R | 22 September 2017 (USA)
Woodshock Trailers

Theresa, a haunted young woman spiraling in the wake of profound loss, is torn between her fractured emotional state and the reality-altering effects of a potent cannabinoid drug.

Micransix Crappy film
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
valis1949 The cinematography is very well-done, and that's it for the positives because overall the film is a very slow-moving Wannabe Art Film that's poorly written and slowly devolves into an overblown, confusing downer with little or no meaning. Kirsten Dunst is a tremendous actress, but there is absolutely nothing in this screenplay for her to work with.Think- Indica, as in, "in-duh!-ca".
Mr_Ectoplasma "Woodshock" follows a young woman in Northern California who is devastated by the recent loss of her mother. Her grief becomes compounded by a successive tragedy, after which she begins indulging in a powerful cannabinoid that alters her mental state to dangerous proportions.Contrary to what the current IMDb rating may indicate (4.5, for the record), I found "Woodshock" to be undeniably beautiful and not deserving of the critical hits it's taken. It's emotionally-driven to the point of being almost anti-cerebral, but the good fortune of having someone like Kirsten Dunst playing the lead character makes the endeavor appear seamless. She is fantastic in the role, conveying inordinate amounts with so few faculties. Her emotional work is felt more than it's seen, which I suppose is true for the bulk of the film—in any case, Dunst is incredibly naturalistic here, as is the rest of the supporting cast. They each feel like people I could have known in the rural town I was raised in.This is not a movie where much "happens," so-to-speak; I wouldn't call it an experimental film by any means, but it is certainly an art film that revels in experience rather than explanation—there is a narrative, but it is not narrative-driven, instead more concerned with impressions and sensibilities. There is gorgeous cinematography throughout with overlays and crossfades that seem to be invoking Tarkovsky, and montages that recall Terrence Malick. The writer-director team (sisters Laura and Kate Mulleavy, founders of the fashion label Rodarte), said they were greatly influenced by the Redwoods of Northern California where they grew up, which were incorporated into the film. I will say that the trees themselves do not take up as much visual or narrative space as I had expected they would, but there is an ominous, majestic, yet haunting representation of them. I was raised in the Pacific Northwest, so the landscapes, towns, and even the characters feel very familiar to me. Each of the characters, from the sparsely-drawn to the most significant, register as "real" people, which helps ground the film's darker and more tragic turns.In the end, I found "Woodshock" to be a legitimately well-made film that's been slagged off by anti- intellectuals, which is ironic given that it's not an intellectual movie per se. It's an emotional journey if anything, set in an extraordinary place, among ordinary people, in unusual circumstances. Dunst's performance alone is haunting (or haunted), and reason enough to view the film—I found it even more interesting than her more muted (but equally great) performance in "Melancholia." This is certainly a love-it-or-hate-it-type film, but as a dark, impressionistic endeavor, "Woodshock" succeeds largely with the help of realistic characters and realistic performances. 9/10.
rambobarbieisba This film is terribly amazing, this film is sort of like a good camp film everybody and everything is so serious yet it is all so poorly executed. Mainly the plot is a few things happen then latter the plot may or may not tell you what in the hell was/is going on. Kirsten Dunst is amazing in this film she plays a stoned out of her mind super pot head who is just about always in her underwear or in a dress that is very focused on her boobs and butt.The film really goes for a Nicholas Winding Refn/Safdie Brothers kind of neonesc lighting that really doesn't work with the camera movements, though it does add humor. The writing is very lacking and so is the visual story, if you were deaf or blind you'd have even less of an idea as to what is going on then those with both which is still pretty much no idea. There really isn't much of a story and not in a good "where the story lacks everything else expands" kind of way but just in a sort of "weak story that tries to seem deep" kind of way, if that makes any sense. One last critic is that the cinematography really takes me out of the reality of the reality of the films world, it just seems like a visual image not a place I could be or am.I do like the film though, it is extremely original in the weirdest way possible, which is fantastic. If you don't take it very seriously you'll have a fun time. I really hope the Mulleavy Sisters make another film because I will definitely watch it.(P.S. There's a Galaxie 500 song playing during one of the scenes which is just awesome)
rockman182 I thought this looked like Melancholia from the trailer so I was immediately intrigued. I love Kirsten Dunst, I find her very attractive and think she's quite underrated (please see Melancholia and Fargo Season 2 before disagreeing). I generally love independent films that focus on visuals and the aesthetic component of film so I thought I would be in for a treat with Woodshock. Unfortunately though, there is very little to write home about here.The film is about Theresa, who recently experienced a tragic loss in her life. She is quite clearly emotionally sunken from the loss and takes a mind and reality altering drug that takes effect on her life. I wish I could say more about the film but its really hard to grasp or explain what else was going on. This isn't even a confusion in a good way. The film has nothing logical going on and doesn't even feel real. It tries to mimic profound films of a minimalist nature but fails to capture any interest or compassion for the work.The filming style is worth viewing. Kate and Laura Mulleavy certainly have an eye for cinematic style. The use of superimposition was a huge favorite for this one. Neon lights, hazy atmosphere, and a powerful score also make the technical aspects of the film to look and feel top notch. The film does feel in tune with its drug fueled high atmosphere. That's really it. I think Kirsten Dunst is really good in this. She has really mastered the role of a depressed, grief encompassed woman. She's not at fault for the films shortcomings.While I think Kate and Laura Mulleavy impressed with their style, their writing needs more work. Its hard to care and really follow what's going on. I am a patient person for films like this but they have to have a real impact with its minimal story. This film unfortunately does not do that and was a frustrating experience. Definitely not worth the time and effort.5/10