Women Aren't Angels
Women Aren't Angels
| 18 January 1943 (USA)
Women Aren't Angels Trailers

Alfred Bandle and Wilmer Popday are partners in business and, somewhat timorously on Popday's part, in pleasure. When their wives join the A.T.S., the men are left unattended and dangerously bored. The trouble starts when Bandle is late for an end-of-leave party after giving a girlfriend a lift; Popday promises the wives he ll restrain his wayward friend when they return to duty, but Bandle evidently thinks otherwise.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
malcolmgsw The Aldwych farces were filmed in the 30s and often featured Alfred Drayton and Robertson Hare.This film is really the last in that long line.It is based on a play but not by Ben Levy.Hare and Drayton are an unlikely pair of music publishers who as usual are henpecked.Drayton is full of his usual bombast whilst poor old Hare is very much under his wife's thumb.They become involved in a spy ring during which they have to dress up in their wives ATS uniforms.They manage to hitch a lift at one point.by showing their legs.However hare takes off his cap to reveal his bald head and the car driver speeds off.It is all nonsense but great fun.Hare by the way does get to say "Oh calamity".It is always funny when he says it.Completely forgotten it deserves an airing.