Wild Times
Wild Times
PG | 24 January 1980 (USA)
Wild Times Trailers

A sharpshooting saddle tramp (Hugh Cardiff) with a price on his head falls for the daughter (Libby) of a wealthy ranch owner. He vows to win enough money in shooting contests to win her father's approval, but when he returns years later, he finds she has married another man who is jealous of her affections. The husband (Vern) tries to have a murder warrant served on the drifter; shoots him in the back and hires a gambler to murder the man. None of these attempts on the drifter's life kills Cardiff. When the Libby leaves Vern, he goes gunning for the drifter, now the star of a Wild West show.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
jpanyard Some of the worst acting ever committed to film by name players. The story is weak, the score abysmal, the directing non existent. This may have been the film that doomed Sam Elliott to supporting roles, B movies and TV westerns following his bravura performance in "Once An Eagle." Dennis Hopper's mumbled lines take up about 30 seconds. Ben Johnson is sleepwalking through his role and the female lead would have had difficulty outshining the furniture. Poorly written, poorly directed and poorly acted. It is hard to understand the high ratings given by some reviewers. If the novel on which it was based was as bad as this two-part miniseries, it is hard to believe it was published. The horses were pretty good, however.
rwharmon776 Sorry all, but even though I overall LOVED the movie the author MISSED on the history. The "Famous Face on the Barroom Floor" was not painted on the floor of the Teller House of Central City Colorado until 1936. Movie stated that competing at the shooting contest was Billy Dixon who died in 1913. How could Billy have possibly been at the contest after he was dead?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Face_on_the_Barroom_Floor_(painting)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Dixon8 out of 10 for the overall feel of the movie, 2 out of 10 for the history inaccuracy.A simple average of the above scores would lead to a 50% or 5 of a possible 10. A simple average, though does not explain the high level of overall enjoyment from the work of fiction. The wife properly explained it as a historical romance novel which misses on some accounts.Watch it and enjoy it, but first turn off a portion of your mind.
imperialdebubba-1 Wild Times is a real piece of crap. A Don "Red" Barry movie from the early forties has more intelligence than this tripe. The dialogue was dumb, the storyline was dumber, and the acting was way below par. My wife and I got stuck watching all three hours and twenty one minutes of this valueless video on the Westerns Channel, hoping that as time wore on it would get better. It never did. It started out mildly okay, then went downhill from there. Some movie moguls must have had a lot of cash and nothing to do to waste their time and everyone elses with this worthless western. If you have the choice of watching Wild Times or rearranging your sock drawer - do the socks. It'll be more entertaining.
steckleinvinita This is the basic western of man meets girl, looses girl.The cast is second to none. Mini Series on TV Sam Elliott plays Hugh Cardiff an ex-Buffalo hunter. With his shooting skills he starts the following the shooting competitions.At the shooting competitions he meets Ben Johnson and Timothy Scott, the 3 become good friends.The threesome get into trouble and help each other out. For a historical flare, the threesome even meet Wild Bill Hickok and go into business together. While long for a movie, if you like to just sit down and watch one for a couple/three nights this one is a great one.