West of Brooklyn
West of Brooklyn
NR | 19 February 2008 (USA)
West of Brooklyn Trailers

An Italian American street kid with a secret passion for poetry is a fish out of water in LA. Only the love of his family and a rich girl from the other side of the tracks can help him find the courage to be himself and find a place to call home.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
kerem-ozdural I don't usually write reviews here either, like most of the other people said so, but as opposed to them, I think it is my duty to warn other people that this is one of the worst movies I've ever watched. One thing I can accept is that the acting was good if not great, but that's all can be said about this movie. There was not a particular plot in the story. Almost 40 minutes of watching, I still had to ask myself "So what is this movie about? What story does it tell?" Well, it doesn't have a particular story at all. It just drifts from one event to another, probably claiming that it is trying to depict a family, but no. Also, there're almost no actions in the movie. People talk about things happened to them all the time, but do we ever see these things happening? No. We just see people talk, talk and talk without seeing anything actually happening. And if that much of talking is not enough, a VO narrator interrupts now and then to tell us what more have happened, or what people feel/think about particular situations - which we don't actually see happening.If there're people who love this kind of story telling, I strongly suggest them to watch plays where they will see what a real drama should look like while people keep talking.
cassclay Saw this flick in Feb at it's premiere in LA and I have to say it was unbelievably funny, sad, and just an overall kick*ss flick. I loved Ronnie. He was funny and sweet as Sebi. Natalia was also terrific and sweet as Matty. This chick has great screen presence. And Joe well what can anyone say about him. He is fabulous all the time. I am shocked that this movie has not been released yet. It has all the ingredients to be successful.One last thing, the love scene with Ronnie and Natalia was hot. And lots of other interesting and funny characters that made this flick so entertaining. Great job to the entire cast and crew on this movie. It's a winner guys!
l-roige WOW...I was so impressed by this movie...I don't know where to begin. I loved the story line...I felt like I knew the cast for years. You have the people you love and the people you hate. Not because I am Italian or anything...LOL...I happen to think it's a FANTASTIC Movie...the love scene it HOT, HOT, HOT and the narration done by Ronnie is incredible. I can't say enough about this movie. I've been following Ronniew for many years...and I think this is his BEST work yet!!! The story line and the hidden messages were unbelievable. I don't want to give it away, so when it hits the BIG SCREEN you will go and see it!!!! There are a couple of things I can about it...You will cry, laugh, get angry and feel as if these people are your family. It is as intense as it is funny. I can't wait to see Ronnie at the Oscars...You DESERVE it...this is a masterpiece.
sandiegochick I went to the premiere and the movie was awesome. Ronnie is terrific and he produced and wrote a great film. Natalia , who happens to be a favorite of mine and is the reason I attended, was great. Natalia played "Matty" effortlessly. I have to say the rest of the cast was also wonderful, Ronnie in particular. This guy is a great talent and why Hollywood has not picked up on this I cannot imagine. I have to say I laughed at this movie and cried real tears believe it or not. I absolutely fell in love with each and every character in the film. We had a chance to speak with Ronnie Marmo(I am sure he does not remember us)- The writer and producer. He seemed excited about the film and really happy with it. Ronnie if we did not tell you, GREAT GREAT GREAT job. You are a tremendous talent and a real person, not plastic and fake like many in Hollywood. I hope this is the start to great things for you.Natalia was not there the night we went, but I understand she was at some other screenings. Natty if you are reading this, we love you and great job.