We Were the Mulvaneys
We Were the Mulvaneys
| 08 April 2002 (USA)
We Were the Mulvaneys Trailers

Based on the novel by the same name, We Were the Mulvaneys is a sensitive portrayal of one family's journey as they face conflict, fear, tragedy and ultimately, themselves.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Steineded How sad is this?
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Gore_Won It might be difficult for the younger generations to understand the progression of this movie's plot. We know now that women have rights, too, that they are sometimes violated against their will, and that hidden secrets have a way of coming out against our will.But people just a few decades ago did not know that. Just three decades ago, a women was presumed to have invited a man to have sex with her if she cried rape. Sexual abuses were hushed, pregnant girls sent away in group homes.I suspect that women from past eras will find this film provoking, and the younger ones will do well to see how much progress has been achieved since. We still have a long way to go, of course.
jasjgm A good drama, but may be a bit dispiriting. Beau Bridges does an excellent job as the prideful father; however, Blythe Danner's character seems to be in the gray area. Somehow I do not understand her position as mother of the Mulvaneys; is it in the script or is it just her acting? The cast in general did okay, nothing too special though.****possible spoiler****The story itself is a bit depressing. Of course, we don't expect any happy endings here, but somehow the ending did not justify what had happened. If you like movies with hanging endings and a big sore which doesn't seem to heal up to the end, then this tv-movie is for you. 7/10
monica_garland I'm actually not a big fan of the movie itself, but I think it's worth watching if you want to see a marvelous performance by a great young actress. Tammy Blanchard is amazing as Marianne Mulvaney. Blythe and Beau are good as always but young Tammy is the star of this one. Not a great adaptation of the book though, 7.5/10
Lee Bartholomew It coulda been better. This movie has a very rushed feeling about it. And the movie doesn't match the book.It does have a great sense of emotion in this movie however.5/10Quality: 7/10 Entertainment: ? Replayable: 3/10
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