Willy The Sparrow
Willy The Sparrow
| 09 March 1988 (USA)
Willy The Sparrow Trailers

What would it feel like to be a bird and fly over the trees and housetops? A boy named Willy finds out when the Sparrow Guardian turns him into a Sparrow for shooting a BB gun at the little birds. Suddenly, Willy's own cat thinks of him as lunch but, luckily, some new sparrow friends rush to Willy's rescue. They deliver him to a grandfatherly old bird named Cipur who takes Willy under his wing, teaches him how to fly, and so much more. In return, Willy fulfills Cipur's lifelong dream for knowledge by teaching him ow to read. Willy's new friendship helps him understand that all creatures have feelings and deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. Before Willy is turned back into a boy, he leads the sparrows in a brave but perilous plan to retake their home in the barn from Blacky the cat. Finally, the Sparrow Guardian offers Willy a very special opportunity.

Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
GagetLover38 My son was lent this in first grade. (We can buy it for $10.) There is a part where the older wiser sparrow goes to a bar and gets drunk on alcohol with two (normally drunk in credits) rats, thinking it's the elixir of knowledge. I was greatly surprised at this. But the spraying part is bad too, now that I think about it. With 23 kids in his class at $10 each they spent $230 for this (not very good anyway) movie! And, used of for homework in place of regular homework! I just bought a wonderful geography book (Rand McNally beginners) for this grade (and older) for about $7 because I know they don't teach much at all in school! If they have money for this junk, why can't they spend it on education material!?75 minutes felt a lot longer even to my son. It won't teach respect kindness or desire for knowledge if the person doesn't already have it. By the way; the older wiser characters talk way too fast. Joanne
albrodie This film contains a scene where characters spray each other in the face with an aerosol spray can. Unfortunately it taught my small children to do exactly that! This can be a dangerous and life threatening situation. Parents should be strongly cautioned about showing Willy The Sparrow to young children! We originally received this film from a Christian video club that advertised all of their films had high family standards. After the incident with the aerosol sprays occurred we canceled our membership in that club and wrote the club a very strong letter about the nature of the film. The club unfortunately declined to respond to our letter.
bloodslaying It was sometime ago back in the early to mid nineties, my Brother got a copy of it back when he passed the first grade, and I we still own the copy, and we always enjoyed it from time after time. The movie is filled with an equal portion of humor, action, courage, and of course a good influence for young ones of that age. The thing that I didn't know was, that the movie was originally made in Hungary back, in the late eighties. Well, like I say, we always enjoyed it, and so did all my brothers friends of who ever got a copy also, and of course will always be a masterpiece to all those out there, who's minds are just crying out for knowledge.
pigor-2 Hungarian cartoonist are word famous, but the excellent Hungarian cartoons are unfortunately little known abroad. Whereas there are many good short and long cartoons (Gusztav, Mezga Geza, Dr. Bubo, Ludas Matyi, Hugo, the hyppo etc.)Vili, a veréb (Will, the sparrow) is one of the best, if not the best, among these. Vili, a ten years old "bad" boy is shooting to sparrows with airgun. A good fairy penalize him by metamorphosing him to a sparrow. He have many funny adventures with sparrows (eg. to learn flying). By the end of film he will be a good, animal loving kid.