WCW Spring Stampede 1997
WCW Spring Stampede 1997
NR | 06 April 1997 (USA)
WCW Spring Stampede 1997 Trailers

"Diamond" Dallas Page battles "Macho Man" Randy Savage in a No Disqualification Match. The Giant, Lex Luger, Booker T, and Stevie Ray square off in a Four Corners Match. Kevin Nash faces Rick Steiner with the WCW World Tag Team Championship on the line. Rey Misterio Jr. battles Ultimo Dragon and more!

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
HeadlinesExotic Boring
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
SlyGuy21 1st Match: Rey Mysterio vs Ultimo Dragon. This is the third match between these two, and while it's not the best meeting, it gets the show off on the right foot. The moves are good and everything, even the finish is a surprise because Rey gets dominated for most of it. The biggest problem is that for whatever reason, Dragon keeps breaking his pins on Mysterio. The commentators try and get over that he wants to make Mysterio tap, but he's not a submission wrestler. It's strange and takes away from the match, but Mysterio and him do a good job. Rating: 3.5/52nd Match: Madusa vs Akira Hokuto, WCW Women's Championship. Pointless to have this on the card, with a lot of interference to boot. It only lasts 5 minutes though, so it's a quick sit that does no real harm. Rating: 3/53rd Match: Lord Steven Regal vs Prince Iaukea, WCW World TV Championship. This is at least better than the match with Mysterio last month, mostly thanks to Regal. As hard as Prince tries though, he can't get a pop from the crowd, that's the sign of a failed face right there. They have him retain, which is pointless because of the crowd not caring, but I liked the finish and Regal does a good job of keeping the match going. Rating: 3/54th Match: Public Enemy vs Jeff Jarrett and Steve McMichael. The first half of this is technical, the second half is a brawl, and all of it is meh. Even the table spot got like no reaction out of me because it was set up from the start. I can't stand Jarrett winning, I don't care about Mongo, and Public Enemy are too out of their element here. It's not bad or boring, just meh. Rating: 2.5/55th Match: Chris Benoit vs Dean Malenko, WCW US Heavyweight Championship. How could a match between these two be bad? Overbooking, that's how. These guys do great work until the end here. Fantastic technical stuff with some brawling mixed in. The ending kills any hope this had of being a favorite of mine though. Kevin Sullivan, Jimmy Hart, Jacqueline, and Eddie Guerrero all run in and cause the match to end in a no contest. They even do that stupid thing where they steal the belt. A match that was building to a classic, and was then killed. Rating: 3.5/56th Match: Kevin Nash vs Rick Steiner, WCW World Tag Team Championships. This is a singles match because Scott got "arrested" and Hall no-showed (probably bar hopping). As you'd expect, X-Pac, DiBiase, and Nick Patrick are there too, so this is really a handicap match. They do tell a good story here though. Rick gets squashed the whole time, and DiBiase eventually leaves in disgust, even Nick Patrick is reluctant to count the pin for Nash. I thought it was a good way of showing tension between the nWo, even if the match was just a squash. Rating: 3/57th Match: Lex Luger vs The Big Show vs Booker T vs Stevie Ray, Four-Corners #1 Contender's match. This is one of those weird "not Fatal-4 Way" matches where the guys tag each other in, yet are all against each other. Glad they did away with this match type eventually, it makes sense in tag matches, but not this. Also Booker did the infamous "We comin' for YOU n***a!" promo before this, which I thought was hilarious. The match is decent, I liked Big Show having Luger win, it helped get him over more with the crowd, and showed respect between the two. The problem is that the match just really exists until the end, not boring or anything, it just exists. Rating: 3/58th Match: DDP vs Randy Savage, No DQ match. This was the first match in an apparently "white hot" feud between these two. The match is an alright end to the show, even though I wish they made more use of the "No DQ" gimmick. Again Nick Patrick counts the three, but it's for Page, so the nWo is on the verge of dissolving, then the PPV cuts off. I don't know how this angle'll play out, but the match was pretty good. Rating: 3.5/5Final Rating: 6 out of 10. More of a decent show than a good one, but it had some pretty good matches to boot.R.I.P. Chris Benoit&R.I.P Eddie Guerrero
