here and there. Then as for the story, its a little bit cliché like some said, it lack the polishing feel of a movie like Red Cliff for example.But then at the same time, i didn't watch the clock, i was interested in following the story enough to stay in front of the TV, so i was ENTERTAINED, which is as far as many movies will go. Rarely a "Dark Knight" will pop and make you watch it every day during 2 weeks without getting bored.I must had that I'm not a fan of hidden dragon crouching tiger, I'm not a fan of Chinese martial arts movie where the characters are obviously wired and fly over the screen. Here there is a few supernatural scene, but nothing that can be annoying. Like Dragon Tiger Gate, it pass with the rest of the movie without making you think "its so stupid" So yeah basically don't watch it as a pop corn beer time kung fu movie, don't watch it as an epic masterpiece, but just watch it as a cool little movie and thats it. I would recommend it to teen as well so you could see it with your family.
avlieox This movie is a waste of time...absolutely awful !An misleading title ... it should be called Wushu idiot, because the main character has no credibility ! I think that Tod Fennell acting is a total disaster ! I can not figure out how he managed to be distributed as a warrior ! He looks more like a girl with that stupid haircut ! Total lack of originality...Alain Desrochers...i'll remember this name and never watch a movie made by him !Storyline is a fake, everything is predictable and boring ... this movie is a sleeping pill !
mindsedgeblade Watch this movie for what it is. A GUY MOVIE. It's simply a good kung fu flick. No horribly mushy love story, no long drawn out character development, no silly twists for the director to show how much better he thinks he is than the rest of the world, and no "indy" or "emo" blood letting or soul searching. There's even a valid historical reason for the Chinese to speak English.The gunfire is underwhelming, while the "sorcery" and super-natural effects are very well done. It feels organic and an extension of the warrior spirit. Not sure if it was intentional, but this has the feel of "there still lies power in the old ways." Not over-the-top, for the most part. The final fight scene is a bit of a stretch though. The few "wire-fu" moments aren't over-ambitious, and serve to show growth in the art, rather than feeling like an excuse to show off (as in Crouching Tiger and the like).If you're a martial artist, this film leans ever so slightly to the spiritual side of the art. Just enjoy it and try not to dwell on any inaccuracies. The protagonist is orphaned, taken in by a wushu master and his village, and through the years learns the secrets. He finds strength, and learns control. It struck a chord with me, as I'm sure it will with other who take their training seriously.