Winter's Tale
Winter's Tale
PG-13 | 13 February 2014 (USA)
Winter's Tale Trailers

A burglar falls for an heiress as she dies in his arms. When he learns that he has the gift of reincarnation, he sets out to save her.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
delilahdesi I've used IMDB religiously for years but have never written a review till now. I love this movie so much and when I saw that it's average score was only 6.2 I only hope my score can improve the average! This movie really makes one think that the universe and all of us is much bigger than just ourselves, and that all of our actions good and bad have a ripple effect. It's also a very touching love story and you really feel for the main characters in this film. Anyone who has not seen it take a chance you will love this movie.
Lisa Muñoz I love fantasy, unlike my family. But to mix it in with an every day life scenario, it has to be done right. In the case of Pan's Labyrinth, the beautiful combination of the real war-torn world and the fantasy world worked spot on throughout the whole film.In this movie, the gaps of the fantasy world aren't really filled out properly. It presents itself as a world where demons and angels are fighting some kind of war. But the rules aren't very clear. This is made evident by the fact that the book is incredibly long and covers too much ground for it to be made in a film (Martin Scorsese himself deemed it unfilmable) The other, albeit much milder, problem I have with the movie is Will Smith as Lucifer. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE Will Smith, but this just doesn't work. To play the devil, an actor has to have two things: Irresistible charm and the ability to terrify the wits out of you. Smith definitely has the first, but not so much the second. It unfortunately ends up being too sickly sweet and clichèd for my liking.
danhokstad I wanted to love this movie. Really, really wanted to. Winter's Tale is my favourite novel; but, I didn't want that to get in my way - I went in with an open mind. I knew that lots would have to be cut out (or else the movie would be 27 hours long!), and focusing on Peter Lake and Beverly Penn was obviously the right decision. BUT, then why would Akiva Goldsman ADD something? The totally ridiculous Judge/Devil character, played by Will Smith, is an invention that was very poorly chosen - it destroyed the magic. Parts of it were good: Colin Farrell is brilliant as Peter, Russell Crowe is a fiendishly wonderful Pearly Soames, and William Hurt is perfect as Isaac Penn; yet parts were bad. Although she is a great actor, Jessica Brown Findlay is woefully miscast as Beverly. Do yourself a favour, skip the movie, and instead go and read all of Mark Helprin's novels.
kingdaviduk Good movie if you like angels, demons, fantasy, miracles.I really enjoyed this movie, about a young man (Peter Lake) who grew up in bad circumstances, got involved in a gang of thieves led by a demon, and managed to escape them with the help an angel who looks like a horse. He meets a young woman, and the demon thinks the woman is a threat and sets out to have her killed. After killing Peter Lake by pushing him into the river, he is then either kept in suspended animation by God for 100 years or so waking in up in 2014, or God makes Peter travel forward in time. Either way, Peter survived the fall into the river. In the modern New York he meets a woman with a daughter with cancer, and realises that the girl he kept drawing was this little girl. The demon asks Satan for permission to have a fight to death with Peter Lake in which one of them will die the one true death. I won't reveal any more, just to say that it was a great story with some unreal ideas, such as Willa did not look her age in 2014, she should have been about 120, and the fact that demons cannot die nor can angels choose to become mortal humans. If you like miracles then watch this. The angel horse made a great contribution as well.