We Are Kings
We Are Kings
| 19 September 2014 (USA)
We Are Kings Trailers

We Are Kings is a rock and roll/blues fable, a group of down and out musicians breaks through against all odds, with a little help from a friendly ghost. Starring Sammy Blue, Rita Graham, Bianca Ryan, Pryce Watkins, and Jonathon Boogie Long.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
David-W-Warfield We are Kings doesn't always click, but when it does, it really does! Great music enhances this road trip thru blues country - and with a twist that is better left unmentioned here. Personally I am intrigued by sort of mythical deep south stories, and into road movies, and into blues, and into underdog stories -- so this is like a combination of elements that has a lot of pull for this viewer (and it is funny). The romanticism inherent in the idea of traveling into the deep south in a big motor-home with a bless "Yoda" -- and the perspective of aspiring musicians exploring this rich heritage and everything, and working against what are huge odds to connect with the music and an audience (stardom and fame???) -- well it's a pretty magnetic movie recipe. Performances by mainly "unknown" cast are surprisingly endearing and effective - again, my personal preference is often for non-movie star actors because they seem to carry so much extra baggage -- there can be a great feeling of discovery and realness in stories that use non- famous people.
Mark Thornton This movie casts a spell and doesn't break it. The music and the settings are very well thought out and support the overall experience of the film. It's great to see an indie film that puts together such a beautifully crafted audience experience. Highly enjoyable. I would recommend this to just about everyone, but especially if you like the Blues. It's worth getting the DVD, you'll want to watch this one again.The things that prevented me from giving all 10 stars were very minor, but I really have only given 10 stars to a total of 3 movies, ever. Keeping in mind the budget and other considerations you have to make for indie films, this one really is a home run.
John Truby You are in for a very pleasant surprise with We Are Kings. I was expecting the typical somber indie film. Instead this is a fun and funny trip down the Mississippi in a Winnebago with a genuine Blues legend and three extremely talented young musicians. Throw in a little fantasy element and you have a very entertaining time at the movies.I'm not normally a big blues fan, but the soundtrack in this film is terrific. And it's not just the blues. These people can rock out. Every song is original and catchy. And each one moves the story forward.Don't be fooled by the fact that these are not typical Hollywood actors. These actors are much better than that. They are the real thing. Led by a great performance from bluesman Sammy Blue.This film is a real sleeper you should try to see.
Janet Laylor I'll start this off with a caveat... I'm not a fan of the blues. That being said, the music in this little indy film is charming, varied, and enjoyable. Something for everyone. My personal favorite is Bianca Ryan singing a soft and simple rendition of "Are you from Dixie?" - not at all like the strong belting blues she normally sings. Boogie Long is equally good and adds some rather incredible guitar licks to a respectable voice.However...The story and acting needed work. I'm sure some, if not all, of the actors are good at their craft, but their lines are wooden. The premise is similar to may others, and as it becomes a road movie, the only thing tying it all together is the breaks of musical interludes. I would guess that's what kept me watching. Start to finish, this could have been a much better. film, and is only saved by the music, which his actually pretty genuine. I know it's an indy, and with a minuscule budget, but it coulda been better. much better.