When Darkness Falls
When Darkness Falls
| 20 October 2006 (USA)
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A gripping and intense thriller about honour, loyalty, and the courage to fight for what you believe.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
fedor8 I never thought I'd live to see the day: a Swedish movie that doesn't indulge in depression, doom, gloom, gray scenery, people committing suicide left and right. No vein-cutting, no noose-tightening, no gun-loading in a barely-lit Malmo room, no Bergmanesque self-hatred and despondency. No Liv Ullman crying her eyes out as she begs her husband not to elope with his mistress to a lone island, no Max von Sydow clumsily impersonating a self-loathing womanizer, and no pointless fill-in-the-meaning-yourself scenes full of yawn-worthy gobbledygook..Yes, NMF has an interesting story. It is exciting, well-acted, briskly paced, hence thoroughly enjoyable.The most effective of the three stories is "Leyla". In particular Oldoz Javidi, who plays the title character, is the standout in the movie. The only complaint I have about her is her name which is absolutely impossible to remember! (Try it: have fun - and good luck with it!) After a few failed attempts I finally had to paste her name into this text because I kept forgetting it. The only flaw in the story itself is the cowardice exhibited by the filmmakers in not making the family be Moslems. (Do Christians indulge in "honour killings" of their daughters?... Not that I'm trying to make saints out of Christians either, mind you.) The writers didn't even have the guts to let them speak their own language, which would have been far more logical than always speaking Swedish, considering that most(?) of the family members didn't even own Swedish passports, hence couldn't have been 3rd- or 4th-generation immigrants. It is not even clear which country they're from. Were the filmmakers afraid of ending up like the Dutch documentary maker Van Gogh? If that's all the courage Europeans currently possess, then au revoir Western civilization...Strangely enough, the mob revenge tale is the weakest of the three, perhaps because that particular subject had been flogged to death in countless TV crime shows and action flicks.
Pucco88 I just finished this movie, and I just have to say one word, Wow! I have never in my life been so touched by a movie before.Meet a story who combines three families problems into one, and follow their path through a dark time, a time who takes place in our society. Is the path so lined with mortality that it only can lead to one possible goal, death, or will we see a happy ending?"När mörkret faller" (english translation "When darkness falls") brings up a lot of questions concerning the Swedish law system, how it fails to help those who really needs to be taken seriously. Domestic abuse, honor killing, assault and death threats are just some of the main topics of the movie. They are all hot topics and worth a great discussion, and I really hope that this movie will start one.The director has successfully created a mind blowing storyline, which keeps you nailed at the TV-screen, the cut scenes are just in perfect balance and has the right transition. It also contains many hidden messages and ethics, and behind all that cruel and disturbing violence and darkness, you can eventually spot a little light......it's time for some changes in our society.
claes-bertilson När mörkret faller (When darkness falls) is disturbing, indeed it made me cringe several times, but I must recommend it to everyone. The issues of domestic violence, "honour related violence" and indeed the distortion of justice are far more commonplace than any of us would like to admit. Therefore this film serves a purpose well beyond entertainment.It is also a very well made film, offering some realistic and gripping characters, played to perfection by a very strong cast mixing old and new talent. But one must single out the young newcomer, Oldoz Javidi (Leyla), for special praise. She was great.The writers and writer/director Anders Nilsson also manages to stay away from the most blatant of stereotypes, and this is one of the key reasons why this film manages to hit home the message that many people live in fear but for many different reasons. All credit also to the way the film so easily slips in and out of the three different story lines without loosing the viewers - even though it offers almost too much information. But it still lands on the right side of the fence so go see it.
sammy_spandex The Swedish title is translated into 'When darkness falls' and this is actually the best movie of 2006 so far.I feel that this movie from start to finish is in a big hurry to tell us about extremely important problems in todays society, and it manages to come through in flying colors. The movie is two hours and 15 minutes long, but the pace is high throughout the entire movie.Certainly not a light weight family movie, the story is a bit like Altman's 'Shortcuts', about people that could be your next door neighbor, your closest friend, or you yourself. People that for different reasons are in serious trouble. It's a violent, dark, yet truly heartbreaking story. Although light years away from the lives of the average Swedish families, it presents realistic insights into the terrors that lurks 'when darkness falls'.