We All Loved Each Other So Much
We All Loved Each Other So Much
| 21 December 1974 (USA)
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Three partisans bound by a strong friendship return home after the war, but the clash with everyday reality puts a strain on their bond.

Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Rodrigo Amaro "We All Loved Each Other So Much" is one of those classics referenced here and there (though not so frequently) as a spectacular masterpiece, an almost unknown treasure to be sought and seen. After years looking for it I can finally say those opinions are right. But the movie deserves more. A heavy airplay on cable or even regular TV, a Criterion Collection treatment or a bigger studio making a massive home video release instead of cult cine-clubs who exhibit it from time to time. This movie is on the same league as "Amarcord", "Cinema Paradiso" and "Splendor" (1989) . The latter, like this one, is also directed by Ettore Scola and could be included as part of an informal Scola trilogy about nostalgia, that should be completed with "Le Bal" (1983). The themes and presentation of such are beautifully told, almost like a trademark that Italian and French cinema use frequently and always getting positive results that American cinema only dreams of reaching. The mark achieved here is to show the importance of memory, how time changes it, and the way things and events mold our essence, our friendships, our loves, our interests and each person's definition of happiness. And most important of all: how movies are a great part of all those things.This is about three friends who served on the Italian resistance fighting against the Nazists and how their lives changed of direction during a course of 30 years. Mostly is about their similarities (at one point they all fell in love with the same woman) and the problems and events brought on them, with meetings and mismatches along the way. They are: Antonio (Nino Manfredi), a dedicated nurse whose career just stalled because of his political views, contrary to the current norm; the lawyer Gianni (Vittorio Gassman) an impeccable professional at the city hall who ends up corrupted by a powerful industrialist; and Nicola (Stefano Satta Flores), a movie buff who later becomes a film critic leaving family and kid behind after defending the greatness of "Bicycle Thieves" when the movie club he was part of accused De Sica's masterpiece of giving Italy a bad fame to the world. The space is short, and I can't talk about all the characters but I must focus on my favorite, and the one I believe most of us will strongly identify with: the film addict, vigorously played by Satta Flores. Admit it, we are like him. Not in the wider sense of being extreme like he was but close. But I think we could lose friendships over our film ideals, defended to the death; we all like to believe we know everything about the subject and we really feel sorry for him when he loses the TV quiz about Italian cinema with a problematic misinterpreted question (he was right on the issue but the proposition was more simple than his answer). And if possible we would talk hours and hours and with the same verve and passion displayed by him. In an unforgettable moment, he recreates the Odessa stair sequence from "Battleship Potemkin" just to amuse a girl - and he succeeds it a bit! And that's what this movie is about: the power of movies and its importance in one's life. Nicola, like Antonio is known for his labor, don't get paid well and is far gone from his idealistic days after the war but he's deeply involved with what he does. A little cynic but happy which is the complete opposite of the more distanced friend, Gianni - but that's a story for you to discover by watching it. Scola's nostalgic look for the past is embraceable, real, colorful but not that much, revealing the essence of who we truly are, people who think to have control over everything in our lives and we don't. At times engaging, lovely, other times saddening and so hard to not include events of your life and compare it with what the characters go through. Time comes and goes, our needs change, our concept of life and happiness go the same way as well or don't, we can disagree on politics and movies but there's friendship, love, admiration. And we are deeply connected by experiences, the best ones and the worst ones. I think if the trio had to select a moment to remember it would be their final battle during the war, in those snowy mountains. They would never have that same bond again. My favorite bit involving one of them was when the nurse got stopped by a film crew making "La Dolce Vita". The magic of it? Fellini and Mastroianni are there to play themselves recreating the famous Fontana de Trevi sequence, fourteen years later. Unforgettable. You won't be the same after watching this. 10/10
tlmmtibet When 3 former Partizan(Italian guerrilla against the Nazis forces in the Second War World)and friends tear apart when the great war was over,their destiny flow in different ways,while Antonio(Nino Manfredi)and Nicola (Steffano Satta)only survive with underpaid work,Gianni Perago(a huge Vittorio Gassman)an average lawyer gets success when he marries Helade,the dummied daughter of a Count and Commendatore(such as a Governator to the American people)called Romulo Catenacci one rich elder,and Gianni handles the business of his father-in-law,allowing him to get a comfortable way of life,Luciana(Stefania Sandrelli)was fired by Gianni after she left Antonio,and her career as actress gets a relative success,when Antonio met her again,she had made a new life with another guy,in the final scene Luciana,Antonio and Nicola discover the new brand life of Gianni,and they came away when it was obvious.Gianni deceive them because he turned a haughty and greedy guy,but without who is ashamed of who,Scola left us with that final doubt.Great movie indeed,maybe the lapses of time could be not so clear and the ending was not so worked out,but if it had happened this movie would be perfect!,to name extraordinary cameos as Marcelo Mastroianni plus the genial Federico Fellini and in the celluloid Vittorio De Sica and his masterpiece "The Bicycle Thief",another underrated movie in this link,Perhaps Are crappy films as "Batman Begins" or the overvalued "Pulp Fiction"(What a filthy scene of rap ism against that black guy!)superior than that jewel?I would ask for all the American people to watch more foreign movies with quality and without CGI,FX neither PC special effects banging your head.This movie can show about the value of the friendship,love,thankfulness but in this material world those stuffs matter less than any special effect of the "Green Screen",open your eyes to end up such mistake. "We wanted to change the World,rather the world changed us" an amazing phrase told by Nicola,it's to never forget.Watch more good movie,less junkie virtual reality!
Jan Oudshoorn My only all-time favorite, ever since 1979 in Tuschinski. The theme is simple, strong and light, and does not evoke grand historical events but a mere musing on one's own growing up. The use of black/white and sepia flashbacks, changing into into present day colors at a sidewalk drawing, give extra depth to past and present with only a few stroke of the brush. Extra attention has been devoted to sounds and melody: the voices of the main characters reinforce the roles. The melody theme is played simply on one trumpet and echoes the simplicity of the theme. The memory of the move does not fade even after 25 years. I guess it was intended to do so. A very natural composition.
André-7 Scenes just jump out at you. The three friends going down the steps as one of them describes Eisenstein's Battleship Potemkin and another breaks down and cries. The fantastic re-enactment of Felini's most famous scene. The game show in which the nerdy film teacher gets a film-related answer wrong on a technicality (shades of John Turturo in Quiz Show). The three friends looking over a fence in a freeze frame at the end... Their expression stuck in one final disapointment.
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