Wicked Ways
Wicked Ways
R | 21 December 1999 (USA)
Wicked Ways Trailers

A wife, her two-timing husband and a flirting neighbor are unpredictable competitors in a warped game that turns into a life-or-death affair.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
whpratt1 It was very enjoyable watching this film and trying to figure out just what direction the director was taking the audience. Rebecca DeMornay (Ruth),"Backdraft",'91, was very attractive and very sexy as a suspecting wife and went to all kinds of expense to trap her husband in any way that she could. Michael Rooker(Matt),"The Replacement Killers",'98, tried to satisfy two wives and I must say he did a pretty good job of making both of them smile and laugh at times! Mark Rolston(Tom),"Blade Runner",97, Ruth's next door neighbor soon got the hots for her and turned out to be quite the lover. If you love Rebecca DeMornay and good acting by Michael Rooker and Mark Rolston, this is a must see film. The actors must have had their LAUGHS acting in this film!
MsDivine This movie was much better than the mainstream "hand that rocked the cradle." The story and the good acting is what kept me watching this movie. I liked it because all actors had unique characters. Rebecca's character as the lonely housewife whose husband leads a double life, is one that was portrayed very well. Michael Rooker as the manipulative 2 timing husband who tried to fake his own death. And of course the killer who lived next door. This movie was packed with drama, suspense and what I would refer to as dark comedy. I don't mind that this came straight to video. It's not easy for some to watch movies that stay away from the mainstream. I give this movie a perfect score!
Luv_2_b_scared Ok... It's 4am and I'm up. So what's on TV? 150 channels on the air (flip-flip-flip) Well What's this? I know her and look he's in this too. Oh what's their names? I'll have to remember to look. But I never knew they did anything together. Hmmmm... I'll watch this for a few. Well, now she's a nut. Oh but wait he's what? Why is she like this? Oh I see. Maybe? No-yes-well-maybe... She's a nut with help. Oh and her neighbor is too. COOL!!! ^ That is how I came across this movie. ^ But this is A GREAT MOVIE if you like erotic psychological thrillers with a twist. It has everything: love, sex, adultery, a heathy dose of fear, hatred, a mentally unsound woman with a reason that been pushed too far and murder plot(s). It's got it all. Everything for a good late night movie. It's not big budget but it is big names. (Rebecca DeMornay and Michael Rooker) With a small tight cast of characters who's lives and mental states interlock smoothly with each other. Everything as to why is explained with the unfolding of the movie. There are several psychological twists. The suspense makes you hold your breath, look around every corner and behind every door. The only thing left untold is what happens to the people left after all is said and done. But great and well worth the price to rent the movie or the time to set the VCR to record it. A MUST SEE for psychological thriller lovers!
Gerald Clare This was an excellent picture with an outstanding performance by Rebecca DeMornay as a a psychotic married to a bigamist. DeMornay's performance as the mercurial Ruth was very convincing, I say this having known people like her personally and professionally. Well Done!