Winter Lily
Winter Lily
| 24 March 2000 (USA)
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In a remote part of New England, Clive arrives at Memory Lane, a rustic bed&breakfast. After being welcomed by the charming hostess, Agatha, he soon discovers a diary filled with mystery about the hostess' daughter, Lily. His natural curiosity turns into obsession as he desperately tries to solve the mystery surrounding the girl. Lily's presence is felt througout the house, but why is she kept out of sight? The more he seeks out the truth, the more he is caught in a whirlwind of obscurity, deception and torment and falls straight into the deadly trap set by his friendly hostess.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Ehirerapp Waste of time
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
lazarillo Even though I've never actually been to Canada, I first started watching horror movies in the early 80's "slash-for-cash" era when a lot of horror films were made in Canada, thanks to government tax breaks there, and distributed in the US. Of course, a lot of these films tried to LOOK as American as possible, but being low-budget efforts, they often didn't succeed. Now, of course, Canada is pretty much "Hollywood north", but Hollywood movies filmed in Canada today are completely indistinguishable from Hollywood movies filmed in Los Angeles, so the essential "Canadian-ness" of movies like "Black Christmas", "Funeral Home" or "Curtains" has really been lost. What really made a lot of these low-budget films is the wintry Canadian settings and the ATMOSPHERE. These films aren't slick and bombastic and hyper-edited like bigger-budgeted Hollywood films. They let the tension build up slowly (too slowly perhaps for many people today) instead of bludgeoning you with loud music, countless "jump-scares", and expensive CGI effects. They're spartan, but often strangely effective.As far as things like acting and dialogue, low-budget Canuck indies are definitely inferior and at times even incompetent. The plot of this movie is pretty weak and the ending is really weak. But this movie has a great setting of a wintry, isolated B-and-B where SOMETHING creepy is going on with the sick daughter of the innkeeper, who a young male guest becomes infatuated with after finding her diary. Strangely, the mother of the sick girl seems to be sexually pushing the guest towards her daughter (in a plot reminiscent of another obscure Canadian film called "Cold Comfort"). The resolution of the mystery is very dissatisfying, but this doesn't add up to the entire movie being worthless. It's actually quite effective in places.Mention should also be made of actress Kimberly LaFerriere. Yes, she's probably not a great actress based on this and the only other thing I've seen her in (the TV series "1,000 Ways to die" where she plays a nympho who has a fatal encounter with a cucumber). She has a very good LOOK though, a very interesting combination of creepy and sexy (particularly memorable is her flashback ice-skating scene which graces the film poster). Except for the flashback scenes, she spends most of this movie literally in bed, but she still has more nude scenes than the ridiculously "hot" actresses that headline most Hollywood horror movies. (I also find it annoying that the obscure Canuck actresses of the "slash-for-cash" era have been replaced by Hollywood actresses like Meagan Fox, Alexandra Daddario, and Odette Yustman, who really aren't any more talented, but are just so "hot" they don't have to actually do nude scenes in lowly horror movies).None of this makes this movie any kind of low-budget masterpiece (far from it, really), but it has some refreshing, kind of old-fashioned virtues of a truly Canadian horror indie. I definitely didn't hate it.
RealBohemian IMDb staff, please categorize this turkey appropriately! I love good horror films and so watched this due to the categorization..If I could, I'd remove the ridiculous "horror" tag and stick on thriller or even (bad) drama. The synopsis makes it seem that Lily is some sort of supernatural creature, a vampire, a werewolf perhaps. Nope. This is not a horror movie, it is a plain sicko flick that tries to justify itself by playing the taboo card multiple overdone times.The plot? Simple. Crazy husband and wife, dead barely pubescent daughter, dead adult family friend. Followed by eventually (probably) dead paying guest. Not a smidgen of horror movie anywhere, instead this turkey takes you thru a slow whatever beginning to then one after another pop up A) Gross and completely gratuitous scene of man gutting skinned rabbit B) Guy waking up and explicitly vomiting for no reason and with no prior sign of discomfort C) Supposedly normal adult B&B customer --who looks and sounds about 15-- male becoming instantly inexplicably obsessed with never seen or heard barely 14 year old girl through reading melodramatic diary entry D) Dramatization of diary entry (or possibly dream after reading it) of barely 14 girl putting various clothing items over a fire screen while wearing an open shirt and a pair of panties, and her father screaming "How dare you come down here NAKED!" in such a way it;s clear he is a pedophile E) barely 14 year old girl being comforted by adult family friend alone in her bedroom, telling him that her mother and father know she is ill and want her to die F) barely 14 year old and adult family friend meeting in barn for intromission after a couple of kisses G) Obsessed customer waking up next to corpse of barely 14 year old girl H) later having intercourse with corpse I) pedophile dad revealed as murderer of daughter and family friend.And finally, as many bodies as the last act of Hamlet. Boring, stupid, shlock.
ThrownMuse They should have named this "What's the Matter with Lily?," as a nod to 60s and 70s horror films that ask such rhetorical questions about their female pro/antagonists. Clive, a young photographer, stays at a secluded Canadian bed & breakfast in the dead of winter. The hotel is run by a very off-kilter woman who talks non-stop about her bed-ridden daughter, Lily. Clive finds the girl's diary and becomes obsessed with her. Lily's story unravels and Clive discovers what horrifying events led to the girl's current predicament. This is a creepy little movie with a wintry atmosphere that works in its favor, but it moves at a snails pace and is rather predictable. The lead actor (and his character, for that matter) is annoying, though Dorothee Berryman is delightfully wacky as the innkeeper.
hero_worship This movie is pretty good throughout, but it's the ending that's really cool; it's how a thriller should end. The setting and cast are also great assets to the film, especially Danny Gilmore, NICE! I did find a few lame parts to the film though, such as Clive's "connection" to Lily, I'm not exactly sure where that came from. As an interesting film I give it a 6 out of 10, but add a great ending and I give it a 7. I'm not sure why it's considered a horror film though. It does have an eerie feel to it, but if you're looking for gore, there's not much here. Not that that's a bad thing, I think the coldness and eeriness do it justice. A twisted thriller? Yes. Horror? Not really.