Witches of the Caribbean
Witches of the Caribbean
R | 10 December 2005 (USA)
Witches of the Caribbean Trailers

A persistent nightmare about a 16th century sorceress burned to death on a beach sends 17-year-old Angela looking for enlightenment at a fortnight retreat on a beautiful Caribbean isle. All the teens at the gathering are part of Angela's inexplicable dream, and when professed witch Bethany begins luring others into her coven, Angela slowly discovers the truth in this bloody horror tale with an exotic twist.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Paul Andrews Witches of the Caribbean starts late one night on a picturesque Carribbean island where a young guy named Dino (Owen Steuart) hears someone calling him, he wanders around trying to find out who but a mysterious cloaked figure rips his heart out... Professor Avebury (Joanna Cassidy) runs a program for troubled teens & has decided to hold sessions on a Caribbean island, perk of the job I suppose. Avebury's last guest has just arrived, Angela (Nicole Cavazos) who has been suffering from a recurring dream of a witch being burned alive 100's of years ago. Angela is introduced to everyone, Bethany (Nicole Marie Monica), Clara (Kelli Giddish), Enid (Nina Tapinin), Cutter (Micael King) & Jerry (Kyle Jordon). Bethany is a self proclaimed witch & befriends Angela, she influences her & reveals to Angela that they share the same dream. As the dream becomes more & more vivid Angela changes, Bethany twists the facts & convinces her that only she can help her. But what is Bethany's motivation, how come she appears to have magical powers & what sinister plan does she have in store for the vulnerable Angela?Directed by David DeCoteau I thought Witches of the Caribbean was a poor attempt at a horror film. The script by Janna K. Arnold is simplistic, unoriginal & doesn't really interest. At points the film is OK & it moves along at a fair pace while at other's it becomes mind numbingly tedious to sit through. The story itself about a reincarnated witch isn't anything particularly new & Witches of the Caribbean does nothing to distinguish itself apart from the location but even then that was probably chosen so the filmmakers could have a nice holiday in the Caribbean for a few days, it's nice work if you can get it! The cast is made up entirely of teens most of whom annoy & the climactic showdown at the end is pathetically staged & I'm pretty sure I could have done a better job, if that wasn't bad enough DeCoteau then has the nerve to make us watch one of those predictable throwaway sequel driven twist endings. Overall there is very little by which I can recommend Witches of the Caribbean as there are so many more better horror films out there.Director DeCoteau has over 50 low budget sex/horror films to his 'credit', he usually hides under a pseudonym (in some case under a woman's name) so for him to put his real name to this I shudder to think of the quality, or lack of, of the other films he's made. There is no excitement, atmosphere or scares but I have to give him some credit for assembling a fine looking cast of young ladies... There are one or two gory moments all revolving around people having their hearts ripped out.Going straight to video, where it belongs I might add, Witches of the Caribbean was filmed in the Turks & Caicos Islands wherever they are & amazingly, according to the IMDb, was shot between 14th December 2003 & 19th December 2003! It took five days to shoot this? What took them so long? It's also interesting to note that it sat on a shelf for two years before being released in '05. As a whole it's reasonably well made considering the budget, shooting schedule etc. There is quite a catchy pop tune as part of the soundtrack which I found myself liking. Again, a mention for the ladies whom are all very easy on the eyes especially when they get the black goth look going.Witches of the Caribbean is watchable at best & that's being generous. At least it doesn't last for very long & isn't as bad as some low budget straight to video crap that I've sat through lately. You could do worse, but not much, but you could do better, a lot better.
luxdeluks This one sucks on so many levels it's hard to describe. The story surrounds a bunch of teenagers having group therapy on a Caribbean island. They all have the same dream of a witch being burned alive by some guys in hoods. Now why did I even give it 1 goblin head? There are three reasons.First the main guy from the dream. I haven't seen such a stupid expression for a long time. Then the first killing. This scene is remarkably stupid and in my opinion the only interesting scene in the movie. With sounds of heartbeat in the background we see a guy in underwear walking around dark places for a few minutes and then getting his heart pulled out. You can even see blood coming from other directions. Great stuff. Finally the last factor. A monumental movie montage of flashbacks featuring scenes from the whole movie up to that point and a group of badly dressed youngsters walking on the beach accompanied by very disgusting rave-pop-techno music. It lasts 2 minutes. Astounding. I think the dream flashbacks appear at least 100 times during the film, but this scene tops it off. If you're in need of completely useless flashbacks go see this movie. I was amazed.After watching it the second time with a can in case I get an urge to vomit, a deep realization of how bad were the story and ending came to mind. "Your love is pure, you can save Angela," says the female doctor to the good guy. You can not imagine the tone of her voice saying that line. Shocking. Just like when at the ending we see Angela getting green eyes. Hope they make a sequel.I really tried to find this entertaining but nope it just plain blows some major gas. The killings are notoriously forgettable with blood spurting all over the victim without known reason. I know we all love to see good amounts of blood in movies but believe me it's hardly satisfying here. Just remembered one good scene when Angela is drinking Tequila. Oh the face, oh my god.The effects are what's to be expected in cheap video production so I won't venture there. Music? Where's the vomit can... Hmmm what about the therapy sessions? I actually liked their stupidity. The dialogues are a league of their own especially during the therapy. Cutter is definitely the best character there. A steroid mass without a brain. Got my hopes high for nothing when I thought there would be more dialogue with him. Damn.I have no more energy to write about this piece of garbage any more. It's bad but not fun. Don't watch this unless for some masochistic reason like I did. 2 times people. Maybe I should go for some Caribbean therapy.Originally written for http://www.bad-good.org
Petter Kamhaug Total utter CRAP! If this was only a porno, it might have been a little interesting to watch. First of all a movie with a title like this should deliver, which it does not. It's hard to feel slightly passionate about this project, for calling it a movie would be an overstatement. This is too stupid and dumb, how is it possible to make something this bad!?! The acting is flat and not very convincing. Combine this with a story so terrible, that it must have been written by someone on some kind of wonder drug, with awful directing, you get this lovely soup of rubbish and crap. After 40 minutes of watching the movie, oh the horror, I found out that there were 40 minutes left, when will this end? And what is up with the misplaced dance music and totally unnecessary flashback montage? I'm having a really hard time understanding this movie. I'll sue, cause this is America, and in America, if something sucks, you're supposed to be able to get your money back! why oh why
CarlB1961 David DeCoteau has a reputation for making terrible movies, but this takes the cake for pure wretchedness.A teenage girl (who looks about 26) is sent to a tropical island resort for troubled youths following the tragic death of her mother. There she starts having reoccurring dreams about a woman accused of being a witch and sentenced to burn at the stake in the 16th century. Soon after she meets another troubled "teenage" girl who shares the same dream. It was at this point that I lost what little track I had of the plot, and the movie lost what marginal sense it possessed. I think the girl is actually supposed to be the reincarnation of the witch who was burned to death, and the other kids on the island are in some kind of Satanic cult who want to lure her in and sacrifice her for some reason or other. Or something.This movie has all of DeCoteau's trademark elements: homo-eroticism, bad acting, shallow characters, pointless montages, gratuitously repeated scenes from earlier in the movie, nearly nonexistent plot, etc, etc, etc.All the characters were unsympathetic, and is some cases downright obnoxious, cardboard stereotypes: the "jock", the "sensitive guy", the "goth chick", the "country girl", the "hippie girl".This movie has no merit and no redeeming qualities for humanity whatsoever.I feel cheated out of the $3.00 I spent to rent it, and the 90 minutes of my life I wasted in watching it! Avoid at all risks!