| 31 December 1996 (USA)
Warhead Trailers

Terrorists seize an American nuclear missile site and threaten to launch the missiles at Washington unless the President resigns immediately and $1 billion is placed in a Swiss account in 8 hours.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
HaemovoreRex Here's a surprisingly nifty little flick featuring some excellently crafted stunt work and a few highly memorable action sequences.Direct to DVD action man Frank Zagarino headlines as the leader of an elite special forces group who's sent in to tackle a far right militia type faction led by bad guy Joe Lara. Trouble is Lara turns out to be a decidedly slippery bastard and manages to escape and later seizes control of a secret military base complete with a number of nuclear missiles......yep, ransom demands are predictably very much on the cards here.Although one quite understandably may scoff at this admittedly cliché ridden effort on paper, a number of very well executed sequences lift this way above the average mark, most notably an ambush atop a bridge in which Zagarino's entire squad are slaughtered in spectacular style.For fellow fans loving daft plot contrivances also, the ending in this will be sure to please......suffice to say a nuclear explosion ostensibly isn't much to worry about according to the makers of this.....To summarise; approach this in the correct frame of mind and it may well surprise you. Certainly, it's well worth a watch for B-movie fans.
DarkQuickening Mark Roper's directing style often reminds me of John Woo and that's not a bad guy to emulate. Cool slow motion, stylized gun fights to a dramatic score. This movie also had the Woo like quick flashbacks and a slow-mo white bird, another Woo trademark. The actors here do a nice job. A lot of them appear throughout the fun Operation Delta Force films, also by Nu Image. Frank Zagarino will never be confused for Bruce Willis, but he does a fine job as the leader of a U.S. Special Forces unit. Mark Roper is definitely one of the best low budget action movie directors around, along with Issac Florentine. I hope Nu Image lets Roper do another one.
Pucki Err... whoever told Frank Zagarino that he's the up-and-coming new action hero - time for a job change, pal!Okay, most "modern age" action heroes have no acting talent, no screen charisma, but Zagarino beats them all (although it was sort of nice to see him playing the good guy for a change).Pair that with an idiotic script, absolutely ridiculous action scenes and generally annoying (and stupid - take the "ambush" on the bridge as a shining example - if I hadn't sent my suspension of disbelief out to get some air before starting the movie it probably would have killed itself trying to grasp the concept of these guys being an elite special unit) behaviour of each and every character in the film and you'll end with an unwatchable mess (although it's sort of fascinating in a trainwreck-way of things... you just can't keep from looking at it).Highlight of on-screen idiocy is the "hacking battle" between Evans and his daughter... hey, they could have padded the running time by expanding this exchange of "activate warhead" and "disarm warhead" up to three hours (be thankful they didn't...).It's a movie that's even too idiotic to be bad in a funny way like so many others - it's just a real real real stupid movie. 1/10
j0k3r This film was absolutely awful. Being a programmer and a computer man, the thing that bothered me the most was the so-called access codes for the ICBM missle launch. I wish it were as easy as 'DESTINATION WASHINGTON' and 'DEACTIVATE WARHEAD'. I also liked how when Jessica (who's hair never was messed up in all the action) was greeted by a giant 'HELLO JESSICA' when she logged in.Here they all are sitting around the table in the Pentagon listening to the threatening messages from the terrorists and our hero decides to go in. They have 12 hours to comply. Yet, our hero, manages to assemble a team, equipment, transportation, and make it to the carribean in under 2 hours. I must admit that is quite a remarkable.The fight scenes were awful. I don't know what kind of martial arts experts they hired to correograph this thing, oh wait, they didn't hire any. The fight scenes were slow and predictable. Half the time the gun shots were a half a second before or after the flare from the gun, as well as the re-coil from the actors.This movie was terrible. I don't know why any of these people acted in this movie. Having done a bit of acting myself, I don't know how anyone could have read that script and been excited about it. I guess looking at the actors filmographies, we can see why they would have taken it.I give it a 2 of 10