R | 10 September 1999 (USA)
Whiteboyz Trailers

In a virtually all-white Iowa town, Flip daydreams of being a hip-hop star, hanging with Snoop Doggy Dogg and Dr. Dre. He practices in front of a mirror and with his two pals, James and Trevor. He talks Black slang, he dresses Black. He's also a wannabe pusher, selling flour as cocaine. And while he talks about "keeping it real," he hardly notices real life around him: his father's been laid off, his mother uses Food Stamps, his girlfriend is pregnant, James may be psychotic, one of his friends (one of the town's few Black kids) is preparing for college, and, on a trip to Chicago to try to buy drugs, the cops shoot real bullets. What will it take for Flip to get real?

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
jocrafford I've caught this film several times on cable networks and found myself glued to it wherever it happens to land. Danny Hoch is totally mesmerizing as Flip, the misguided white boy who wishes he were black. Much of the humor is sadly pathetic but also entirely poignant. I happen to be among those who think that hip hop has been a disaster for the youth of America and the world. I originally thought that rap would be a doorway to literature and poetry, but instead it has proved itself to be an excuse for thuggish behavior. The values of the hip hop culture seem to me to be materialistic and shallow. Flip and his crew journey off to Chicago where they end up in one of the nastiest reality checks that could have possibly imagined. This is a wildly entertaining flick, very funny and very sad.
Radiohead870 This has to be one of the sloppiest, most slapstick, dramatic, idiotic movies i have ever been subjected to witness. Not only is the main character sloppy and poorly thought out, but they could not have picked a worse actor to play the character. I've seen so much better. If this director wanted to put comedy, major drama, and racial issues into a movie along with music videos to boot, he should have thought this project out more seriously. god help anyone for sitting through this movie. i am ashamed of myself for being bored at 3 am, and angry with HBO for even airing this stink. There are way too many plot lines within this movie. they should have stuck to a genre, developed the characters with a lot more thought, and...lose the music videos...half of the movie doesn't even make sense because of it. I have to say, i have seen some bad movies, but this might be the worst one. i have never been to Iowa, but i can assume that this is an overly dramatic way to portray life. i would never watch this again. save yourselves from watching it as well.
davesteele-1 Someone needed to make a movie like this, a commentary on how white suburban teenagers have latched onto hip-hop and "ghetto" culture, and made it part of their identity, when in reality they don't have a solitary clue of what it means to be Black in America. Someone needed to make a movie that made the point that white America's affinity for Black culture rarely translates into actual understanding of Black people as actual human beings, or into an understanding of their situation. Someone needed to make a movie that showed hip-hop-as-consumed-by-white-kids as what it is: a new version of a very old theme in American popular culture -- the Black man as dirty savage, cunning and dangerous, yet stupid and witless at the same time.But "Whiteboys" is not this movie. The movie can't seem to decide if it's a comedy or a cutting social commentary, or both. So it fails as both. The central problem is that the main characters are stereotypes themselves, the East Coast-imagined version of what someone in Iowa is supposed to be like. It's impossible to believe that Flip and his gang are for real. Flip especially comes off as a delusional mental patient, not as a misguided, out-of-touch kid. The images of farm life were as cartoonish as the images of hip hop life the movie was mocking. Perhaps this was part of the point, but all of the overlapping of targets of parody just made the whole matter confusing.The movie would have been much better off if had ditched the whole Iowa-farmer theme, stopped reveling in stupid images of kids rapping in farm fields, and instead focused on a group of kids in Any-Suburb USA, the kind of kids that we all have met -- privileged white kids who are drawn to the false glamor of ghetto life presented on TV, utterly oblivious to their own privileged station in life.
ultratunaman whiteboys, where to start with you? let's see here. first off: this film was a really great idea, and seeing as how it came out in 1999 i have to say it's ahead of it's time. in today's world where hip hop and rap rule the radio stations and kids strive as hard as they can to be "street" this film portrays that and portrays is pretty accurately. three farm boys who long to be more than farm boys, a story that has been seen before in movies like "a river runs through it" where a rural boy grows up and chooses to be a journalist but still keeps in tough with his roots. but this takes that idea, and skews it. it takes the idea and twists it in such a way that the viewer is left thinking that the director is racist, and the movie is stupid. and yet the story of kids growing up on the farm and leaving their rural roots is a story that is played over and over again, and never once really turned in such a way as this. the film takes pop culture, transposes it on these three boys, and then lets them loose. and so they ride about sippin 40's and wearing fubu. selling fake cocaine to people in night clubs and just trying to be as close to "high rollas" or "big pimps" as they can. and the fact is the characters really do show some real rapping talent and show that they can "bust a flow" but at the same time the film shows how awkward these teens are and how alientated they are in a world of trucks, and cornfields these three wear baggy pants and long to drive blinged out tractors. the film. though it is seemingly a comedy, to me seems to be so much more than that. it seems to be a lot deeper than just a simple comedy and puts forth a story that albeit sounds pretty dumb and even is pretty dumb at first glance is really much, much deeper than just a simple comedy, and much, much deeper than the typical "break away from the farm and follow your dreams" transcendentalistic stuff that is seen in so many other films. in the end i think whiteboys is a great movie, and is terribly underrated.