Western Religion
Western Religion
| 09 October 2015 (USA)
Western Religion Trailers

The year is 1879. Gunfighters from the far reaches of the globe descend on Religion, AZ to compete in a legendary poker tournament. Drawn by the gold prize, the players come to realize that in this game, their very souls are at stake.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
bwcca Great story line but totally pathetic acting, proves if you pay peanuts you get monkeys
vchimpanzee In 1879 Arizona, Harlem Gold wants to make everyone aware of his mining town called Religion which he thinks could be the greatest city in the West. To do this, he plans a poker tournament which will draw people from all around. The prize will be a valuable gold cross.And they come from everywhere. Mr. James, who has an accent that sounds British, writes about the tournament for a newspaper and also plans to write a novel. One man is from China and claims poker was invented there. There is an Arabian prince who brings his manservant. Waylin Smith is a half-Indian gunfighter who sees ghosts and communicates with them. Smith falls for the single mother of an adorable little girl whose name sounded like Danny (though I don't find that name in the credits) and her sister. One could say there are two magicians. McCabe uses skill and deception, and his photographic memory. And Anton Stice actually has powers. He may, in fact, be The Devil. In a flashback, he appeared to St. John in jail, when St. John was threatening to kill everyone in sight after he had been locked up for robbing banks. Stice offered him salvation (really?) and St. John came to spread God's word.And then there is Salt Peter, the most colorful character in the movie. He claims to be from Vienna but has an American accent, and while he has health problems that require drugs, he may just be an addict.. And he is SO OBVIOUSLY GAY. But he denies being "homosexual" and is shown kissing a woman.Already living in town is carpenter Bobby Shea, who falls for Bootstrap Bess, the Madam who people see to get a hotel room. She also takes care of the working girls, and you don't want to mess with them because Bess will make you regret it. Bess wants to open her own fine hotel. Southern Bill is the likeable bartender. There is a marshal, but only one because that's all Harlem can afford. Later, he needs to be replaced.Let the games begin!Competitors are eliminated one by one, either by being defeated, or hurt, or killed, or by breaking the rules, including no cheating, no violence against other players, and guns must be surrendered to the sheriff (what sheriff? I thought this town only had a marshal?).Excitement builds toward the end, and we have breaks in the action for romance, fights, and weird stuff. There is even a church service. I missed some details due to weather bulletins, but I could see what was going on even if I couldn't hear. One event would be a spoiler so I'll avoid that.I watch what is on. I could pay more to get movies from sources other than broadcast TV, including paying for regular cable channels. I don't. So this is the second time in a month I have seen a Western where The Devil makes deals for people's souls and we see dead people. It's not that I want to see these but it's what's on.This is not a family friendly Western but once cleaned up for TV, I suppose it's not too bad, though the V-chip rating was TV-14. I didn't think it was all that violent. The language had to be sanitized a couple of times. It's not a comedy but there is plenty to laugh at. And some good acting. James Anthony Cotton James Anthony Cotton is your typical old West huckster. And there are Holiday Hadley as Bess, Peter Sherayko as Southern Bill and of course Louie Sabatasso as Salt Peter.Not exactly groundbreaking, but I suppose it is entertaining if you like Westerns.
Joe Mills I think this can be best described as a good effort. The acting is terrible, how some of these "actors" got their jobs I'll never understand. They shouldn't ever even perform in a commercial. Other than the, at times, terrible dialogue though, writer and director James O'Brien actually does a good job. The soundtrack is decent and flows nicely along with the plot. The premise is good though I really wish it had a better budget to get the best out of it. Mostly it's the awful acting that brings my score down. I think it's a shame really. If you're bored and you like Westerns I'd recommend you give it a go, despite my problems with the lack of talented actors it somehow managed to hold my attention till the end. So it can't be all bad.
cableaddict I dunno what to make of this flick. For the first 15 minutes or so, all I could think was "are they serious, or is someone playing a joke on me?"It's like some high school trust fund kid bought a couple of expensive cameras, wrote a script in 2 hours, then asked all his friends and relatives to act in it.It doesn't get better, though 2-3 members of the cast actually do quite a respectable job with the painful lines they were given. The rest of the cast must have made a wrong turn on the way to the porn set, and stumbled into this one by mistake. I suspect part of this is due to the director, though, as the entire thing feels like a live-action cartoon.AND YET: I actually kinda' enjoyed it. (watching for free, late at night, too tired to get any work done & so just vegging out.) The cinematography, sound, and even the soundtrack are all actually quite excellent. That trust-fund kid must have hired the best PD in Hollywood.The basic plot isn't bad either, (though it takes an awfully long time to get to any sort of, you know, point) so the flick does move along in an entertaining way.Very, very strange. I find it hard to even give it a rating.