Wet Job
Wet Job
| 02 September 1981 (USA)
Wet Job Trailers

S.I.S. agent David Callan is brought out of retirement for one last assignment.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
johngammon56 Just a note to one of the other reviewers (rev-584-459122), Wet Job is NOT a remake of the original play A Magnum for Schneider, which formed the basis of the Callan movie. This is a sequel to the original popular TV series in which an aging Callan has been forcibly retired from the security services, but is reactivated for yet another job. Though the performances of Edward Woodward and Russell Hunter and some others aren't bad, it's very poorly made with a tenuous plot, frequently incompetent camera-work, and irritating incidental music. Having watched it when it was first shown and again recently on DVD I suspect the production was hurried and with a smaller budget than it should have had.
rev-584-459122 Looking at the reviews and comments there is a fact that seems to have slipped people's minds.Wet Job is a remake of the original TV play "A Magnum for Schneider" that introduced us to the original Character of Callan.As remakes go it's not bad and if you're feeling philosophical a nice close to the character.That said like a lot of made for TV movies tastes have changed, production values improved.But as a piece of nostalgia and a good introduction to Callan, and the very gritty 70s cold war spy Drama it's well worth a look.Admittedly if Mission Impossible is more your thing then you're likely to be disappointed :D
EvilBaldDude There were some great episodes of that classic TV series, Callan. And there was the odd one that was a little disappointing. This follow-up show is one of the latter unfortunately.Edward Woodward is intense, as usual, in his old role of David Callan. Russel Hunter is brilliant in his return as Lonely (damn that man was a fine actor).Where it mainly fails is that the story meanders, and never quite develops a consistent plot. It's almost as if the writers didn't care where it was going, because they knew there'd be enough loyal Callan fans out there to ensure good ratings anyway.Also, production quality was poor, even for those of us who grew up on British TV of that era, and are used to seeing things like stage lights reflecting in people's glasses. The soundtrack and incidental music are almost amusingly bad.For a Callan fan, it's still worth watching. Just don't expect a classic.
pertti.jarla This is a one-off "reunion" play made some 9 years after the end of the series "Callan". Edward Woodward and Russell Hunter from the original show appear, along with George Sewell as the guest star. The creator of Callan, James Mitchell, is credited as the script writer.This production looks like a student job from some early 80's film school, with the directors 14 year old brother responsible for the music. I am not exaggerating. The production values are so poor, they are way below the average standards of 1981 British television. The script is weak and contains some embarrassingly clumsy dialogue. The original novel was written by James Mitchell, yet i suscpect he never wrote the awful screenplay for this. After all, his scripts are of a different class. The screenplay for the movie "Callan" he wrote just 7 years earlier is great. Well, maybe he wrote this sick or busy or something. The direction is clumsy and the music deserves a special mention as one of the worst soundtracks ever.I feel sorry for the stars. Woodward and Sewell sleepwalk through the film, Hunter at least tries his best. His scenes with Woodward sometimes actually work, and they are the only reason for watching this lackluster turkey. The actors playing the new Hunter and his replacement-Meres are utterly forgettable. The original Meres is written off with a clumsy joke.I am sorry if i sound pessimistic and dreary, I wanted to like this, but this really is an extremely poor movie. I would like to know the full story behind this failure. What on earth was going on with Mitchell? I recommend all friends of the Callan series to consider the final episode from 1972 to be the end to the saga. Skip this.