War Wolves
War Wolves
| 08 March 2009 (USA)
War Wolves Trailers

Jack Ford leads a special forces unit back to the United States to hunt down Jake Gabriel, a soldier who has been infected with the werewolf virus that turns man into wolf. Little does Jack know that three of the female soldiers serving in his unit have also been infected and have already transformed into she-wolves. The she-wolves' forces of evil and Ford's special op forces of good, are pitted against each other in the race to save mankind from turning into wolves.

Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
TheLittleSongbird but War Wolves wasn't necessarily a good movie in my opinion. Although I was dubious about seeing the film, I was intrigued and watched it with an open mind BEFORE reading any reviews of any kind. War Wolves did have some good points, namely the idea, which was interesting and had a lot of potential, and the performances of Adrienne Barbeau, Tim Thomerson and John Saxon were good with great chemistry. I also admired the fact that War Wolves did try to focus on action rather than dull filler. The action was nothing outstanding, it was enthusiastically performed if rather basic and hindered further by clumsy editing, but I have seen duller action sequences before. However, War Wolves also contains some of the worst-looking werewolves I've seen, the story is very all over the place and sluggish and the script is aimless, contrived and doesn't leave the actors much to work with. I have seen far more annoying and stereotypical characters, but I didn't find many of the characters very interesting, and this was disappointing considering that film had a concept this good. The ending felt very rushed and if given more time to breathe would've been less senseless. It was nice to hear Ave Maria, as it is a lovely song, but the way it was used here made it feel cheesy and thrown in. All in all, not a good movie, but I can think of worse ways to waste my time. 4/10 Bethany Cox
abominablebro This movie is like the AMPM stores. Ever seen the commercials for it? Like the store this movie has TOO MUCH GOOD STUFF. Where do I begin? Let's see... Great acting, incredible and deep dialog, unique and interesting characters, a neat surprise ending, unexpected scares, smokin' hot female werewolves (suck it, Twilight!), etc. Michael Worth was the writer for Sasquatch Mountain which had just as much memorable dialog as War Wolves. May I just say that the creative title War Wolves alone is enough to intrigue me. This movie is one of the best werewolf films I have ever seen. Everything in the film just came together so well, I could not have asked for a better result. This movie is going down as a favorite for me!
slayrrr666 "War Wolves" is a potentially promising but ultimately unspectacular werewolf effort.**SPOILERS**Coming back from Afghanistan, squadron Jake Gabriel, (Michael Worth) Erika Moore, (Natasha Alam) Justine, (Kristi Clainos) Casey, (Siri Baruc) Clay, (Dan Southworth) and Andrew Jensen, (Alex Ballar) are struggling to adapt to being civilians, and several of them turn homicidal as a result. Seemingly convinced that something happened to them back during the war, this leads Tony Ford, (John Saxon) and Frank Bergman, (Tim Thomerson) hunters of strange creatures, to conclude that a werewolf virus had infected the unit and has caused all of them to turn into ravenous creatures. Unable to fight them off, they enlist one of the soldiers who still has control over the situation to help them, and together they head off to eliminate the remaining squad members before more succumb to the virus.The Good News: This one did have some good points about it that did work. One of the best aspects here is the fact that there's a rather large amount of action presented within, despite not a whole lot of scenes overall, but overall when it focuses on action the film is rather entertaining. Once it starts at the beginning with the squad's infiltration of the station during the war, it's an all-out firing zone on both sides which results in all-out chaos during the battle, with blood aplenty, some traditional war-movie style action and a hint of suspense when it's revealed that there's something sinister among the group when they start getting attacked by the strange humanoid-creatures, which makes it all the more frightening as well as action-packed. There's also a really fun barroom brawl here which shows three of the women taking out all the guys in the place in an old-western style fight scene that is an absolute blast to watch, namely for the women but also because it's just so cheesy and entertaining. A motel ambush that turns into a shoot-out also has some good parts to it, and features some rather impressive moments. All of them, pale, though, to the two full-on martial-arts-filled fist-fights that litter the finale of the movie, with two of them coming out as quite a lot of fun. The first, which is designated as a training session, is over a little quickly but still has a great pace to it that makes it somewhat enjoyable, and the final part is a full-on part that has absolutely nothing at all wrong with it but has a lot going for it. From a great location to good moves to a nicely balanced back-and-forth struggle, it ends the action nicely and keeps up the fun pace. There's also quite a nice bit of blood here, despite there not really having a lot of variety in the kills yet the splatter shown is good enough to stay interesting. The last plus is the fact that this one manages to use a slow-burn on the werewolf transformation, which is a nice touch and really has its moments. These here are all that work for this one.The Bad News: There were only a couple flaws here, but those here are quite a bit more important than the positives. One of the biggest issues with this one is the fact that the film is so scattershot with its plot that it's virtually impossible to determine what the storyline is about. The original premise, about soldiers being exposed to a werewolf virus while in Iraq makes sense, but then