callanvass Live from Tupelo, MississippiAttendance: 8,356Your commentators are Tony Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes & Bobby HeenanRey Mysterio Jr. Vs The Ultimo DragonMysterio wins with a huricanrana. This isn't one of their best matches. Something just felt off between the two this time. The slow start didn't help matters. All criticism aside, it's still a pretty good match.***1/4Scott Steiner gets sprayed with mace right in the eyes after trying to get at Kevin Nash in his locker room.Women's ChampionshipAkira Hokuto (C) (W/Sonny Onoo) Vs MadusaHokuto retains after Luna Vachon runs out and costs Madusa the match. This was a pretty ugly match for the ladies. Madusa's tenure in WCW pales in comparison to her run as Alundra Blayze in the WWF.*1/4Television ChampionshipPrince Iaukea (C) Vs Steven RegalPrince Iaukea retains the title with a surprise roll-up. Steven Regal viciously attacks Iaukea after the match. This match was kinda boring. It didn't help that I had no interest in it, and neither did the fans. *1/2Ric Flair is out for an interview. Flair endorses Chris Beniot, Steve McMichael, and Jeff Jarrett heavily. Flair says Kevin Greene got a release from the Carolina Panthers to wrestle in WCW. He says when he returns to action at Slamboree on May 18 in Charlotte, NC, he's gonna challenge the nWo to a fight. He also says he wants to beat up Eric Bischoff with one arm tied behind his back. Jeff Jarrett & Steve McMichael (W/Debra) Vs Public EnemyPublic Enemy wins after cheating by using the briefcase on Jeff Jarrett. This is pretty much what I expected. There was a bunch of chaos in this match, but it wasn't all that exciting. I'd call this match average.**Harlem Heat cut a backstage promo on the four corners match tonight. It's mainly notable for Booker T's infamous line of "Hulk Hogan, we coming for you nigga!"United States ChampionshipDean Malenko (C) Vs Chris Beniot (W/Woman)Malenko wins by DQ, Not only was this match somewhat disappointing, but it's WAY overbooked. There were far too many interference's in this match. Arn Anderson, Jacqueline, Eddie Guerrero, Kevin Sullivan, and Jimmy Hart interfered. Too many rest holds bog this match down.**3/4World Tag Team ChampionshipKevin Nash (C) (W/Ted Dibiase, Nick Patrick & Syxx) Vs Rick SteinerScott Steiner got arrested earlier in the show and Scott Hall is absent. This is a single's match. Nash wins with a jackknife. Steiner got in some offense, but Nash mostly dominated this match. This wasn't very good.*Four Corners MatchThe Giant Vs Lex Luger Vs Harlem HeatThe winner gets a shot at Hollywood Hogan down the road. Lex Luger wins after he makes Stevie Ray submit with the Torture Rack. This was a boring match that seemed a lot longer than it was. I expected mediocrity and that's exactly what I got.*1/2No Disqualification Match"Macho Man" Randy Savage (W/Elizabeth) Vs Diamond Dallas Paige (W/Kimberly)DDP wins with the Diamond Cutter. After the match, a lot of turmoil commences. Nash jackknifed the referee, Nick Patrick. Savage is about to slap Kimberly, but Eric Bischoff stops him. Savage shoves him down and chaos erupts within the nWo. Not quite as good as I'd hoped, but this was a solid main event for the most part. It was fairly violent for a WCW match and both did enough to make this entertaining.***This PPV was disappointing. I had such high hopes for it and I was let down big time. This is one of those events that look great on paper, but that's it. 5/10
amanwhorocks 1. Ultimate Dragon Vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. - Ending Hurricanrana was great! 8/10 2. WCW Women Title Match: Madusa Vs. Champ- Alira Hokuto 6/10 3. WCW TV Title Match: Lord Steven Regal Vs. Champ-Prince Iaukea - Iaukea was really weak TV Champ. 6.5/10 4. Public Enemy Vs. Jeff Jarrett/Steve McMichael - How anybody could make Jarrett and Mongo face I don't get. For let the PE win 6/10 5. WCW U.S. Heavyweight Title Match: Chris Benoit Vs. Champ-Dean Malenko - Too technical match, all the time holds, but Benoit's got strength. - Strange overbooked and DQ ending. 7/10 6. Kevin Nash Vs. Rick Steiner - Strange was kick-out from Jacknife Powerbomb and Steiner's bulldog. Nash was great heel in the end, his own team was shocked :) 6/10 7. Four Corner Match: Lex Luger/Giant Vs. Harlem Heat - Giant let Luger win. 6.5/10 8. Randy Savage Vs. Diamond Dallas Page - Wow, I was surprised, Page won by Diamond Cutter! Savage want to slap Kimberly, Bischoff stopped him and then Savage attacked him. Rain in the NWO Eden! 8/10