Walt: The Man Behind the Myth
Walt: The Man Behind the Myth
G | 16 September 2001 (USA)
Walt: The Man Behind the Myth Trailers

From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdom, he turned his dreams into entertainment for the ages. Now, learn his real story. Through exclusive footage and interviews with friends and family, this documentary traces the complicated life of legendary animator Walt Disney.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
oscar-35 I forgot about this film until I was reviewing tapes in my video library for a friend. This documentary was nominated by the TV Academy for 'Outstanding Non-Fiction Special' years ago. I got a screening copy sent out to me being an TV Academy member. Commemoratring the 100th anniversary year of his birth, the film offers the most intimate look at this artist. It was a great treat to watch because it literally followed the Disney family from their earliest origins through the present day formation of the mega corporation(2001). The liberal use of family photos and private film footage gives us a real insightful look into the genius and risk-taker of Walt Disney. Outstanding info on the building of the TWO studios and TWO amusement parks by the Disney folks. If you are a fan of Disney films and TV shows, this will be a must-have documentary. This film also clears up the many Disney urban myths about all things Disney. And, NO, Walt Disney was not frozen for future re-animation after his death. Walt was quietly cremated according his wishes and the wishes of the his family. After seeing this memorable docufilm, it is very obvious that our world, society, and mankind has wonderfully benefited by the efforts of Walt Disney. This film was produced by descendants of the Disney clan. This is a labor of love and you can sense that in this loving film tribute.
Stephen Alfieri It's fitting that "Walt: The Man Behind The Myth" since the Executive Producer is the grandson of Walt Disney. It has much of the heart and sentiment that we have come to know and expectfrom a Disney film.There can be no doubt that not only was Walt Disney a genius and visionary, but he was also a good man who cared for children, and a good, old fashioned way of life. He touched our hearts, and stirred our imaginations, and believed that nothing was impossible.This film tells his story from boyhood thru to his passing at 65 in December, 1966. For me, the best parts were the stories that were told by the people who worked for him in the animation departments. The way they fondly recount the ways that Disney was able to not only share his vision, but get them excited and caught up in it as well.The movie moves along quickly, never spending too much time on any one topic. And that is the trouble. Disney was so active and so involved in so many different areas, that I came away not knowing enough about anything. There is not much in depth analysis over any one project.Very little is actually said about the films, in terms of inspiration, casting, etc. I guess I felt that this could have easily extended to another two hours. It touches ever so briefly on, and dispels the rumors of Disney's being a racist or anti-Semite. Beyond that there is absolutely nothing controversial about Disney's personal or business life. He comes across as a simple man, who loved his family, his country, and felt that the world could be a better place, and he tried to make it so.
Dave Tavres Speaking as a fan and amateur historian of Walt Disney, this is quite an amazing film about Walt's life. There is so much in this film about Walt that isn't easily found in the books written about him.I'm so happy that Walt's daughter Diane and the Family Foundation decided to create this film to preserve Walt's history. And it's emotional to see the interviews of his friends, family, employees and business associates who all thought so much of this unique man.I've watched this many times with many different types of people, and everyone has been interested in this documentary.HIGHLY recommended for those who love history, or Walt Disney! As I used to say when I was a "Walk in Walt's Footsteps" Tour Guide at Disneyland - "There aren't many individuals in the history of the world who have touched so many people in the countless ways that Walt Disney did."
miz bell I've always been interested in the man and have read biographies on him but it was another thing to see this wonderful film footage. He always had a camera around so there's tons of actual footage from his very early days and you get to see what a dynamic, charismatic this guy was (not just cozy "Uncle Walt" that we're most familiar w/from the TV show). It's easy to see why his employees were so committed and inspired by him. Being a Disney production (his grandson was one of the producers and Walt's daughter contributed a lot) I feared a "whitewashed" sort of thing but was pleasantly surprised by the well roundedness of it. My boyfriend who had no desire to see it was crying by the end and filled w/ a new found appreciation and even wants to see a movie made about him now. It's important to see because this was an exceptional person who risked everything time and again for his visions. He was a perfectionist w/high standards who literally created his own world (Disneyland)- not some money grubbing CEO that the name "Disney" has come to symbolize.