When Evil Calls
When Evil Calls
R | 22 January 2008 (USA)
When Evil Calls Trailers

When Evil Calls centers around the mysterious appearance of a text message that grants the students of Wilburn High School their wildest desires.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Maz Murdoch (asda-man) OK so from the front cover of the DVD makes it look like a fun film about a clown. The blurb sounds interesting in its sort of "Wishmaster" set-up and at a very low price of £3 (or something near that) why not give it a go? I wouldn't watch this is someone gave it to me for free. Frankly I'm ashamed of having this in my horror collection, alongside other DVD's I managed to obtain from 'Poundland', "Live Feed", "Killjoy", "Jigsaw" and "Camp Blood" although I did not purchase this in 'Poundland', it bloody belongs there!No where on the DVD does it mention that this isn't even a film, but made as a mini-series for mobile phones! Why would anyone want this on your mobile anyway? It's amateurish beyond belief with incredibly poor directing, acting, editing, music and writing. The collection of short films aren't even clever, they're just jam-packed with the worst special effects you could imagine and no direction of a plot.I'm convinced that the five star review on here is from someone who was involved in the production of the film. It's the worst thing you could imagine. It's not even a film. If you see this in your local supermarket or DVD shop, just walk past.
rcbridii It's kind of like someone saw Wishmaster and said "Gee... I'd like to take a whack at that." I understand the movie was meant to be "funny" but the humor was so low-brow and juvenile that it made most zombie flicks seem like art films.The twists on the wishes were not creative... the wishes themselves were worded in such a way that you can see what's coming. The drunk French cop schtick is annoying. And worst of all... the breaking into "episodes". What kind of youtube crap is that?I kind of wish celluloid was still the medium so that amateurs like this could be priced out. Not every film student is a Sam Raimi... and some aren't should not be allowed near a camera.
samchecketts This movie is absolutely horrible. If you are looking for tasteful humor in a horror movie, check out Shaun of the Dead or Slither. This movie was so painful to watch. The acting was terrible, the deaths were forced, and the janitor tried so hard to be funny but came off as just desperate and boring.The idea is that students can text their wish to a number and it will come true...literally. Most of the wishes are so contrived to push the result that you don't even need to watch the movie, you can see the wish, use your imagination, and move on. And what is up with the same corny dialogue flashing across your screen when someone receives the text message that they won a wish? This is a horrible waste of time, don't watch this movie.
russell gomm Having squinted hard at a less than good phone screen to watch episode one of Johannes Roberts' When Evil Calls I was more than excited to get sent an advance copy of the film to view! Ahh, the glory of the middle sized screen. Blood Splats better when its bigger. Episode one of the series was so cool. It sucked me in. Desperate to see the rest! Then finally getting to see the finished product with inter-cut scenes of fantastic Sean Pertwee and gore galore, When Evil Calls really satisfied my hunger! Director Johannes knows what he is doing with a film like this. Anyone that says different just doesn't quite get what he is trying to do.The film should be an instant classic with horror fans as they will be able to nod to Johannes use of characters and bloodletting and his homages to horror films. I mean in this day and age of self referential film making who wants to see a horror film that isn't a nod to some other horror film throwback from the 70s or 80s. Thats part of the fun. So with a copy of 'It' in one hand and 'Wishmaster' in the other we venture into familiar territory but in a completely unfamiliar fashion.The film is truly original in its portrayal of the narrative. Yeah we have probably seen the story before but its different this time around. We cut from Tony Scott style visuals of Sean Pertwee to the story in hand which is expertly done. The jokes never grow old and kept me laughing until the very end.I think that what most impressed me about the film, apart from Johannes love for boobies, is that the camera work was top notch! I mean seriously. I lost count of the amount of crane shots in the film. It had such high production value and looked so slick. It was awesome! My only regret is that it wont be on the big screen! So to recap - Johannes Roberts' When Evil calls has it all! Its a great treat for the true horror fan! It kept me in great enjoyment for the whole time. Looking forward to seeing it again!