Where Have All the People Gone
Where Have All the People Gone
| 08 October 1974 (USA)
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A strange series of solar flares proves fatal for inhabitants of the Earth, except for the fortunate few who are somehow immune from the effects. Animals go insane and human beings turn to white powder, leaving behind only empty clothing. A handful of survivors attempt to rebuild their lives on the de-populated Earth.

Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
StuOz Peter Graves and his kids seem to be the last people on earth.No zombies! Great! If a movie like this were made today we would get zombies running all over the place, but thankfully we are free of all that! In fact, there is very limited violence here.This TV movie is not in the same class as the feature film, The Omega Man (1971), but the suspense and mystery of the whole thing will hold you from beginning to end.Also, this is not as depressing as many other films with this plot line. Nice to see Peter Graves in the lead role but some might struggle with his being so serious after seeing him in the comedy: Airplane (1980).
Theo Robertson Palentologist Steve Anders is with his son and daughter in a cave in California when they feel earth tremors . Fearing an earthquake they run to the surface find their guide ill and the radios unable to work . Their worries escalate as they speculate a catastrophe may have hit planet Earth I saw this many years ago and despite being an American TVM made on a very limited budget it did stick in my mind and judging from the comments on this page it did make a big impression on everyone who saw it . Okay granted it doesn't push back the boundaries of the post apocalyptic genre but does what it does very well and it's nice for a change tro watch this type of story in 2013 without zombies making an appearance along the line somewhere Veteran TVM director John Llewellen Moxey manages to build up an air of suspense and mystery and it's a TVM that has ambitions to be cinematic and the scene where the Anders wander through a deserted town does have an eerie atmosphere little seen in American post apocalyptic fiction of this type . Moxey also makes impressive use of ironic sound effects as the Anders travel through a deserted city and past an empty school If there's a major problem to WHERE HAVE ALL THE PEOPLE GONE ? it's the unsatisfying ending . You can the TV network having one eye on a continuing series and worried that if this TVM is self contained then that won't happen therefore we get an ending that doesn't work as being either open ended or conclusive which is a bit of a shame and ends on an unsatisfactorily flat note
surge65 I saw this movie on television about a month before my 9th birthday in 1974, and until a few months ago I was still trying to remember the name of it. For a long time I remembered the scenes where the people have turned to dust and, for some reason, confused it with the Andromeda Strain. Then I saw that movie one weekend in the early 80s and realized that wasn't it, so my quest continued. Finally, last fall I was looking through the guide one night and saw Where Have All the People Gone listed, and the description sounded interesting so I Tivo'd it. It wasn't until weeks later when I started watching it that I realized it was the movie I had been trying to find for all those years! Seems to be a common thread... lots of us saw this as a kid, and then spent years trying to remember the title and find the movie again.Anyway, this is no great cinema, but it is definitely an enjoyable flick and it has held up well over the years. So often I have watched something as an adult that I remember fondly from childhood and will be disappointed that it doesn't live up to the memory, but this movie certainly stands the test of time. As remake crazy as Hollywood is these days, I am really surprised that this hasn't been given a new treatment. Done right, an updated version of this movie could be very good.
noone9999999999 I am amazed at the number of people who were disturbed by this movie at a young age. I am one of them, but I've always contributed the feeling of dread and despair this movie left me with to my tendency to worry about everything. I'm glad I'm not alone! I saw the movie at age 11 the first time and it stayed with me in a bad way for a very long time. I ran across the title channel surfing today and thought 'OMG, it's THAT movie!' So, of course I had to watch it. I was curious to see if it would have the same affect on me at 46. It truly does get to you, but I did not experience the fear of doom that I felt at 11! I would recommend it to older viewers, but not to the impressionable. I gave it a 10 for sheer impact. The director obviously did something right.
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