When Soldiers Cry
When Soldiers Cry
| 02 February 2010 (USA)
When Soldiers Cry Trailers

1965 South Vietnam, two American Soldiers find themselves trapped in the Jungle with a War surrounding them. The only thing keeping them alive is the promises in their hearts they kept to their families - to return home at any cost.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
sugahshark I'm not gonna waste my time to write as long review as other.I really regret that I didn't read reviews before watching this movie, which is probably the worst movie I've ever seen. After 5 minutes of beginning I skipped-through an hour of this horror. It was a waste of perfectly good 15 minutes of my life. I wouldn't watch this whole movie even if I got paid for it.I'm not gonna write about acting, light, shots, sound, script, editing and so on, because EVERYTHING is terrible. You name it - it is bad.I'd like to give this movie 0, because I feel 1 is too much. Those high votes are obviously from Joe and his crew. Pathetic!
James Rivard For the real story of the Tunnel Rats, get the book: The Tunnels of Cu Chi: A Harrowing Account of America's "Tunnel Rats" in the Underground Battlefields of Vietnam. Publishers Weekly said: The authors, BBC journalists, discuss the Vietcong who lived, worked and fought in tunnels, particularly the ones in Cu Chi, a district just north of Saigon, as well as the U.S. Army "tunnel rats," who tried to explore and clear the underground cities. PW found that this book "provides a striking view of a neglected but crucial aspect of the Vietnam war." In this movie, the Chinese-American soldier Aka Han is played by a Caucasian, which makes the casting problematic. He is the putative Tunnel Rat. Although I opposed the War in Vietnam, in this movie the Americans only manage to kill one Vietnamese, an innocent peasant woman who has nothing to do with the tunnels. I guess this is the antidote to Rambo.
Albert Dekker This is actually the first time I'm writing a review. While watching this "IMDB bottom top ten nominee" I suddenly feel the need to find answers. OK. Let's say you decide to make a movie. You've got a cam and a couple of buddies. You saw "Southern Comfort" and thought is was shot in the jungle. You never knew the jungle looked just like your local forest! You did some research on adult movies and used the audio of one of them to dub the wounded in your masterpiece. I won't say a word about the acting, the camera-work, weapons or uniforms, there's been enough said about that. I want to know what Joe Black was thinking when he started editing. He saw the raw material and still started editing. Suppose the Bell didn't ring and Joe still thought he was holding gold in his hands. How about the first time he showed it to his buddies? Didn't anybody say it was crap? Did they even stayed until the end? I just don't believe it! Joe must have known this was crap, but hey, you've shot a movie under a thousand bucks and even succeeded in distributing it! You're making money! Joe, you deserve a 10 for achieving this but a 1 for your movie!My review is ready, may I stop the movie now?
parmenio_r This is not a "movie" that should of ever found it's way on to Netflix, let alone made available for sale on Amazon.com or anywhere. Let me say I pride myself being able to push through a bad movie or book hoping it will redeem itself somewhere along the journey. Not with this movie; I lasted for about 10 minutes (even that was painful). The opening credits were cheesy, a ominous warning of what was yet to come. The opening scene with protagonist, mouth agape, looking like some retard holding a plastic gun made me feel sorry for the guy where I sat. The next minute of listening to him moan, while he was intermittently in and out of frame made me cringe. I watched on figuring this was going to turn into a B movie spoof of Vietnam flicks. To my utter horror I realized they were trying to be serious. That made it impossible to overlook the 3rd grade camera work, toy guns, Appalachian environment (supposed to be the Vietnam jungle), and jaggoff acting. I paced ahead on fast forward and even found that difficult. I wouldn't doubt if this was filmed in one day.Really folks this is just horrible. I looked around online to find a little background on the "talent" behind this film. I wasn't surprised to find out the "director" was a janitor. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself, however, janitors should know what to do with garbage...toss it out. Others are community college film class flunkee's with pretensions to call themselves "actors" "directors" and "producers". Serioulsy dudes, you should have made this for yourselves, got a case of Miller High Life and enjoyed with a few close friends. I cannot believe that all of you don't walk in shame knowing that this "movie" is available anywhere. But then I investigated to find out that you are all self reviewing this film on IMDb, amazon, even Netflix. One of the "actors" went so far as to rate it a 5 star film and give himself a glowing review on amazon.com. What the idiot didn't realize is that Amazon's real name feature, posts the reviewers real name to their reviews....so Jess Weber, nice job reviewing yourself. Stick to your day job buddy.In short I was just disgusted by the movie itself, and the sinister attempts by those affiliated with the film to prop up its rating. Hey Joe Black....stop reviewing your own movies, okay dude? Don't waste your time folks!