to feature all of them returning back with hardly mention of anything going on or why this is central to their actions makes understanding the film almost impossible. Beyond several mentions of them proclaiming that he is integral is all we get, and that makes for a series of scenes that go by at a slow, pedestrian pace without any kind of explanation as to why it's happening, and due to getting so many different plots going at once is the real fault here. Some of them easily could've been trimmed and removed, slimming down the running time and forcing the remaining time on developing the few good ideas it has in here. Also problematic is the fact that there's no explanation as for why the werewolves are suddenly martial-artists with the skills beyond normal humans, able to leap around on wires and do highly-acrobatic turns and kicks when nothing of the sort has even been used to denote that as a skill is rather troublesome, and that they can even do it at all is a big problem. The fact that this one tends to suffer from a rather important flaw in that the werewolf transformations, which are integral to a werewolf film, are nowhere to be seen and instead the film forces upon us the most insipid, utterly laughable and ridiculous looking beasts to pass as werewolves in the entire genre, is perhaps the most egregious flaw here though. There's no human-into-wolf scenes here, but instead simply show up in fangs, contacts and dog-noses attached to them, acting like the martial-artist mentioned earlier, and are expected to be bought as werewolves. It's beyond laughable, it's simply ridiculous and makes them look even more low-rent than they should be, and that takes a lot of fear out of them, which when combined with the other problems really lowers this one considerably. These here are the film's flaws.The Final Verdict: Without a whole lot of really good parts and only some really bad ones, this one doesn't turn out that good overall and is overall disappointing. Worth a look for those into the genre or are huge fans of the usual Sci-Fi Channel fare, while those that aren't fans now shouldn't expect much from this one.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Language and Brief Nudity
Paul Andrews War Wolves starts in the Middle East where a unit of US soldiers are ambushed & caught in a firefight, as well as facing bullets a half man half wolf Middle Eastern thing also attacks them. Jump forward 'Six Months Later' & the unit have gone their separate ways & are trying to forget about past events, however none of them can escape the fact that they are changing into half people half wolf type creatures every so often which just isn't normal. Erika Moore (Natasha Alam) wants to use the power for evil while recovering alcoholic Jake Gabriel (director Michael Worth) is trying to get on with his life as best he can but Erika needs him, for what I don't know. Meanwhile Werewolf hunters Tony Ford (John Saxon) & Frank Bergman (Tim Thomerson) travel the US killing these infected humans & trying to rid the world of this menace once & for all...Directed by & staring Michael Worth I have to say that I thought War Wolves was an absolutely terrible film, as a Sci-Fi Channel original there's so little action or incident in it that I wouldn't even go as far as to call it a 'Creature Feature'. The script is a mess, it tries to mix horror, war, martial arts action, drama & even has a stab at saying something about Gulf War syndrome & the state soldiers are left in after a tour of duty. War Wolves is one of the worst written films I have ever seen, there's no explanation of what the creatures are in the film or where they came from, no reason is given for why Erika wants Jake so much, what about the other members of the unit? Wouldn't one of those do? In fact there's never any explanation or reason given for what Erika wanted to do or why she was evil or anything. There's no explanation about why the wolf thing at the start attacked the unit but didn't kill them, there's no reason given why people change, their strengths or weaknesses & there's a terrible ending which is impossible to figure out, Erika & Jake are seen talking & then that's, they are never shown again. After sitting though almost 100 minutes of this crap that's an extremely unsatisfying way to round the film off & the whole thing is so bitty with a broken narrative where it feels like random scenes are spliced together (Erika being knocked down, a couple of slow motion fight scenes, two girls who run a motel & other annoying scenes) & I lost interest very quickly although I did stick it out until the end so never let anyone say I didn't give it a chance. Take into consideration that there is zero gore, rubbish dialogue, paper thin character's, quite the worst most random underdeveloped plot I have seen in a long time, the fact that it's incredibly boring & dull & what we have here is a complete turkey.Apart from a couple of awful Matrix wannabe fight scenes there's zero action & surprisingly no gore expect a few splashes of blood. The make-up effects on the wolf creature things at the end is awful, we are talking joke shop standards here, it's maybe the poorest make-up job I have in a long while & the actor's underneath just look daft. The make-up makes them look more like Vampires than Werewolves as they grow fangs & a bit of a snout but don't grow any body hair. I don't know what else to say really, everything about War Wolves is terrible.With a supposed budget of about $500,000 this really does look even lower budget than that, at least there's no bad CGI in it like most Sci-Fi Channel films since there isn't any CGI anyway. Surprisingly there's a few cameos here by actor's who must have been desperate, John Saxon, Tim Thomerson, Adrienne Barbeau, Martin Kove & Art LaFleur.War Wolves is maybe the worst film I have seen during 2009 so far & that's saying something since it's up against some stiff competition. I really can't think of a single aspect of War Wolves that I enjoyed or even makes any sense. Really, really bad.