Wall Of Secrets
Wall Of Secrets
| 31 July 2003 (USA)
Wall Of Secrets Trailers

A young lovely moves to Chicago to be with her husband. They are both amazed at the terrific apartment they obtained for very little rent. Unfortunately this apartment comes with an unsavory history. As if that isn't bad enough, there are sounds and noises in the walls!

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
sol1218 ***MAJOR SPOILERS*** Really off the wall made for TV flick appropriately named "Walls of Secret" that plods along for almost three quarters of its running time until we finally get an idea in just what the heck it's trying to tell us. There's this young and very attractive couple Mark & Paige Emerson, Dean McDermott & Nicole Eggert, who rent this spacious apartment in the uppity section of Chicago at dirt cheap prices. Right away you suspect that there's something very un-kosher in all this in that the two Mark & Paige are in no financial position with Mark just starting his job as an architect and Paige and out of work, who in fact never had a job before, lawyer to afford a place like that: Six rooms with a double bedroom & two baths plus a king size living room and a spectacular view of Chicago's skyline that would go from between 3 to 5 thousand dollars a month rent on the open market!It's much later in the movie after a few red herrings are thrown in to divert our attention that we soon realize what all this noise in the walls and bump in the night as well as number of murders or tragic accidents to the apartment houses tenants is really all about. It has nothing to do with the supernatural, the apartment house is at first thought to be haunted, but with good old police corruption, which makes far more sense, and murder involving Mark's dad ex-cop on the lamb Hugh Emerson, Stephen McHattie. It's Hugh who's suspected in murdering, by cutting his throat, his police partner a year ago! That's after he was going to report him to his superiors about the mob gambling racket that he was involved in. The fact that the audience has to sit through almost the entire boring movie until Hugh makes his grand appearance and spices things up puts most of it to sleep before the real action starts.****SPOILERS**** Once Hugh comes on the scene things really get going in that he in fact was set up by his boss Captain Milton, Bruce Gary, to take the rap in an illegal gambling payoff scheme with the Chicago Syndicate that Milton and his fellow corrupt cops were operating. It was Milton's big mistake to try get Hugh to come out in the open in order to shut him up or murder him since was no threat to him and his operation anyway. Hugh was a fugitive from justice who only wanted some monthly cash from his son Mark to pay for his food and rent as well as bar tab and the occasional trips he took to the local casinos and racetracks and nothing else. It's when Milton and his fellow crooked cops that included Carrie & Diego, Sarah Allen & Conrad Pia, started to turns the screws on Hugh's son Mark and daughter in law Paige that it brought the fighting Irish out of him. And instead of playing it cool or safe and laying low Hugh came out into the open to settle things. And that he did with sudden and deadly results!
caa821 I'd give this one a "3*," one for each of the leads because they are at least active to look-at, and another because it's a bit fascinating in its mediocrity.I one read a Leonard Maltin review of a Patrick Swayze flick, in which he stated his acting, as usual, ranged "from 'A' to 'B'." I couldn't agree more regarding Patrick, and virtually all of the performances - particularly the two leads - in this movie fit this description/The plot, with its supposed twists, foreshadows and eerie aspects, can be given a grade of "C-," and that's an exceedingly generous grade. (And the old-lady neighbor, who gives the "heroine" forewarnings about her new abode, looks as though she might be the last remnant from one of Vincent Price's classically-corny horror flicks several decades ago.) The flick also appears to have been written and directed by personnel who, if they attended some sort of film school, had grades at this level or below.Not much to recommend - even for "Lifetime."
marbleann This movie was seen on one of those days you reserve for Lifetime channel type movies. This is about a young professional couple who just moved from Seattle (where else does these type of couples live in movies). He is a architect and she is a lawyer. Believe me it was a shock to learn she was one halfway through the movie. This women is really a ditz. You have your full of eccentric people in the apartment building. Including a wheelchair bound neighbor Milton who asks inappropriate questions. And a eccentric senior citizen who lives across the hall. It seems the hubby got the apartment at fire sale price. A big deal is made about how cheap the apartment is, and a lot of noise is made about how long she has known her husband. That alone was enough to see what was coming. She hears things in the walls when no one is around. Her husband doesn't hear any of this. So of course we are to think this another take on the movie Gaslight...NOT! Finally she talks to the eccentric senior citizen across the hall. She warns her about the noises and what happened to this unfortunate couple that died in the apartment. OH BOY here we go...in movies this means the place is haunted..not in this movie. Even though I am obligated to state this I feel it is a disservice because I do not want anyone to waste 2 hours of their life they would never get back like I did....SPOILERS AHEAD!! Once again the movie takes an unfortunate turn. Gee first I thought we had a take off of Gaslight, then I thought OK not Gaslight but some type of dead people in the walls movie. Both times I was disappointed. Then we get a another promising turn.. Suspicion! Because we soon learn that it is the cops bugging her apartment because her hubby and his father is into some dirty stuff. Oh that explains why her hubby rebuffs all of her suspicions!! Another false turn. The chap in the wheelchair is really a cop, he explains that they are being bugged because they are watching the husband. Meanwhile the eccentric senior citizen dies by falling off her balcony. Earlier we found out she had this big wardrobe in front of the balcony because she is afraid of heights. So we know she did not just fall off of that balcony. The cops who are watching the apartment aren't listening. You see one has to be a blithering idiot not to think something is fishy with those cops. That is why you have to suspend all belief to believe she is lawyer!! The cops get this woman to spy on her husband. Instead of consulting one her lawyer buddies to find out some info about these cops and her rights she just goes along with it. It is apparent that this woman is a graduate of the Kookkookcabana School of Law. Turns out the landlord has some deal to lease the apartment out cheap to people the cops are watching!!! HUH! Chicago has 3 million people how in the heck did they know what apartment the husband was looking at! In any case the husband makes contact with his dad, she wears a wire for the cops. Things go bad because the dad corners her and finds the wire. Gee he is ONE BAD BAD DUDE.. No again. He is the good guy who was a cop that was set up by Milton..bad cop.This movie has Stephen McHattie in it as the father. The problem is that he is not in the movie until the last 20 minutes. I hate these type of flicks that tease you with the thought of something better to come but turns up craps. Granted I know that Nicole Eggart is not a actress known for quality movies so my expectations were not high. But this movie made me feel cheated.
GaelinW This has a fairly decent plot idea and a competent cast, but the characterizations are just pure BS.The main character played by Nicole Eggert is supposed to be an up and coming criminal attorney, on her way to a junior partnership before she leaves Seattle and moves with her new hubby to Chicago. Yet, she is beaten and later choked unconscious by a supposed police officer only to wake up handcuffed to chair. Then she finds out that she has been under surveillance since moving into their new apartment. No private moment has gone unrecorded. After all this, she doesn't ask to see a warrant or any proof that these "policemen" are who they say they are? She doesn't protest about her rights having been violated??!?! Not to mention how she has been assaulted!!Just what kind of attorney is she?!?! One you would hire only if you have a death wish and lethal injection sounds like what the doctor ordered