Wedding Daze
Wedding Daze
G | 01 January 2004 (USA)
Wedding Daze Trailers

Jack and Audrey Landry are a middle-aged couple who have barely gotten the hang of being a pair of "empty nesters" when their three grown daughters -- Teri, Nora, and Dahlia -- end up tumbling back home again. That's not so hard to take but just as the parents re-adjust their lifestyle to accommodate their offspring, all three of the Landry daughters fall in love. Happiness abounds until the daughters each announce they're getting married. At the same time. And guess who's footing the bill? Now it's a race to see which runs out first -- Jack and Audrey's bank account or their sanity.

InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
ussrusagirl222 Now this movie gets a three because I like the main character (the dad) who also plays a major role on Boston Legal, so he's like-able. The movie was enjoyable on the basis of how lame it actually was. So I found myself laughing in the sentimental parts. It's very safe, and very conservative. I came across this movie on TV, and watched it because it was pathetic basically.The plot is that the dad's first daughter gets engaged. Then the second. He stresses out because they want to be married on the same day. Then, you guessed it, the THIRD. Mummy and Daddy walk in on daughter kissing tubby boyfriend, and they announce their love and the dad faints.Why they need to wed within weeks at the age of 18, I don't get. It's very old fashioned and idealistic. In reality their lives would be very boring. Basically it's dull and the puns are predictive and unoriginal. Would of been OK in the 1940's, but not today. If you are Amish, you will like it. If you are intelligent at all, you won't.
edwagreen A picture treasuring family values where 3 daughters become engaged at once and their parents face the trials and tribulations of their joint wedding ventures.The 2nd and 3rd daughters fall right into line with their beaus when wedding bells seem to ring for all.John Laroquette is perfect as the father. He tells the story to the audience. Karen Valentine is obviously much older from her days as the idealistic teacher in Room 222. However, whoever did her make-up deserves the worst make-up job performance of the year. Valentine looks worn out and really haggard. This is supposed to be a time of joy for her. While she acts the part, she really looks bad here.The last part of the film really becomes silly with all the problems that can go wrong at a wedding. The wedding cake is destroyed and a rabbi has to substitute for an ailing priest at the ceremony. What the picture has going for it is the strong family value theme. We don't find the usual wedding jitters by the prospective brides and grooms, but simply lots of love and understanding. That's heart-warming by itself.
Stan Its a typical American feel-good movie which is supposed to be a romantic comedy. The comedy is hard to spot and an hour and a half of predictable romances is just too much. There are no real turns in the plot and you already know the end of the movie within the first half hour. The only good thing about the movie is the feel-good part of it. It does make you relax and feel all romantic, although this is often spoiled by a moment of simple humor. If you're looking for a movie to watch when you're really feeling like simple humor and not too much thinking to do, this is it, else don't do it because you won't survive for an hour and a half.
elrusch This TV movie was nothing more than a cheap knockoff of "Father of the Bride", right down to the sarcastic but loving gray-haired dad, the tolerant,laid-back mom and the wacky wedding planner with an accent. There was even a similar "locked out of a room/falling off a balcony" scene. The only thing that was different in this movie was, obviously, the three brides. That seems more a result of the writers saying "What can we do to make this seem like less of an exact copy of 'Father of the Bride'?" The plot was fairly predictable and the characters were either stereotypical (the "model", the "rebel") and one-sided or boring.